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Women’s Rights Campaigner Threatened With Arrest Over “Hate Crime” Investigation

A popular British women’s rights campaigner is being threatened with arrest unless she attends a police interview to address an investigation into her committing a “hate crime.”

On November 21, Kellie-Jay Keen, also known by her moniker Posie Parker, posted a video on her social media channels titled “I’m going to be arrested.” In the video, Keen records herself returning a call from an officer with Sussex Police. The officer, PC Gammon, invited Keen to a Brighton police station for a voluntary interview due to allegations she committed a hate crime in September.

“The crime is use of words or behaviour to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation. It’s a voluntary interview so you can give your side of the story as well,” Gammon was heard telling Keen.

Keen asked the officer what the alleged hate crime was, but the officer did not provide specific information and instead stated it was in relation to Keen’s “Let Women Speak” event in Brighton on September 18.

Keen asked Gammon if police had reviewed any evidence which suggested she had committed a hate crime on the grounds of sexual orientation. The officer responded that they had cause to consider the allegation, and therefore had made the decision to invite her in for questioning.

Although Gammon initially claimed the interview was voluntary, she later suggested that if Keen did not attend they would inform her local police station to arrest her. Keen announced on social media that she had no intention of attending the interview.

As the founder of Standing For Women, Keen travels around the UK, and recently across the United States, hosting free speech events and encouraging women to voice their views on issues affecting them in relation to gender ideology.

Keen’s September 18 appearance in Brighton was at one such free speech event. Several hundred people attended, and, during the event, three counter protesters were arrested. Reduxx was onsite and captured footage of the arrests.

One of the counter protesters, 19, was detained on suspicion of assault and a man, 20, was arrested on suspicion of obstructing a police officer.

Another man, Craig Thomas, 50, was originally arrested on suspicion of sexual assault by touching. He has since been charged with assault and two counts of possession of a knife. No one on Keen’s side of the rally was arrested the day her alleged hate crime took place.

Keen has just recently returned from her tour in the United States At her last stop in New York City, at least nine people were arrested during protests that broke out in opposition to the Let Women Speak event. Keen was not able to appear at the event due to concerns for her safety.

Keen’s events are often heavily protested by trans activists and Antifa due to her strong advocacy for women’s sex-based rights. Although Keen has never been arrested at any of her free speech events, nor have any of her supporters, the call from Sussex police is not the first time Keen has been investigated.

In July 2022, two police officers visited Keen’s home claiming she had been “untoward about pedophiles” on her Youtube channel, and that this was being pursued as a hateful incident.

In 2018, Keen chose to attend a voluntary interview by the West Yorkshire police after being reported by Susie Green, the CEO of trans activist charity Mermaids.

Keen had commented on Green’s decision to take her then-teenage son to Thailand for sex reassignment surgery. Green’s son was 16-years-old at the time, and was ineligible in the United Kingdom due to his young age. Keen called the act “castration.”

Keen also noted that Green had “chemically castrated” her son, as the Mermaids CEO had taken her child to the USA for estrogen when he was just 13 years old. Green’s son had been a patient of Dr. Norman Spack at the Boston Children’s Hospital’s gender clinic.

On her YouTube channel, Keen recounted that Green reported her to police for her statements, who then approached Twitter to obtained her private information.

The police informed her during the interview that Green felt her tweets were “threatening.” The police criticized her use of the phrase “castration” and claimed “sex reassignment surgery” does not include castration. The police decided not to charge her following the interview. Authorities then passed the case over to the Crown Prosecution Service, which ultimately rejected it.

On her website, Keen issued a statement on this most recent police threat, writing “the words of women will not be silenced by a load of porn-sick men and their personal police force.”

Speaking to Reduxx, Iris, a women’s rights campaigner who facilitates Kellie-Jay Keen’s Twitter presence, said she was “not surprised” at this most recent threat from police, noting that Keen was an effective advocate and so was often a target for malicious activists.

“There are a few desperate to shut her down. It’s difficult to say which one in particular is responsible,” Iris says.

“I hope that by targeting Kellie-Jay it means other women with a lot more to lose will be left alone. In my opinion, free speech for women under gender ideology has plateaued so it’s not worse or any better for women at the moment. We are still being shut down on international platforms, such as EventBrite, but locally, police are doing their job and venues are starting to fight back.”

Sussex Police, the force which called Keen and threatened her with arrest, was recently the subject of ample mockery on social media after coming out in apparent defense of a transgender pedophile.

In September, Sussex Police was forced to issue an apology after scolding women on Twitter for misgendering a recently-sentenced serial pedophile. As Reduxx previously reported, John Robert Dixon was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison following a conviction on 30 charges related to the sexual abuse of multiple children.

In a September 27 update on Dixon, Sussex Police referred to the predator as a “woman” and used feminine pronouns for him. Frustrated with the lack of accurate information, feminists took to Twitter to assert that Dixon was male, and that his crime should not be recorded as having been committed by a woman.

Sussex Police then began responding to users and condemning “hateful comments” towards Dixon’s gender identity. Following widespread backlash, Sussex Police deleted the replies and issued an apology.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

AUSTRALIA: Un Juez le Dice a un Pedófilo en Serie Transidentificado que se “Autogestione el Riesgo de Delinquir”

Un pederasta en serie que se calcula que ha cometido más de 1,000 delitos sexuales contra niños ha visto su sentencia comunitaria reducida tras su transición a “mujer”. El 16 de noviembre, un juez de la Corte Suprema de Australia Occidental dijo que los medicamentos tomados por Robert Gordon Cummins, de 56 años, proporcionan “un factor protector” y que podría “autogestionar con éxito el riesgo de delinquir”.

Cummins tiene un extenso historial de horribles delitos sexuales, la abrumadora mayoría de los cuales fueron contra niños. Su primera condena data de septiembre de 1997, cuando fue declarado culpable de abusos deshonestos, por lo que fue multado con $ 3,000 y no fue condenado a prisión.

Robert Gordon Cummins a la salida del Tribunal de Distrito de Perth en mayo de 2013. Crédito de la foto: Simon Santi/The West Australian.

En diciembre de 1999, Cummins fue condenado por tres delitos de trato indecente a un niño menor de 13 años. Fue sentenciado a 2 años de cárcel.

Una vez puesto en libertad, comenzó inmediatamente a abusar sexualmente de una niña de su familia que tenía entre 6 y 8 años en el momento de los abusos. En junio de 2002, fue declarado culpable de cuatro cargos relacionados con delitos contra esa niña. Cummins fue condenado a una sentencia total de 8 años de prisión.

A principios de ese año, a la edad de 36 años, Cummins se casó con una chica de 17 años. Gosia Wojnarowska, consultora de salud mental del Departamento de Justicia, describió esta relación como un substituto de “una niña con la que nunca dejó de fantasear” en una evaluación de Cummins en 2008.

En junio de 2009, el pederasta en serie fue declarado culpable de un cargo de posesión de pornografía infantil y sentenciado a 12 meses de prisión. Dos años más tarde, Cummins fue detenido en espera de juicio por conspirar para tener relaciones sexuales fuera de Australia con una persona menor de 16 años.

Pero ni el estar bajo custodia impidió que el pervertido depredador planeara abusos contra menores.

