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Trans-Identified Male Who Raped 10 Year Old Designated “Most Wanted”

The New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision has issued an “alert” for a trans-identified child rapist whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

Robert Glanowski, 36, has been designated as a wanted fugitive in the state of New York. The Department of Special Operations has included Glanowski on a list of one of its Most Wanted, and has warned the public that he “should be considered armed and dangerous.”

According to his profile, Glanowski is a registered sex offender and raped a 10 year old girl in Tonawanda, New York. The listing also notes that he “identifies as a female.”

The rape occurred in February of 2008 after Glanowski became romantically involved with the girl’s mother. He’d moved in with the family in November of 2007 and took on a paternal role. One of the sexual assaults took place while Glanowski was reading the girl a bedtime story, with others taking place over the course of Glanowski’s residence at their home.

In March, the victim would confide in relatives and reveal the abuse she’d been experiencing. Her grandparents immediately called the police, and a hospital examination of the girl demonstrated signs of sexual trauma.

In 2014, Glanowski attempted to seek a name change but was denied by the New York Supreme Court. His 2016 appeal was also quickly denied, with the ruling noting that the name change “would create record-keeping problems for law enforcement officials and would create potential danger to the victim and the general public.”

Glanowski is described as being 5’10 and weighing 210lbs. In a provided mugshot he is seen with long, dark hair and wearing glasses.

Anyone with information on Glanowski’s whereabouts is encouraged to call Investigator Dan Higgins at 716-846-5723, or Senior Investigator Dan Davis at 518-527-9523.

Prostasia’s Goal Is to Normalize Pedophilia

For many, charitable status is a legitimizing factor taken into consideration when choosing what organization or foundation to donate to. Government recognition that an entity’s work is valid enough to exempt them from taxes is often a good indicator of the work’s importance.
However, there are always exceptions.

California-based charity Prostasia is one such deviation to the rule, the organization having been given IRS tax exemption in 2018. While marketing itself as a children’s rights organization, Prostasia is a veritable grab-bag of causes surrounding sex and sexuality, but there is plenty of evidence to demonstrate that the real story is not so simple.In Prostasia’s blog entries, “child protection” routinely ends up in the same sentences as “free speech,” “kink,” or “sex positivity.” The topics of age play, furries, hentai, and prostitution are spoken about no differently as, and often with no barrier between, child sexuality and child sexual abuse.

It is here, in the not-so-hidden depths of Prostasia’s pet causes, where it begins to mutate into something far more malicious, deviating very heavily from its veneer of supporting child safeguarding. In fact, protecting children from exposure to sex abuse seems to not just be at the very bottom of Prostasia’s to-do list, it is almost antithetical to its entire existence.Prostasia sees the threat pedophiles pose to children as a bogeyman dreamed up by the alt-right, while condemning anti-pedophile sentiment as harmful “Nazi-like” rhetoric which requires mass censorship across social media.

The organization’s efforts have dedicated themselves to crusades against child pornography bans, letter-writing campaigns to state representatives demanding child-likeness sex dolls be kept legal, and funding research into “fantasy sexual outlets” for pedophiles.

Once these threads quickly unravel, Prostasia’s goals and underlying purpose becomes increasingly clear. Despite its attempts to role play as a mere progressive activist organization, all of Prostasia’s goals and campaigns lead to the exact same conclusion: The total normalization and acceptance of pedophilia in wider society.

Prostasia hosts a forum in which members are invited to start conversations on anything they wish without stigmatization. In many cases, the subject returns to the “liberation” of MAPs – or, Minor Attracted People – a more socially acceptable way to refer to pedophiles. Most of the pro-pedophilia discussion happens in the forum’s dedicated Sex Positivity section.

Recently, Prostasia began collaborating with an organization it calls the MAP Support Club, an unregistered group which claims to provide “peer support” for pedophiles, and invites “minor attracted people” aged 13 years old and up to participate in online chats about “minor attraction.”

In an attempt to give itself legitimacy, Prostasia employs a wide variety of pseudo-scientific jargon and quack references which they utilize as justification for their positions. But in almost no cases do these assertions find themselves very widely shared amongst academics or experts which do not have a relationship with pro-pedophilia movements or statements.It repeatedly claims there is evidence to support that pedophilia is “comparable to a sexual orientation,” while citing Toronto psychiatrist Dr. James Cantor, who is infamous for his Tweets demanding the inclusion of pedophiles in the LGBT spectrum. Cantor is a member of the Prostasia team.