Entre julio de 2005 y septiembre de 2008, mientras estaba encarcelado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de Casuarina de Perth por filmar el abuso de su víctima más joven, Cummins, junto con otros dos hombres, ideó un plan para montar una red de tráfico sexual infantil en Tailandia después de su puesta en libertad.

Los presos tenían la intención de abrir un negocio de muñecas llamado “Little Angels” (“Angelitos“) como tapadera. Un ex maestro, Mark Pendleton, de 53 años, y Kenneth Bishop, de 74, conspiraron con Cummins para emplear a mujeres de bajos ingresos de áreas rurales para obtener acceso a sus hijos.

Mark Pendleton, considerado uno de los “pedófilos más peligrosos” de Australia Occidental.

En 2011, Cummins testificó en el Tribunal de Magistrados de Perth que primero se había hecho amigo de Pendleton en un programa de tratamiento para delincuentes sexuales en la prisión de máxima seguridad de Casuarina de Perth. Comenzaron a conspirar para abusar de niños vulnerables cuando ambos fueron trasladados a Karnet Prison Farm.

“Mark me dijo que las familias en Tailandia estaban disponibles a cambio de dinero. Si estaban dispuestas a mandar a sus hijos a campos de minas para buscar metralla, están dispuestas a vender a sus hijos para sexo”, dijo Cummins a la corte.

Después de ser puesto en libertad condicional en 2008, Cummins se convirtió en el “conducto” para llevar a cabo el plan, y comenzó a buscar propiedades en venta e información sobre pasaportes falsos mientras contactaba a madres tailandesas cuyos hijos estaban siendo considerados para posibles abusos. Cummins también envió contribuciones financieras a esas mujeres pobres para ganarse su confianza.

“La idea era ayudarlas y convertirme en alguien valioso para ellas”, dijo Cummins a la corte. “Así me permitirían hacer lo que quisiera… Incluyendo la actividad sexual con los niños”.

En las grabaciones telefónicas reproducidas en los procedimientos judiciales, se podía escuchar a Cummins decir que las mujeres que más le interesaba emplear provenían de aldeas y preferiblemente deberían ser “personas más simples”.

Las conversaciones grabadas entre los hombres estaban “cargadas de bromas e insinuaciones sexuales”, y hacían referencia a la ex estrella del pop y pedófilo Gary Glitter, según informes de prensa. Cummins le dijo a Pendleton que las mujeres le habían enviado fotografías de sus “familias encantadoras”, que explicó al fiscal de la corte era una referencia a sus hijos.

Cummins admitió que él y Pendleton consideraron supervisar un orfanato para “convertirlo de hecho en un burdel infantil”. Declaró: “Desde nuestro punto de vista, habíamos considerado la creación de un orfanato para tener acceso a los niños allí con fines sexuales”.

Karnet Prison Farm en Australia Occidental, donde Pendleton y Cummins planearon su proyecto de abuso sexual en Tailandia.

A cambio de declararse culpable, testificar ante el juez y confesar el plan, Cummins recibió una sentencia reducida de dos años y siete meses. A pesar del hecho de que las autoridades habían descubierto su complot al intervenir sus líneas telefónicas, el juez de la Corte Suprema John McKechnie ordenó que Cummins fuera puesto en libertad con una orden de libertad bajo fianza, ya que había pasado 18 meses bajo custodia en espera de juicio.

Fue puesto en libertad el día después de que terminara el juicio en septiembre de 2012, a pesar de que se le dijo al tribunal que se estimaba que Cummins había cometido 1.000 delitos sexuales contra niños a lo largo de su vida.

En 2014, Cummins, entonces de 49 años, evitó otra sentencia de cárcel por un delito sexual histórico que admitió haber cometido contra una niña de 12 años. La decisión de la sentencia se tomó sobre la base de que su uso de “medicación anti-libidinal” lo había privado de su deseo sexual.

El juez del Tribunal de Distrito de Australia Occidental, Michael John Bowden, sentenció a Cummins a 12 meses de cárcel, sentencia suspendida por 18 meses, con la condición de que cumpliera con una orden de supervisión.

“Realmente es el hecho de que la medicación química parece haberlo privado de todo deseo sexual lo que me lleva a lidiar con este caso de esta manera”, dijo.

El juez Bowden agregó: “La ofensa es tan grave que el encarcelamiento es la única medida apropiada, pero me parece que no puedo decir que una sentencia suspendida en estas circunstancias sea totalmente inapropiada”.

En 2018, el médico de medicina general, el Dr. Wynn Owen, recomendó detener el tratamiento de castración química de Cummins debido a su preocupación por los efectos secundarios. Cummins había estado tomando ciproterona de forma intermitente desde 2004, y de forma regular desde 2012. Sin embargo, los informes médicos revelaron que una vez que dejó de tomar el antiandrógeno, había experimentado un “retorno de la avalancha de pensamientos sexuales”. El mismo informe decía que temía que “progresara hasta secuestrar a un niño”.

En 2019, Cummins fue diagnosticado con “disforia de género” y comenzó a autoidentificarse como mujer. Los registros judiciales señalan que había “formado una relación platónica con otra mujer transgénero” por aquel entonces. Además, el “interés de Cummins se volcó hacia la pornografía gay”, que “precedía a la transición de hombre a mujer”.

El fallo más reciente fue en respuesta a una solicitud de extensión de la orden de supervisión de Cummins, que fue presentada por representantes legales del Estado. Se expresó preocupación por el hecho de que siguiera siendo un “delincuente de alto riesgo” y se dice que debía estar vigilado por seguridad.

Wojnarowska dijo al tribunal que la pedofilia se considera una condición de por vida, y se presentó una evaluación de 2021 como evidencia en la corte. “En mi opinión, si [él] se le retirara la orden (de supervisión), [su] riesgo de reincidencia sexual podría aumentar”, declaró Wojnarowska.

Sin embargo, señaló que los tratamientos hormonales conllevan riesgos considerables para la salud y no se recomiendan para su uso a largo plazo debido a su efecto sobre la densidad ósea y la función hepática. Por lo tanto, recomendó la cirugía.

La psicóloga forense Julie Hasson apoyó esta opinión. Hasson recomendó una orquiectomía como una forma de “vivir como mujer y reducir [su] libido para protegerse contra cualquier preocupación de futuros delitos sexuales en caso de que [él] no se sometiera a una cirugía de reasignación de género”, según los registros judiciales.

El juez Michael Corboy dictaminó que se impondrá una nueva orden de supervisión de cuatro años con condiciones que incluyen “tratamiento supresor de testosterona”. Señaló que el diagnóstico de disforia de género fue “obviamente un evento muy significativo”, y que su “transición” fue “fundamental para los problemas” en su caso. El juez agregó que el tribunal debería tener “en cuenta” el diagnóstico de disforia de género y la transición de Cummins al considerar su riesgo de reincidencia.

Se refirieron a Cummins con pronombres femeninos en todo momento a lo largo de los informes y procedimientos judiciales. La cobertura de los medios de comunicación utilizó de manera similar el pronombre “ella” para Cummins, y no lo identificó directamente ni dio una indicación del nombre que está utilizando actualmente.

El caso de Cummins recuerda el de un notorio pedófilo en serie estadounidense que fue puesto en libertad de manera similar (en español) al decirle al tribunal que su transición significaba que era “menos probable” que ofendiera.

Joseph Matthew Smith, quien también se conoce con el nombre de Josie Maria Dunham o Josie Smith, salió en los titulares internacionales en 2020 tras ser puesto en libertad después de comenzar una transición de género. Smith había sido declarado culpable de agredir sexualmente a un residente de 11 años de Midwest Christian Services (MCS), un centro de tratamiento para menores.

Debido a su largo historial de delitos sexuales, se llevó a cabo un informe psicológico previo a la sentencia. Smith le dijo a un psicólogo forense estatal que había abusado sexualmente de hasta 15 niños menores de 13 años, el más pequeño de ellos, un bebé de 1 año. Debido al riesgo extremadamente alto de reincidencia, Smith recibió una sentencia de prisión indefinida.

Pero después de ser diagnosticado con disforia de género y comenzar un régimen hormonal, Smith fue puesto en libertad, y las autoridades afirmaron que ahora tenía un menor riesgo de reincidencia debido a un nivel alterado de testosterona, y que “ya no tenía el impulso sexual de un hombre“.

Smith fue puesto en libertad condicional en enero de 2020, pero en octubre de 2021 ya había violado los términos de sus estrictas condiciones al usar un dispositivo electrónico no autorizado y buscar sexo. A pesar de la infracción, Smith no solo no regresó a la cárcel, sino que se le permitió continuar viviendo en la comunidad.

Desde su liberación, violó las condiciones de su libertad condicional dos veces al intentar acceder a materiales de abuso sexual infantil. Smith está actualmente encarcelado en el Centro Correccional Newton, que es una institución para hombres con un programa especial para delincuentes sexuales en el condado de Jasper.

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AUS: Serial Pedophile Who Identifies as Transgender Told to “Self-Manage Risk of Offending”

A serial pedophile estimated to have committed over 1,000 sex crimes against children has had his community sentence relaxed following his transition to “female.” On November 16, a Supreme Court of Western Australia judge said that the medications taken by Robert Gordon Cummins, 56, provide “a protective factor” and that he could “successfully self-manage the risk of offending.”

Cummins has an extensive history of horrific sexual offenses, the overwhelming majority of which were against children. His first conviction took place in September of 1997, when he was found guilty of indecent assault. For this, he was fined $3,000 and did not receive a prison sentence.

Robert Gordon Cummins leaving the Perth District Court in May of 2013. Photo Credit: Simon Santi/The West Australian.

In December of 1999, Cummins was convicted on three counts of indecent dealing with a child under the age of 13 years. He was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

Once released, Cummins immediately began to sexually abuse a girl he was related to who was between the ages of 6 and 8 at the time of his abuses. In June 2002, he was found guilty on four counts related to crimes against that child. Cummins was sentenced to a total effective sentence of 8 years imprisonment.

Earlier that year, at the age of 36, Cummins had married a 17-year old girl. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Gosia Wojnarowska, a mental health consultant to the Department of Justice, described this relationship as a substitution for “a female child that he never stopped fantasizing about” in a 2008 assessment of Cummins.

In June of 2009, the serial pedophile was convicted of one count of possessing child pornography and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. Two years later, Cummins was detained awaiting trial for conspiring to engage in sexual intercourse outside Australia with a person under the age of 16 years.

But even being in custody did not stop the disturbed predator from planning out his abuse against children.

Between July 2005 and September 2008, while incarcerated in Perth’s maximum-security Casuarina Prison for filming the abuse of his youngest victim, Cummins, along with two other men, devised a scheme to establish a child sex trafficking ring in Thailand upon their release.

The convicts intended to set up a doll-making business called “Little Angels” as a cover. Former teacher Mark Pendleton, 53, and Kenneth Bishop, 74, conspired with Cummins to employ low-income women from rural areas in order to gain access to their children.

Mark Pendleton, who is considered one of Western Australia’s “worst pedophiles.”

In 2011, Cummins testified in the Perth’s Magistrate Court that he had first befriended Pendleton in a sex offender treatment program in Perth’s maximum-security Casuarina Prison. They began plotting to abuse vulnerable children after they were both relocated to Karnet Prison Farm.

“Mark told me families in Thailand were available for a price. If they were willing to send their children into minefields to look for shrapnel, they would be willing to sell their children for sex,” Cummins told the court.

After he was released on parole in 2008, Cummins became the “pipeline” for carrying out the plan, and began researching properties for sale and information about false passports while contacting Thai mothers whose children were being considered for potential abuse. Cummins also sent financial contributions to the impoverished women to build up their trust.

“The idea behind it was to assist them and become valuable to them,” Cummins told the court. “So they would allow me to do anything I wanted… Including sexual activity with the children.”

In phone recordings played during court proceedings, Cummins could be heard saying that the women he was most interested in employing would come from villages and ideally should be “more simple people.”

The recorded conversations between the men were “laden with jokes and sexual innuendo”, and referenced former pop star and pedophile Gary Glitter, according to news reports. Cummins told Pendleton that women had sent him photographs of their “lovely families,” which he explained to the court prosecutor was a reference to their children.

Cummins admitted he and Pendleton considered supervising an orphanage in order to “effectively convert it into a child brothel.” He stated, “From our point of view, we had discussed setting up an orphanage and having access to the children there for sexual purposes.”

In exchange for pleading guilty, testifying in court, and confessing to the plan, Cummins was handed a reduced sentence of two years and seven months. Despite the fact that authorities had uncovered their plot by tapping their phone lines, Supreme Court Justice John McKechnie ordered Cummins to be freed from jail on a recognizance release order, as he had spent 18 months in custody pending trial.

He was released the day after the trial ended in September 2012, despite the court having been told that Cummins was estimated to have committed 1,000 sex crimes against children during the course of his serial abuses.

In 2014, Cummins, then 49, was spared yet another jail sentence for a historical sexual offense he admitted to committing against a 12-year-old girl. The sentencing decision was made on the basis that his use of “anti-libidinal drugs” had deprived him of his sex drive.

Western Australia District Court Judge Michael John Bowden sentenced Cummins to 12 months in jail, suspended for 18 months, on the provision that he comply with a supervision order.

“It really is the fact that the chemical medication seems to have deprived you of any sex drive that leads me to deal with this case in the manner in which I am going to deal with it,” he said.

Judge Bowden added, “The offense is so serious that imprisonment is the only appropriate disposition but it does seem to me that I cannot say that a suspended sentence in the circumstances would be wholly inappropriate.”

In 2018, general practitioner Dr. Wynn Owen recommended that Cummins’ chemical castration treatment be halted out of concern over its side effects. Cummins had been taking cyproterone on an intermittent basis since 2004, and on a regular basis since 2012. However, medical reports revealed that once he stopped taking the antiandrogen, he experienced a “floodgate return of sexual thoughts.” The same report detailed how he feared he “would have progressed to snatching a child.”

In 2019, Cummins was diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” and began to self-identify as a woman. Court records note that he had “formed a platonic relationship with another transgender female” around this time. Additionally, Cummins’ “interest was directed to gay pornography,” which “preceded the transitioning from male to female.”