In another one of its campaigns, one focused on arguing against the necessity of the sex offender registry, it provided multiple articles written by another one of its then-staff, Guy Hamilton-Smith.

Hamilton-Smith, a lawyer in the state of Kentucky, wrote several times for the Prostasia blog that measures to keep registered sex offenders away from children, such as school-zone bans, were ineffective and unnecessary.

A quick search in the publicly available database of registered sex offenders found that Guy Hamilton-Smith was registered after being caught with child sexual exploitation material.

Most recently, writer Noah Berlatsky was taken in as a director at Prostasia. Berlatsky previously came under fire for writing an article published in New Republic under the title “Child Sex Worker’s Biggest Threat: The Police” in which he lamented the treatment of “children engaged in survival sex” by police officers. While fighting corruption within the justice system is certainly a valid issue, at no point did Berlatsky note the obvious fact that children cannot consent to sexual activity of any kind, instead spending his article suggesting that children forced into prostitution were willing participants in an oppressed, but legitimate, trade.

In 2017, Berlatsky tweeted “pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group.”It is not just in its narratives where Prostasia acts unlike any other charitable activist organization, but also in its behavior. Prostasia founder Jeremy Malcolm has been known to directly and personally attack those who take any issue with his organization’s campaigns.Family lawyer and feminist activist Sarah Phillimore was vocal in sharing her experience with Malcolm, who sent her threatening emails after she discovered that yet another member of their (now ex-) staff, Jeff White, was on the sex offender registry for criminal sexual conduct with a child under the age of 13.

This author was also subject to disturbing, erratic behavior from Malcolm after calling his organization into question in 2019. Malcolm insisted I was a racist neo-nazi sympathizer, and republished photos of me as a young child with abusive captions.

Ultimately, Prostasia is no normal 503c charity, and its attempts to gain legitimacy and forward their agenda into the mainstream should not just be rejected, but actively fought against. Any individuals associated with the organization in any way should have their motivations called into question, because there is simply too much information on the group’s activities and history available out there for any excuses of good-faith ignorance to be believable.

Protecting children from sexual abuse is an important and righteous cause. But, like the vast majority of us, I’m under the impression it can be done without coddling pedophiles and their sympathizers.

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators, standing up for women, and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

UK: Trans-Identified Male SPARED JAIL for Toddler Sex Abuse Images

A man who identifies as a woman has been spared a jail sentence despite being convicted of being in possession of sadistic child pornography.

Louise Foord, born Lewis, was apprehended at his home in Colchester after a breach of a protection order related to a previous sex attack he committed in 2019. The order required Foord, 21, to register all social media accounts, names, and banking information with police so they could keep tabs on his behavior.

Police learned Foord had been utilizing two Instagram accounts and a new banking card without having notified them, and seized his devices for investigation.

During a search of his iPad and iPhone, police found over 250 images and videos of children being sexually abused. Some of the media included toddlers and had “hallmarks of sadism.”107 pieces of the media were logged as Category A, the most serious type of child sexual abuse material. Category A media features children abused via penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity with an animal, or sadism.
Foord admitted 10 counts of making indecent images of children, and 2 counts of breaching order notification requirements.

Despite the discovery and his lengthy history of sexual predation, as well as a guilty plea submitted by Foord, the Crown Court at Ipswitch spared him an immediate prison term, suspending the 22-month sentence for two years.

In the United Kingdom, a suspended sentence means the offender avoids jail completely, and instead spends their time in the community during which they are expected to not commit another offence.

During the hearing, Ipswitch Judge Martyn Levett said Foord had asked to be identified by “she/her” pronouns, and to be called Louise.

In 2019, Foord was sentenced to 22 months for imprisoning a woman in his home and sexually assaulting her. Foord was 19 years old at the time, and identified as male.

Two Trans Teens in Custody for Murder of Mother, One Sentenced

A transgender teen has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the brutal murder of her mother, with another transgender teen awaiting sentencing for his role.

Emma “Kenny” Kenner of Colorado Springs was 16 years old when she stabbed her mother to death in the spring of 2020. Emma is biologically female, but identifies as a boy.

Kenner was romantically involved with a 19-year-old biological male who identifies as a woman named Cohen “Vinn” Heath, who was also arrested as a suspect in the killing. Heath identifies as transgender and is referred to by “she/her” pronouns in local news reports. Heath had previously been arrested months before the murder for animal cruelty after he stabbed his mother’s cat, killing the pet and keeping the mutilated body as a “memento.”