The most recent ruling was in response to an application for an extension to Cummins’ supervision order, which was filed by legal representatives for the State. Concerns were raised that he remained a “high-risk offender” and should be monitored for safeguarding purposes.

Dr. Wojnarowska told the court that pedophilia is regarded as a lifelong condition, and a 2021 assessment was presented as evidence in court. “In my opinion, if [he] were to be taken off the order, [his] risk of sexual reoffending may escalate,” Wojnarowska stated.

However, she pointed out that hormone treatments carry considerable health risks and are not recommended for long-term use due to their effect on bone density and liver function. She therefore recommended surgery.

This opinion was supported by forensic psychologist Julie Hasson. Ms. Hasson recommended an orchiectomy as a means of “living as a woman and reducing [his] libido to protect against any concerns of future sexual offending in the event that [he] did not pursue gender reassignment surgery,” according to court records.

Justice Michael Corboy ruled that a new four-year supervision order be imposed with conditions including “testosterone suppressing treatment.” He noted that the diagnosis of gender dysphoria was “obviously a very significant event,” with his “transition” being “central to the issues” in his case. The judge added that the court should keep Cummins’ gender dysphoria diagnosis and transition “in mind” while considering his risk of re-offending.

Cummins was referred to with feminine pronouns throughout court records and proceedings. Media coverage similarly utilized ‘she/her’ pronouns for Cummins, as well as did not identify him directly or give an indication of the name he is currently utilizing.

Cummins’ case recalls that of a notorious American serial pedophile who was similarly released into the community after the court was told his transition meant he would be “less likely” to offend.

Joseph Matthew Smith, who also goes by the name Josie Maria Dunham or Josie Smith, made international headlines in 2020 after being released from prison after beginning a gender transition. Smith had been convicted of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old resident at Midwest Christian Services (MCS), a treatment facility for juveniles.

Due to his lengthy history of sex crimes, a pre-sentence psychological report was carried out. Smith told a state forensic psychologist he had molested as many as 15 children under the age of 13, the youngest being a 1-year-old baby. Due to his extremely high risk of re-offending, Smith was handed an indefinite prison sentence.

But after being diagnosed with gender dysphoria and beginning a hormone regimen, Smith was released, with officials claiming he was now at a lower risk of re-offending due to an altered testosterone level, and that he “no longer had the sex drive of a man.”

Smith was paroled in January of 2020 but by October of 2021, he had already violated the terms of his strict conditions by using an unauthorized electronic device and seeking out sex. Despite the violation, Smith was not remanded to custody, and was instead allowed to continue to live in the community.

Since his release, he violated the conditions of his parole twice by attempting to access child sexual abuse materials. Smith is currently incarcerated at the Newton Correctional Facility, which is a men’s institution with a special program for sex offenders in Jasper County.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Pederasta y asesino convicto colabora en un artículo sobre los derechos de las personas transidentificadas en la cárcel.

Advertencia de contenido: Este artículo contiene detalles gráficos de crímenes cometidos contra dos niñas y una persona con discapacidad. Se agradece la discreción del lector.

Una de las principales organizaciones de justicia penal en los Estados Unidos ha publicado un artículo en el Día del Recuerdo Transgénero en el que sale un violador y asesino denunciando el tratamiento de los reclusos transgénero.

El 17 de septiembre, el Vera Institute of Justice publicó un artículo titulado “Violencia, Tortura y Aislamiento: Cómo es ser Trans en la Cárcel“. El Instituto Vera es uno de los mayores think tanks de reforma de la justicia penal en los Estados Unidos, y acaba de firmar un contrato de $ 171 millones con el gobierno federal para proporcionar servicios legales a niños migrantes no acompañados.

El artículo pinta un panorama sombrío de la vida de los reclusos transidentificados en prisión, específicamente los “mujeres trans” que están recluidos en instalaciones para hombres, y también sirve como un anuncio para el próximo informe que el Instituto Vera está publicando sobre los reclusos trans y sus experiencias con el sistema de justicia penal.

“El brutal e inhumano sistema penitenciario en los Estados Unidos hace un daño inconmensurable a todos los que se ven obligados a interactuar con él, pero las personas trans sufren profundamente como resultado de la violencia física y sexual sin control y la frecuente privación de la atención de salud mental y física de afirmación de género”, escribe el Instituto Vera, afirmando que el “uso excesivo del encarcelamiento” es un problema clave para los reclusos transidentificados.

Como parte del artículo, el Instituto Vera brinda unas declaraciones de Patricia Trimble, un preso transidentificado que actualmente cumple una sentencia de 50 años por dos crímenes atroces, incluida la violación de dos niñas de 9 años.

En el artículo, Trimble, quien es descrito como un activista de los derechos de los prisioneros, recuerda el suicidio de un recluso anónimo transidentificado del que era amigo, y argumenta que la falta de acceso a la atención de afirmación de género y a la vivienda fue responsable de su muerte.

“Sin acceso a programas y asesoramiento, nuestra comunidad está condenada, considerada como nada más que víctimas asumibles”, dijo Trimble.

En ninguna parte del artículo menciona el Instituto Vera los horribles crímenes por los que Trimble ha sido condenado.

Nacido Patrick, Trimble fue condenado por primera vez en 1978 por la brutal violación de dos niñas de 9 años en la ciudad de St. Charles, Missouri. Trimble secuestró a las niñas atándoles una cuerda alrededor de las muñecas y arrastrándolas a su coche. Las llevó a un bosque remoto donde las violó oral y vaginalmente.

Trimble [Centro] con otros reclusos transgénero.

Pero mientras estaba en prisión esperando el veredicto final sobre su caso, Trimble cometió otro crimen atroz, al convertir a su compañero de celda con discapacidad del desarrollo en su “esclavo”, en palabras del tribunal, y sometiéndolo a semanas de tortura, violación y abuso para luego asesinarlo.

Jerry James Everett, quien estaba en la cárcel en espera de juicio por el robo no violento de un vehículo, era el compañero de celda de Trimble.

Según un documento judicial de 1982, Trimble se había ganado inicialmente la sumisión de Everett al hacerse pasar por un clérigo cristiano. El tribunal oyó que Everett era extremadamente religioso y se pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo en prisión leyendo la Biblia. Trimble obligaba a Everett “a tener relaciones sexuales orales y anales con él, lo obligaba a usar un ‘sujetador’ en la cárcel para el entretenimiento de los otros reclusos, y lo obligaba a mostrar a los otros reclusos un trapo que le habían metido en el ano”.

Trimble prostituía a Everett a otros reclusos, e incluso se ofreció a venderlo a un miembro del personal de la prisión por un cartón de cigarrillos. Trimble torturó a Everett, provocándole profundas heridas en el cuerpo usando botellas de champú quemadas y encendiendo cerillas que le ponía entre los dedos de los pies. Trimble también obligaba a Everett a jugar juegos que no tenía la capacidad intelectual de entender, y le “ganaba” su comida después de vencer inevitablemente a Everett en el juego.

Unas semanas después de comenzar el abuso sádico, Trimble avisó a otros reclusos que planeaba asesinar a Everett para evitar que informara a alguien fuera de la prisión de lo que había sucedido. También dijo que le preocupaba que lo mandaran a prisión si era declarado culpable solo por violar a las dos niñas, y quería “cazar algo mucho más grande” cometiendo un asesinato.

Trimble finalmente asesinó a Everett, intentándolo hacer pasar por suicidio. Obligó a Everett a escribir una carta de despedida y luego lo estranguló hasta la muerte con toallas, usando tal fuerza que el cuello del hombre se fracturó. Después de muerto, Trimble usó las toallas para colgar su cadáver para que pareciera que se había quitado la vida.

El tribunal señaló que Everett era “mentalmente retrasado, y puede que nunca haya comprendido completamente lo que le estaba sucediendo”.

1980 anuncio de la pena de muerte de Trimble en un periódico local.

En 1980, Trimble fue condenado a muerte por sus crímenes pero, en 1985, la decisión fue conmutada a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional durante 50 años. Actualmente está encarcelado en una prisión de máxima seguridad para hombres en Missouri.

Según el artículo del Instituto Vera del 17 de noviembre, Trimble ahora está trabajando con el proyecto Black and Pink, una organización de defensa centrada en el abolicionismo carcelario. Black and Pink está actualmente asociado con el Instituto Vera para producir el informe sobre las personas transidentificadas y el sistema de justicia penal.

A pesar de estar actualmente en prisión, Trimble es un activo transactivista y actualiza semi-regularmente su blog Medium.

En julio, Trimble escribió una publicación de blog titulada “Soy una mujer“, en la que describe cómo tomó conciencia de su identidad transgénero. La publicación comienza con Trimble culpando de los crimes que cometió a la falta de afirmación de género que sufrió a lo largo de toda su vida.

Como informó anteriormente ReduxxTrimble es colaborador del Proyecto de Periodismo Penitenciario (PJP), una organización sin fines de lucro que afirma que su objetivo es empoderar a los “periodistas encarcelados” proporcionándoles una plataforma. En julio, Trimble escribió un artículo para PJP sobre la preparación de una presentación para una clase en la Universidad de Missouri después de haber sido contactado por un profesor de criminología de allí.

En 2021, Razvan Sibii, profesor titular de periodismo en la Universidad de Massachusetts, Amherst, elogió a Trimble por su “defensa y asesoramiento de las personas LGBTQ en prisión”. Este asesoramiento, que incluye ayudar a otros hombres transidentificados a acceder a los beneficios de declarar una identidad transgénero, supuestamente le había valido a Trimble el apodo de “Madre”.

Trimble actualmente tiene un libro a la venta en Amazon titulado “Finding Purpose: One Transgender Woman’s Journey“. El perfil de Amazon de Trimble lo describe como “feminista, activista y defensor de la comunidad LGBTQ+ encarcelada”, y afirma que fue condenado injustamente por los delitos por los que está encarcelado actualmente.

Desde la publicación de nuestro primer artículo (en español) sobre Trimble en julio, varios lectores han contactado con Reduxx para informar que Amazon les ha limitado o suspendido sus cuentas después de dejar quejas sobre el libro de Trimble en la lista de Amazon.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

First Trans Representative in New Hampshire Arrested After Stalking Woman, Violating Restraining Order

Nashua 4th Ward Representative Stacie Laughton.

The first openly transgender person elected to public office in New Hampshire has been jailed on charges related to stalking a victim who had a protective order against him. Stacie Laughton’s arrest comes just days after he was re-elected to the New Hampshire House as a Democrat.

Laughton, born Barry Charles Laughton Jr., was arrested on November 12 after his most recent violation of a stalking order that had been placed against him by an unidentified woman in his community in July. Laughton, 38, had contacted the victim over social media.

According to the Hudson Police Department, this is not the first time Laughton has violated his restraining order. In August, Laughton had similarly attempted to make contact with the victim, and was arrested in September for the violation. He was released from custody shortly after.

There was virtually no media coverage of his September arrest, which likely meant voters were unaware of it ahead of the November 8 elections, during which Laughton ran for re-election as a Libertarian Democrat candidate in Nashua’s 4th Ward.

Laughton placed second out of four candidates, securing him a seat in the House of Representatives. New Hampshire has the largest state House in the country with 400 representatives, and all three top finishers in the race took seats.

In addition to his recent stalking order violations, Laughton is on bail for a 2021 arrest in which he was charged with misusing the Nashua 911 emergency system.

Between May and July 2021, he sent seven texts to Nashua 911, prompting police officers to respond to his address. On each occasion, they determined there was no emergency. At the time, Laughton denied sending the texts and claimed that he was being “spoofed” by an unknown perpetrator.

He also complained that media coverage of the arrest was making him look bad.

Laughton was first elected to the New Hampshire legislature in 2012 and became the first openly transgender individual to hold office in the state, but withdrew before taking office when it was revealed that he had served four months in prison in 2008 on a felony conviction for identity and credit card fraud and falsifying physical evidence.

“If I lived in the district, I would be extremely disappointed to learn, just days after the election, that my neighborhood was going to be represented by a person that only four years ago was convicted of a felony charge involving conspiracy and fraud and served time in prison,” Republican representative Pete Silva told media.

A special election was announced for Laughton’s seat after his 2012 resignation and he signed up to run for it again, but state officials then determined that he was ineligible because of the ten-year suspended sentence he had been handed in the 2008 fraud case. New Hampshire law forbids a convicted felon from seeking or holding public office from the time of his sentence until his final discharge.

Laughton filed to run for the same office two years later, but the state Ballot Commission again ruled him to be ineligible until the suspended sentence had been fully discharged.

In 2015, Laughton was arrested for making a bomb threat to the Southern New Hampshire Medical Center. He was charged after leaving another hospital where he had been treated for bipolar disorder. He confessed to making the threat but blamed it on a mental health episode.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. It was totally out of character for me,” Laughton stated. He was initially charged with making a false report of explosives, but a judge reduced the charge to a misdemeanor and sentenced him to a six-month suspended jail term.

In 2019, after becoming eligible to run for office again, Laughton led a successful campaign to be a Nashua Ward 4 selectman. The next year he also won a two-year term to the state legislature in the same ward.

The protective order Laughton violated was issued in July, months before both the September Democratic primaries and last week’s midterm elections. This indicates state and local Democrats were likely aware of Laughton’s history, but did not take action.

While most of his fellow New Hampshire Democrats have remained silent on his latest legal troubles, Representative Timothy Horrigan of Durham actively defended Laughton on Twitter.

“[For what it’s worth], Rep. Laughton is a lifelong Granite Stater. She’s gotten into a lot of trouble over the years & she keeps getting into trouble. But she’s basically a good person. She’s not violent or abusive, or harmful to anyone but herself,” Horrigan said, using feminine pronouns to refer to Laughton.

New Hampshire Republican legislator Di Lothrop, co-chair of the Nashua Republican Committee, was critical of the state’s Democratic party for supporting an elected official with ongoing mental health issues.

“She has a huge problem. She’s been through this before, she’s been in prison. Obviously, the lesson wasn’t learned,” Lothrop said, using feminine pronouns to refer to Laughton.

“How can she dedicate her time and energy to the voters who she is supposed to represent? She’s unfit,” Lothrop continued. “It’s abominable, and it’s an embarrassment to Nashua to have her go up to Concord and represent,” Lothrop commented to the New Hampshire Journal.