During the 2019 animal cruelty incident, Heath told police he commited the crime “because it would be easier” than killing his own mother.
According to an arrest affidavit obtained by local news outlet KRDO, a co-worker called the police when 44 year-old Bridget Kenner did not show up for work. When police entered the home, they found Kenner’s body in the living room with multiple stab wounds, along with a bloody knife.

Cohen “Vinn” Heath was found at a 7-Eleven roughly a mile away. During a police interview, Heath, who was at the victim’s home at the time of the murder, claimed he was asleep in Kenner’s room in the basement when he was awoken by Bridget Kenner’s screaming. Heath told law enforcement he could hear Bridget pleading with her daughter for her life.

Heath went on to tell police an altercation began after Bridget Kenner caught her daughter trying to cut herself. Recent wounds on Kenner’s body indicated a pattern of self-harm. Heath helped Kenner flee the scene and the pair had planned to relocate to Texas.

According to the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, Heath’s trial is set for March 1, 2022.

Trans Health Authority Cites CASTRATION FETISH Site in Guidelines

A global health body setting standards of care for transgender people is seeking to include men with castration fetishes under the transgender umbrella, and links to a disturbing site hosting written child pornography in its guidebook.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) released its newly-issued Standards of Care (SoC8) on December 2. The document details WPATH’s intention to include men who seek out castration, also known as eunuchs, as part of the transgender community.

But perhaps even more disturbingly, the guide also sources an online forum called The Eunuch Archives, which hosts a catalogue of disturbing fetish stories, some of which feature children.

According to the document’s chapter:“The greatest wealth of information about contemporary eunuch-identified people is found within the large on-line peer-support community that congregates on sites such as the Eunuch Archive (www.eunuch.org) which was established in 1998. The moderators of this site attempt to maintain both medical and historical accuracy in its discussion forums, although there is certainly misinformation there as well. The Fiction Archive, which is part of the Eunuch Archive, is neither medically nor historically accurate and is filled with fantasy.”But what WPATH describes as “fantasy” could be more accurately described as castration fetish porn.

The content includes stories about violent rape, sadomasochism, and highly sexualized stories of young boys being castrated, or young boys castrating adult men in a fetishized fashion.

In one story, a 12 year old orphan boy in Italy is taken in by a man who propositions him for sexual “services” as he longs to be castrated. The man asks the child to sleep with him, and when the boy refuses, the man instead draws nude pictures of him.

The story goes on to describe the surgery to remove the boy’s testicles, followed by the child’s expressions of gratitude to the surgeon for mutilating him.

Another erotica story posted features a 15 year old boy systematically castrating adult men, who are referred to as “slaves” in shackles and chains. The adolescent character is described as “so young, and innocent,” “cute as hell,” and “not a full man yet.” The boy, with a “number of young helpers,” castrate and forcibly penetrate the “slaves” who struggle, scream, and resist.

There is an abundance of content related to the concept of forced castration posted to forums on the site. One of The Eunuch Archives’ regular participants shared a news article about the forced castrations performed by Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan, an Indian religious leader who was convicted of the rape of two female followers in 2017 and involvement in the murder of a journalist. That year, The BBC reported how Guru Singh’s “rock star image” enabled him to convince as many as 400 followers to undergo castrations.Commenters on The Eunuch Archives occasionally request erotica stories. In a thread on the archive’s corresponding forum titled “Stories including animals,” members of the forum discuss their furry fetish and pitch ideas for erotica that revolves around bestiality and animals castrating men.

Disturbingly, an administrator of The Eunuch Archives has been heavily involved in drafting WPATH’s new SoC for several years and has supported the view that the term “gender identity” should be expanded to “gender incongruence” to include those who participate in body modification.

Multiple posts he has made under the pseudonym “Jesus” suggest he has had close contact and perhaps even influence over the editing of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), and even this most recent WPATH Standards of Care document. “Jesus” claims to have been contacted by Eli Coleman, the former president of WPATH, to devise the guidelines set out in the updated SoC.

The President of WPATH is a trans-identified male named Marci Bowers, a surgeon and gynecologist who pioneered the penile inversion technique that is often referred to as “gender affirmation surgery.” Bowers has conducted two genital surgeries on reality TV star Jazz Jennings. Jennings was socially transitioned beginning at the age of 5 and at 11 was placed on drugs to suppress puberty and hinder penile development. In a 2020 episode of I Am Jazz, while taking a photo of Jennings’ genitals, Bowers joked, “You could be a porn star for all the photos I’ve taken.”