House Democratic Majority Leader David Cote said that Laughton “is entitled to the due process and presumption of innocence afforded to all accused persons” under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of New Hampshire.

“I have full confidence that New Hampshire’s judicial system will take appropriate and swift actions to protect the rights of the accused and any victims,” Cote said.

The Clerk of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Paul Smith, has noted that there is no mechanism in place to remove a legislator who has been charged with a crime: “There are no rules. There is no automatic process for expulsion.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“Es perturbador a otro nivel”: en la campaña publicitaria de Balenciaga salen niñas con osos de peluche bondage.

Photo Source: BALENCIAGA

La casa de moda de lujo Balenciaga está suscitando preocupaciones sobre la protección de la infancia después de lanzar una nueva campaña publicitaria en la que salen niñas con juguetes bondage que muchos describen como “perturbadores”.

El 19 de noviembre, la tuitera @DatCatDer publicó dos capturas de pantalla del sitio web oficial de Balenciaga que muestran unas imágenes utilizadas para promocionar la tienda de regalos navideños del sitio.

Ambas imágenes muestran niñas modelo muy pequeñas sosteniendo osos de peluche. Pero lo que parece una sesión de fotos bastante inocente a primera vista, acaba resultando sospechosa cuando una se fija en los accesorios de los osos de cerca.

Balenciaga usa fotos de niñas que juegan con ositos de peluche vestidos de bondage en su página web. Precioso.

En una foto, tomada de la página principal del sitio estadounidense de Balenciaga, hay una niña de pie en una cama rosa sosteniendo un oso de peluche que lleva una camiseta de rejilla, collar con cerradura y correas en los tobillo y muñecas. En la foto tamaño completo, se puede ver a un segundo oso de peluche en el dormitorio con un collar y una venda en los ojos.

En la segunda imagen, tomada del catálogo de la tienda de regalos, se ve a una modelo infantil diferente de pie en un sofá sosteniendo un oso de peluche que lleva un arnés de cuero y un collar. Al igual que en la primera, se ve un segundo oso de peluche en la habitación con más cuero bondage.

Los osos son, de hecho, accesorios de mano de la colección Primavera 2023 de Balenciaga.

Modelo con uno de los osos en el desfile de octubre de Balenciaga

Las dos capturas de pantalla que @DatCatDer publicó eran parte de una serie de fotos que comenzaron a aparecer en el Instagram oficial de Balenciaga el 16 de noviembre. Desde entonces se han lanzado 6 imágenes en total, todas las cuales muestran modelos infantiles posando con artículos de la tienda de regalos Balenciaga. Solo una de ellas no tiene juguetes de estilo BDSM.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por el fotógrafo de National Geographic Gabriele Galimberti, cuyo Instagram contiene más imágenes de niños que ha estado fotografiando como parte de su proyecto “Toy Stories” (“Historias de Juguetes”), un portafolio con fotos de niños de todo el mundo y sus juguetes favoritos.

Algunos de los comentarios en el feed de Instagram de Balenciaga fueron críticos, y los usuarios cuestionaron la idoneidad de las fotos con los osos de peluche bondage. Un usuario llamó a las imágenes “desesperantes a muchos niveles”, mientras que otro usuario dijo “os habéis pasado de la raya”.

La casa de moda ha limitado los comentarios.

En Twitter, donde Balenciaga acaba de eliminar su cuenta en una aparente protesta por la toma de control de Elon Musk, los usuarios expresaron indignación y preocupación por la campaña, y muchos señalaron las inquietantes implicaciones de la sesión de fotos.

“Las miradas en las caras de estas niñas también son una elección deliberada del editor de imágenes. Muy inquietante”, escribió @SarahStuartxx.

“Erosionando las barreras y normalizando esta mierda campaña a campaña.”

“Esta destrucción de la inocencia y la normalización de comportamientos marginales parece un intento por hacer aceptables escenarios previamente inimaginables (como hombres en prisiones y refugios de mujeres, como niños que tienen “identidades de género”, o como adultos bailando en bibliotecas). Nada de esto es aceptable”, tuiteó el grupo de campaña por los derechos de las mujeres Keep Prisons Single Sex USA en respuesta a las fotos.

“La normalización de los arneses siempre ha sido extraña, pero esto va más allá. Los niños no saben que son accesorios fetiche, pero los adultos que ven estas fotos seguro que sí”, dijo otra usuaria.

“Balenciaga llevando el Pederasta Chic a las masas. Muy propio de la marca para 2022.”

La campaña publicitaria de Balenciaga llega en un momento en que la aparente normalización de la exposición de los jóvenes al “kink” (fetiches) se ha convertido en un problema para aquellos preocupados por la protección infantil.

A principios de este año, una revista de estilo de vida para padres atrajo críticas generalizadas por publicar un artículo alentando a los padres a preparar a sus hijos para la exposición a la desnudez y los actos públicos de BDSM en los desfiles del orgullo LGBT.

En el artículo de Fatherly, Jennifer McGuire, profesora asociada de ciencias sociales familiares en la Universidad de Minnesota, decía que le había enseñado a sus hijos a “esperar desnudez y otras sorpresas” cuando los lleva a los desfiles del orgullo, y a disfrutar de lo que veían.

“Solo tienen que aprender a reír y disfrutar de las cosas. Como si fueran Beanie Babies (una marca de peluches americana) con penes gigantes”, dice McGuire. “Para un niño de cuarto y quinto (de 9 a 11 años), eso es súper divertido”.

Un mes después, un video de un desfile del orgullo en Berlín que se volvió viral mostraba a una niña jugando con un “cachorro de cuero” adulto que estaba encerrado en una jaula. Según The Post Millennial, la niña también fue vista entrando en la jaula en un momento dado durante la filmación.

En 2021, The Washington Post publicó un artículo titulado “Sí, el kink forma parte del Orgullo. Y quiero que mis hijos lo vean“. En el artículo, la escritora no binaria Lauren Rowello describió haber llevado a sus hijos pequeños a un desfile del orgullo en Filadelfia con su esposo.

Rowello escribió que sus hijos vieron a dos hombres, uno de los cuales solo llevaba una tanga de cuero, practicando BDSM en público. Rowello también señala que los niños también vieron a otros hombres con correas, látigos y porras, y que les explicó a los niños ese comportamiento diciendo que esos hombres era “miembros de nuestra comunidad y que estaban festejando quiénes eran y lo que les gusta hacer”.

Rowello llegó a decir que los niños deberían estar expuestos al fetichismo sexual para que se sientan “seguros de que las experiencias alternativas de sexualidad y expresión son válidas”.


Balenciaga ha borrado la página de inicio de su sitio web oficial y sus redes sociales ante el aumento del escrutinio público.

Las dos fotos de las niñas con los osos de peluche han sido eliminadas del sitio web y reemplazadas por otra foto de la campaña donde el niño no está interactuando directamente con el oso “bondage”.

La foto elegida para reemplazar las dos imágenes anteriores de las niñas con osos de peluche “bondage”.

La marca de lujo también ha borrado todas las fotos de la campaña donde salía menores de su página de Instagram, que ahora aparece vacía. Esta depuración es debida al incremento del escrutinio del público tras la identificación de un extraño detalle en otra de las fotos que anunciaban un bolso.

En la imagen, que no incluía a los modelos infantiles, se veía uno de los bolsos de colaboración de la marca Adidas encima de un escritorio cubierto de documentos. Tras un examen minucioso, los documentos parecen pertenecer al caso de la Corte Suprema de 2008, Estados Unidos contra Williams.

La foto ahora eliminada de la página de inicio de Balenciaga.

El caso involucraba a un hombre llamado Michael Williams que, en abril de 2004, utilizó un foro público de chat en Internet para publicar un mensaje ofreciendo intercambiar materiales de abuso sexual infantil con otros usuarios del grupo. El mensaje decía: “Papá de niña pequeña tiene ‘buenas’ fotos de ella y [sic] de mí para intercambiar por fotos de tu niño pequeño, o grabaciones en vivo”.

El agente del Servicio Secreto Timothy Devine respondió a la propuesta de Williams en una conversación privada donde los dos procedieron a compartir fotos no sexuales de niños. Después del intercambio, Williams dijo tener imágenes desnudas de su hija de cuatro años cuando estaba siendo abusada sexualmente, y prometió enseñarlas si Devine correspondía con otras.

Cuando Devine no envió contenido pornográfico de menores, Williams le mandó un enlace en el chat público que lo llevó a siete archivos que contenían imágenes sexualmente explícitas de niños de cinco a quince años. El agente Devine pudo así obtener una orden de registro de la casa de Williams, donde, según los registros judiciales, los agentes confiscaron dos discos duros que contenían “al menos 22 imágenes de niños reales involucrados en conductas sexualmente explícitas, algunas de ellas sadomasoquistas”.

Williams fue acusado de un delito de “proxenetismo” o promoción de pornografía infantil y un delito de posesión de pornografía infantil. Williams se declaró culpable de ambos cargos, pero se reservó el derecho de impugnar la condena en un tribunal de apelaciones. El Tribunal de Distrito de Florida sentenció a Williams a 60 meses de cárcel.

Williams luego presentó una moción para desestimar el cargo de proxenetismo sobre la base de que el estatuto legal era demasiado amplio e infringía sus derechos de libertad de expresión de la Primera Enmienda. El Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos para el Undécimo Circuito estuvo de acuerdo con Williams, enviando así la decisión final a la Corte Suprema, que finalmente dictaminó que las protecciones de la libertad de expresión no se extendían a las ofertas para propagar materiales de abuso sexual infantil.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

“Beyond Disturbing”: Balenciaga Ad Campaign Features Children with Bondage Teddy Bears

Photo Source: BALENCIAGA

Luxury fashion house Balenciaga is raising child safeguarding concerns after launching a new ad campaign featuring children and bondage-themed toys that many are calling “disturbing.”

On November 19, Twitter user @DatCatDer posted two screenshots from the Balenciaga official website showing off images being used to promote the site’s holiday gift shop.

Both of the images feature very young child models holding teddy bears. But what looks like an innocent enough photoshoot at first glance will quickly raise eyebrows once the accessories the bears are wearing are given a closer look.

In one photo, taken from the main page of Balenciaga’s US site, the child is standing on a pink bed holding a teddy bear wearing a fishnet top, collar with lock, and ankle and wrist restraints. In the full-sized version of the image, a second teddy bear is visible in the bedroom wearing a collar and blindfold.

In the second image, taken from the gift shop’s catalogue, a different child model is seen standing on a couch holding a teddy bear that is wearing a leather chest harness and collar. As in the first, a second teddy bear is visible in the room wearing more leather gear.

The bears are in fact hand-held accessories from Balenciaga’s Spring 2023 collection.

A model with one of the bears during Balenciaga’s October fashion show.

Both of the screenshots @DatCatDer posted were part of a larger series of photos which first began cropping up on Balenciaga’s official Instagram on November 16. Since then, 6 images in total have been released, all of which feature young child models posing with items from the Balenciaga gift shop. Only one of them does not include the BDSM-styled toys.

All of the photos were taken by National Geographic photographer Gabriele Galimberti, whose Instagram features more pictures of kids he has taken as part of his “Toy Stories” project — a portfolio featuring photos of children from around the world and their favorite toys.

Some of the comments on Balenciaga’s Instagram feed were critical, with users questioning the appropriateness of the photos featuring the bondage teddy bears. One user called the images “soul crushing on so many levels,” while another user commented “now you’ve crossed the line for me.”

The fashion house has since limited the ability for users to leave comments.

On Twitter, where Balenciaga has just recently deleted its account in apparent protest of Elon Musk’s takeover, users expressed outrage and concern over the campaign, with many pointing out the disturbing implications of the photoshoot.

“The looks on these girl’s faces are also deliberate choice of the picture editor too. Very unsettling,” @SarahStuartxx wrote.

“This destruction of innocence & normalization of fringe behaviors seems like an effort to make acceptable previously unimaginable scenarios (like men in women’s prisons & shelters / children having “gender identities” / adult-dancing in libraries). None of this is acceptable,” women’s rights campaign group Keep Prisons Single Sex USA tweeted in response to the photos.

“The mainstreaming of harnesses has always been weird but this is extra. The kids don’t know it’s fetish gear but the adults seeing these pics sure do,” another user stated.

Balenciaga’s ad campaign comes at a time when the apparent normalization of youth exposure to “kink” has become a point of issue for those concerned about child safeguarding.

Earlier this year, a parenting lifestyle outlet attracted widespread backlash after publishing an article encouraging parents to prep their children for exposure to nudity and public BDSM acts at LGBT pride parades.

In the article, Fatherly provided comment from Dr. Jennifer McGuire, an associate professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota. Fletcher is quoted as saying her kids have now been taught to “expect nudity and other surprises” when she brings them to pride parades, and to find enjoyment in what they witness.

“They just had to learn to laugh and enjoy things. Like there were these Beanie Babies with giant penises on them,” McGuire says. “For a fourth- and fifth-grade kid, that’s super funny.”

One month later, a video from a pride parade in Berlin went viral, showing a little girl playing with an adult male”leather pup” who was housed in a cage. According to The Post Millennial, the girl was also seen getting inside of the cage at one point during the filming.

In 2021, The Washington Post published an article titled “Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it.” In the article, non-binary writer Lauren Rowello described taking her young children to a pride parade in Philadelphia with her spouse. 

Rowello wrote that her children witnessed two men, one of whom was scantily clad in nothing but a leather thong, engaging in BDSM in public. Rowello also notes that the children witnessed several more men wearing leashes and sporting whips and batons, and that she explained to the kids that the men’s behavior was “members of our community celebrating who they are and what they like to do.”

Rowello went on to state that children should be exposed to sexual fetishism in order to be “reassured that alternative experiences of sexuality and expression are valid.”

UPDATE 11/21/22

Balenciaga has scrubbed its official website’s home page and social media following increasing public scrutiny.

Both photos of the young children holding the teddy bear accessories have been removed from the website, and replaced by another photo from the campaign where the child not is not directly interacting with the “bondage” bear.

The photo chosen to replace both of the previous images of young children holding the “bondage” teddy bears.

The luxury brand has now also deleted all of the campaign photos featuring children from its Instagram page, which now appears empty. The deletion comes after scrutiny from the public increased following the identification of a bizarre prop in another one of their photoshoots advertising a handbag.