In 2008, a group of researchers from Canada and California collaborated on a research project on the topic of the male castration fetish and published their findings in a paper titled, A Passion for Castration: Characterizing Men Who Are Fascinated with Castration, but Have Not Been Castrated.

Over seven hundred individuals responded to a survey shared on The Eunuch Archive, describing their reasons for their “ambition toward eunuchdom.”

According to the research, the majority (52%) of “wannabes” who fantasized about castration — whether chemical or surgical — selected sexual fantasy as their origin of interest in castration. The second most common origin of interest (27%) reported a desire to reduce an overactive libido. Several respondents wrote about becoming sexually aroused when witnessing animal castration.

“For some, castration was a very important first step toward an MtF transition,” the study’s authors noted.

“Some claim to have been properly diagnosed with a GID by professionals, but others were self-diagnosed. As MtF transsexuals, they sought to rid their bodies of unwanted testosterone, with or without supplemental estrogen to further their transition.One respondent wrote of his desire for ‘becoming ‘it’—a submissive guy without sex drive.’ More common was the slave metaphor, ‘as a slave it would allow a greater focus on serving the pleasure of the Master.'”

Reduxx is a newly-launched, independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re able to continue our work exposing predators and reporting the truth thanks to the generous support of our readers.

App Fetishizing Forcible Transitioning of Kids Available on Google Play

Transgender & Crossdressing Stories is an application available in the Google Play store that features erotica stories of adult men, as well as prepubescent boys, being forced into women’s clothing. In some instances, the characters are forced to medically “transition.” Each story has a rating; some of those involving boys are rated X and include graphic written descriptions of children engaging in sexual acts with adult men.

The categories of erotica available include: “boy to girl,” “guy to girl,” or “men to women.” Examples of stories listed under “boy to girl” are: A Temporary Schoolgirl, I Never Wanted to be a Girl, Mind-Altering Feminizing Tapes, Becoming a High School Girl, Boy to Real Bitch, and Lipstick Discipline.

Most of the stories about fictional children involve what is called “petticoat discipline,” a genre of transgender erotica that describes a mother figure or older sister punishing a misbehaving young boy by forcing him to wear makeup, feminine underwear, and dresses.

These stories are targeted at adult men who are aroused by imagining the scenario, and audio of each is provided in the form of an AI text-to-speech program designed to sound like a child’s voice. The effect of the generated, robotic child’s voice is chilling, especially when describing graphic sexual activities.

As Girly As It Gets follows the story of a 13 year-old boy who is mocked in school and elected as homecoming queen. The boy, called Mark, is forcibly “feminized” by his mother and older sister, who remove all of his body hair and coerce him into donning lingerie, a dress, and fake breasts for the homecoming ceremony. That evening, when they return home, his mother has him sign a consent form for breast implants: “not only had my mom signed for me to be a part of this, but my implants also couldn’t be bigger than she was. Mom has double D cups, just so you know.”

As he is about to undergo surgery, it becomes clear that he is not a willing participant. “It was too late by the time I realized where [the nurse] was going with all the questions. She showed me the implants she intended to use and the fake vagina she would suction and seal between my legs.” This is a clear example of the “forced feminization” genre of transgender pornography being projected onto a child, onto the idea of a little boy being “feminized” against his will through surgeries.

Another example of the sexualization of minors is found in the app’s story Girly Changes, which describes a ten year-old boy named Ryan who is found to have a rare genetic disorder referred to as TSS, or “transsexual syndrome.” “Ryan internally, biologically and genetically, is a girl. Other characteristics had started to appear like the growth of breasts and the retreating of the scrotum to create a natural-looking vagina.” As is typical for the genre, the boy in the imagined situation is unhappy with the changes, but nevertheless relents to appease his mother.

The category Lipstick Discipline contains 22 chapters accompanied by cartoonish drawings of a young boy in lingerie and women’s clothing and makeup. The series begins when the boy character is just 4 years old, and continues on into his early teen years, detailing how his mother punishes him by forcibly applying lipstick, nail polish, and girls’ clothing and undergarments. All of these stories are labelled as rated “R”; there are vivid descriptions of the young boy character in a highly sexualized context, and all of the stories involving children fall under the transgender pornography genre called “forced feminization,” where men and boys are “transformed” into women and girls, usually by a domineering mother figure, through the process of being punished in sexually objectifying and degrading ways.

There is also erotica in the app involving minors that includes graphic sexual activities, as the child ostensibly begins to enjoy being punished and humiliated in this manner. A story titled A Boy With Long Curly Hair, rated X, details how two older men convince a young boy to crossdress and eventually perform fellatio on them, coached along by his mother.

“Michael, dear, you’d make a lovely girl,” she says. “Why not take the next step? You can go back to being a boy anytime you want. You only have a few months left to experience how it feels to be a girl. Once in high school, that’ll be the end of the opportunity… Imagine Will and Jeff, how they would behave if you looked more like a girl.” The adult male characters, Will and Jeff, are aroused by the boy’s feminine transformation and groom him for sexual abuse. The rhetoric provided by the mother figure parallels the insistence by transactivists that drugs referred to as “puberty blockers” are reversible and that they ought to be given to children at a young age in order to provide them with an opportunity to try the transsexual experience for themselves.

In I Never Wanted to Be a Girl, a 15 year-old boy named Sam suffers an accident that damages his Achilles tendons. In order to learn how to walk again, he is given high heels. He is groomed by his friend named Tia, who is described as his female “look-alike” and “the best looking 15 year-old in town,” who dresses him in her clothing. Once in public, the children are immediately propositioned by men offering them money for sex. Sam begins going by Samantha, and begins to enjoy the attention from Tia and from other boys his age who make him feel “hot” like a “bimbo.”

The story eventually culminates in a trip to the endocrinologist:“‘I don’t want to become a girl, at least not where it counts. That I’m sure of.’ The endocrinologist took over. ‘Samantha, it is possible, by changing your hormone balance, to keep you from ever maturing as a male… It may be possible for you to develop small, feminine breasts and change your fat distribution so you have a more defined waist, and larger thighs, hips, and bottom. If you were ever to decide to change back, the fat would re-distribute itself naturally.’ Tia whispered in my ear, ‘Think about my doing to you what I like so much when you do to me.’”

This story in particular mirrors a real-life incident involving one of the pioneers of the “gender identity” theory, New Zealand’s sexologist John Money, who attempted to raise a boy as a girl after a botched circumcision permanently damaged his male genitalia.

A best-selling book by journalist John Colapinto, As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl, explores how John Money attempted to convince David Reimer that he was born a girl named Brenda. Money would force David to imitate sexual intercourse with his twin brother, beginning from the age of six, in what Money called “sexual rehearsal play,” and he would photograph the boys in these poses. Money believed that showing pornography to children was an efficient method for helping them develop their “gender schemas,” or gender identities. “Explicit sexual pictures,” he wrote in his book Sexual Signatures, “can and should be used as part of a child’s sex education.” Such pictures, he said, “reinforce his or her own gender identity/role.” Both David Reimer and his brother Brian committed suicide in adulthood.

In most cases, photographs of children are used alongside each story. For the story titled A Temporary Schoolgirl, the app’s developer chose a photo of 14 year-old UK girl Molly Russell, who took her own life in 2017 after viewing self-harm posts on Instagram. Photographs of Molly appeared in media publications in 2019, as her grieving father, Ian Russell, spoke with the BBC calling for greater accountability on behalf of social media firms for the content that they platform. In response to Russell’s case, UK politician Jackie Doyle-Price, who was at that time the Secretary of State for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, said that harmful suicide and self-harm content online can have “the effect of grooming people to take their own lives.”

There is a disturbing irony in Molly Russell’s photo being featured in an app which eroticizes the grooming of children into transsexualism: as Russell was groomed into self-harm and taking her own life, children and teenagers are also being groomed, via social media, into gender identity ideology, and often alongside a narrative that promotes suicidal ideation.

Images of children celebrities and social media influencers are also used alongside the erotica, including: Coco Quinn, a young woman who rose to fame at 12 years old; Berta Castañé, a Spanish actress who similarly landed her first role at the age of 12; Jack Bennett, a child “influencer” specializing in makeup tutorials; and Corey Maison, a famous “transgender youth” who aspires to become a Victoria’s Secret model.

One of the photos used in the app is of an unidentified teenage boy wearing makeup and a wig.

A reverse image search leads to a YouTube video of this boy applying makeup, a wig, and a dress. It was uploaded by a user named “Spokane Sissy” who has used an AI-generated, robotic feminine voice to add commentary, saying, “For a shorter time in my life, I identified as a transgender woman. I now know I am a sissy. I choose to crossdress, and I have a singular reason for doing so: to present myself to real men as a sexually attractive and available f*cktoy. I would have never come to accept myself as a f*cktoy without the insight I garnered from my time on YouTube. My journey to this understanding of myself began with this video.”

One of Spokane Sissy’s most popular uploads is a video titled, “Unconditional Love: Older Man Convinces Young Man to Crossdress.” The top comment is from another crossdresser account and reads, “The only thing that could make this perfect for me would be an older woman making me her lesbian lover.”

In the “man to woman” category, After Wife’s Death tells the story of a man named Gary, who is married to a beautiful woman named Sarah. Gary, who runs a “home-based computer software business” begins dressing up in Sarah’s clothing while she is away at work. Sarah refuses Gary’s advances to engage in sexual intercourse while he is wearing her clothing but allows him to continue indulging his fetish whenever she is at work. While away on a business trip, Gary visits a women’s clothing shop and pretends to be his wife, telling the saleswoman who works there that his name is Sarah, and is so aroused by the experience that he immediately pleasures himself when he gets home.

Sarah is written out of the story in a single sentence, and Gary begins taking her oral contraceptives, “which made his skin smoother and his beard less vigorous. He believed he was Sarah, and to the casual observer, was the image of her. He increasingly thought of making the transition to Sarah more permanent.” He begins a friendship with the saleswoman, Steph, who helps him begin dating men “as a woman.” Gary is now committed to using his dead wife’s identity full-time.

There are several real-life examples of men who claim a transgender status, unabashedly stealing the identity of a woman they know or have been involved with, usually in a romantic capacity. One high-profile incident involved “Jessica” Yaniv, a Canadian trans-identified male whose lawsuits against women refusing to provide him with a bikini wax made headlines in 2019.

Yaniv took the name “Jessica” from a girl he targeted online and groomed for sexual abuse when she was between the ages of 14 and 15. In 2020 it was reported that 62 year-old Larawest Baglien of the United States began identifying as a two-spirit trans woman: “She is not Indigenous but her wife of 31 years is a member of Fort William First Nation.” There is also some anecdotal evidence which has been gathered by Trans Widows Voices, an organization which campaigns for the rights of women who have been abused by men claiming a female identity. As one woman described it, “He was feigning this whole coquettish, girlish thing, that looked like a parody of me. It felt like he was trying to be me, like he was mocking me, taking what was mine. He even affected my mannerisms, my laugh, the way I walk.”
Another application on Google Play is Crossdresser – Transform from Male to Female, which gives tips on how to present as a woman, is available for free, and is rated for ages three and up.

Described as “a complete guide to cross dressing for LGBT community – towards womanhood” it gives instructions on how to tuck and dress to resemble an objectified woman. A section titled “Private Parts” features advice on lingerie and how to create the appearance of breasts, along with a diagram of a nude woman in high heels labelled “Ideal Proportion – Female.”

In a section titled “To Be a Real Woman,” the app’s creator writes: “One of the toughest jobs a transgendered person has to learn is to be accepted as a real female while out in public. Cross dressing means much more than wearing female clothing. It also involves acquiring or imitating feminine attributes and behaviors – including movements, mannerisms, and mental states. The purpose of this guide is to help you to pass as a genetic female, to increase the possibility of you being accepted as a real woman in public.”

Suggestions also include internalizing the objectified female form: “Genetic women often take off their clothes and look at themselves in the mirror. Do the same. Look at your naked body in the mirror and imagine yourself as female.”Adult men are using the app’s comment section to request sexual hook-ups. Commenters ask for and provide the names of areas where they live on some occasions, and others ask for “naughty selfies.” A few netizens request a woman to “sissify” them. Some refer to themselves as “CD,” an abbreviation for crossdresser, and state that they want to make their “transition” permanent.

According to the app’s developer, “Transwomen can come from the whole of the male-to-female side of the transgender spectrum, from transsexuals to crossdressers… Men wear female clothes for a number of reasons… some men dress for a sexual thrill, a turn-on.”

Professor Roy F. Baumeister is a social psychologist who is known for his work on the self, social rejection, belonging, sexuality and sex differences, self-control, and free will. His 1989 book Masochism and the Self explains the phenomena of sexual masochism as a means of releasing the individual from the burden of self-awareness. According to Baumeister:

“Gender switching is exclusively associated with male masochism. Male masochists show clear behavioral signs of being feminized… The fact that our culture’s ideals of femininity resemble the goals of masochism should not be disregarded… But the resemblance between masochistic and feminine models tells us more about our culture than about the essential nature of womanhood.Male masochists seem to like to be reduced to beings of lesser status… Many males reported being feminized, which also entails loss of status insofar as men generally have higher status than women. Presumably, status is a central issue in male identity, and the desire for loss of status is a central feature of male masochism.”

There are countless forums online dedicated to the eroticization of forcing boys to dress in women’s clothing; there are self-published erotica books on Amazon and personal blogs; there are captioned images on Pinterest image boards and across social media; and there is the “femboy” pornography genre, in addition to the broader category of “forced feminization.” As evidenced by the application Transgender & Crossdressing Stories, as well as an abundance of “sissy captions” which also use photos of actual children, adult men are fetishizing the forcible transitioning of children.

Gender ideology uses children as a cover for adult male sexual practices centered around BDSM. Historically, the group of people associated with transsexualism were adult men, though this demographic has shifted as the adult male sexual practice of crossdressing has become normalized through the proliferation of gender ideology.

Rather than expanding the definition of women, the definition of transsexualism has been broadened to include women and children. By removing “sex” from transsexualism and replacing it with the word “gender,” the fetishistic element, though still present, has been obscured. The narrative of the transgender child appears to be at least in part constructed in an attempt for adult men with paraphilias to save face, and to believe childhood transition would have made them a more attractive version of an adult “woman.”

INDIA: 6-Year-Old Girl Stoned to Death by Porn-Addicted Boys

Three boys in India have been implicated in the killing of a six year-old girl by stoning after she refused to participate in mimicking sexual activity they had seen in pornography.

The boys had been accessing adult materials through their parents’ mobile phones while taking part in online school lessons. Two of the boys were 11 and one boy was aged eight. They have been sent to a juvenile correctional facility in Jorhat.

According to police officer Mrinmoy Das, “Two of the boys first tried to replicate the pornographic acts they had been watching on their mobiles and tried to molest their neighbour’s girl. When she resisted and threatened to tell her parents, they hit her head with a stone and carried her to the toilet in the crusher plant where they hit her again. The third child stood guard outside the toilet.”

The girl was later found unconscious inside the toilet of the mill and brought to a hospital where doctors declared her deceased. The incident occurred on October 18, and the father of one of the boys has been arrested for destroying evidence and attempting to conceal the crime. Police superintendent Anand Mishra told Times of India, “The disturbing thing in this case was the use of pornography by minors.”

“The boy was using his father’s smartphone,” said Officer Das. “We found pornographic materials in the phone’s browsing history. He used the phone for his online classes but got addicted to watching porn and would show the X-rated contents to the other two, his cousins.”

In 2019, India’s Department of Telecommunications issued a letter to all Internet service providers instructing them to disable porn websites, “as the content posted on these websites relate to morality, decency as given in Article 19(2) of the Constitution.” The order had banned 857 websites, though this has not successfully prevented the proliferation and consumption of pornographic content. Major pornographic websites such as Pornhub and Redtube evaded the bans by utilizing alternate addresses.

“Sexting, sextortion on the internet – mainly with young boys, child porn, violence against women in the form of revenge porn and cyber terrorism are turning into a huge issue in India and they should be taken care as soon as possible,” US-based lawyer Parry Aftab, founder of the internet safety organisation WiredSafety, told National Herald in 2019.

In 2020, Deccan Chronicle reported of a spike in the number of children viewing pornography online despite attempts by the government to provide safeguarding measures and an expansion on adult content bans that included over 3,500 sites. India currently ranks third in the world, followed by America and Britain, in terms of consuming pornographic content.

Dr. Sarika Boora, a clinical psychologist based in Delhi, told women’s publication She The People that sexually violent tendencies in young boys are a result of a culture that degrades and objectifies women.

“The social learning theory states children learn by observing or imitating. So if that is what they are seeing around them, it’s what they are picking up on. If they’ve seen the father or other male figures around them getting hostile, violent, they may start believing man is dominant.”

The latest numbers from India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show 2,750 juveniles were arrested in 2019 on charges of rape and assault. On average, one minor was detained every day, and all of the accused were boys.


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