In the photo, which did not include the child models, one of the brand’s Adidas collaboration handbags was seen laying on a desk littered with documents. One of the papers, upon closer investigation, appears to be from the 2008 Supreme Court case, United States v. Williams.

The now-deleted photo from the Balenciaga home page.

The case involved a man named Michael Williams who, in April 2004, used a public internet chat forum to post a message offering to exchange child sexual abuse materials with other users in the group. The message read: “Dad of toddler has ‘good’ pics of her an [sic] me for swap of your toddler pics, or live cam.”

Secret Service agent Timothy Devine responded to Williams’ offer in a private discussion where the two proceeded to share non-sexual photos of children. Following this, Williams claimed to have nude images of his four-year-old daughter being sexually abused, and promised to produce them if Devine would reciprocate.

When Devine did not send on pornographic content of minors, Williams provided a link in the public chat that led to seven files containing sexually explicit images of children ages five to fifteen. Agent Devine was then able to procure a search warrant for Williams’ home, where, according to court records, agents seized two hard drives containing “at least 22 images of real children engaged in sexually explicit conduct, some of it sadomasochistic.”

Williams was charged with one count of “pandering”, or promoting, child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography. Williams pleaded guilty to both charges but reserved his right to challenge the conviction in a court of appeals. The District Court of Florida sentenced Williams to 60 months in prison.

Williams then filed a motion to dismiss the pandering charge on the basis that the legal statue was overly broad and infringed on his First Amendment free speech rights. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit agreed with Williams, thereby sending the final decision to the Supreme Court, which ultimately ruled that freedom of speech protections did not extend to offers to proliferate child sexual abuse materials.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Academics Involved With Top Transgender Health Authority Publish Paper on “Choosing Castration”

Academics affiliated with a top transgender health association have released a paper in collaboration with participants of a castration fetish forum that hosts fantasy child sexual abuse material.

On November 3, the Archives of Sexual Behavior published a paper on “choosing castration” co-written by two academics who work closely with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). 

Dr. Thomas W. Johnson, Professor Emeritus at the University of California-Chico, and Dr. Richard J. Wassersug, of the University of British Columbia, co-authored the paper which examines the reasons men seek out voluntary castration, as well as the “the pros of genital ablation.”

Both Johnson and Wassersug have presented their papers at conferences hosted by WPATH in the past. Most recently, Johnson spoke at the 27th Scientific Symposium held in Montreal in September on the existence of a “eunuch gender identity.”

Dr. Thomas W. Johnson speaking on the “eunuch gender identity” at WPATH’s 27th Scientific Symposium

The paper, titled “Choosing Castration: A Thematic Analysis of the Perceived Pros and Cons of Genital Injuries and Ablation by Men Who Voluntarily Sought Castration,” analyzes the results of surveys conducted with approximately one thousand members of the Eunuch Archive between October 2016 and June 2017.

The Eunuch Archive is a long-standing forum which hosts nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature. As previously reported by Reduxx, many of these stories feature a theme of the rape, castration, torture, and killing of children — specifically little boys.

Despite the forum’s highly disturbing nature, the Institutional Review Board of California State University Chico approved the research with the aid of a Eunuch Archive Steering Committee.

In the paper, the authors provide ample praise for WPATH’s most recent version of their Standards of Care and its inclusion of treatment options for those who identify with a eunuch gender.

“The new WPATH SoC version 8… includes recommendations for health professionals to offer medical and surgical intervention when there is a high risk that withholding treatment would lead to harm such as through self-injury, surgery by unqualified person, or unsupervised hormonal use,” the paper includes.

In addition to having provided consultation to WPATH, Johnson and Wassersug have both been active members of the Eunuch Archive for decades and serve as the top administrators for the site. Johnson utilizes the moniker “Jesus,” while Wassersug is known as “EunuchUnique.”

A third academic similarly involved in WPATH events, Dr. Krister Willette, was a formative member who first posted to the original Usenet group in 1997 in order to request his own surgical castration.

Other prominent members of the Archive are currently in prison on child sexual abuse-related charges.

Jack Wayne Rogers, a former site member, was arrested in 2015 for performing a “makeshift gender reassignment surgery” on a man who identified as a woman. Upon an investigation by authorities, Rogers, a former church minister and Boy Scout leader, was found in possession of both child sexual abuse materials and a pornography collection that incorporated photographs of severed genitals.

According to court records, evidence against Rogers also included Internet “chat logs” in which Rogers discussed methods of torturing and mutilating children and bragged that he once abducted, raped, tortured, and murdered a boy.

Additionally, a founding member of the Eunuch Archive forum who drafted its initial FAQ document was convicted of child pornography charges and sexual conduct against a child in the first degree in 2005. Thomas Pidel, who operated a youth hostel, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and is classified as a Level 3 sex offender.

Surveys conducted with members of the Eunuch Archive have been used to promote the concept of a eunuch gender identity, with the aid of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), beginning as early as 2009, when Johnson first presented his research at a conference in Oslo held by WPATH.

Johnson was again invited by WPATH to speak at a 2011 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, along with Wassersug and Willette. It was during this conference that the decision was made to de-classify Gender Identity Disorder as a psychological condition. In its place, Gender Dysphoria would ultimately become the recommended terminology, thereby loosening medical restrictions around minors accessing hormones, puberty blocking-drugs, and surgeries.

In addition to having Wassersug, Johnson, and Willette involved in an advisory capacity, WPATH directly referenced the Eunuch Archive in its draft standards of care released in December.

Johnson claims to have been influential in editing the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The DSM is regarded as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders in the United States, but is also referenced internationally.

“The draft for the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM-5) suggests ‘Gender Incongruence,’ which I much prefer,” Johnson wrote on the Eunuch Archive forum in 2010. “The body and mind are out of sync, with no mental illness implied!”

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and executive director of Genspect, has been critical of WPATH guidelines and has voiced concerns about the association between WPATH and the Eunuch Archive.

“WPATH have moved from being a professional organization that tried to provide appropriate clinical treatment to help trans people to being a trans activist lobby group who believe that healthcare should be driven by consumerism rather than by clinical considerations,” O’Malley told Reduxx.

“Johnson and Wassersug clearly have an inappropriate and unhealthy desire to normalize fetishes and this view has evidently infiltrated WPATH [Standards of Care] SOC 8. At Genspect, we believe in a free society but we also believe that clinical care should be driven by clinical considerations,” O’Malley explained. 

“Normalizing fetishes is driven by a political and cultural agenda and disregards the harm that fetishistic disorder can cause. While WPATH is free to lobby to normalize the fetish community, it is not appropriate for them to pretend that they are driven by clinical care considerations.”

O’Malley went on to state that, in her view, WPATH had “entirely discredited itself and can no longer be taken seriously,” citing its promotion of “nullification” surgeries, which have now been commonly rebranded as “non-binary genital” surgeries. In these surgeries, the entire genital area is modified in an effort to give it a smooth, doll-like appearance. Often, only a small hole for urination remains.

“The arrival of ‘nullification’ surgery shows us that it is dangerous to live in a world where the consumer can pay for whatever medical interventions they want as some people are mentally ill and clinicians have studied for many years to ensure that they first, do no harm,” O’Malley said. 

O’Malley is a co-signer of an open declaration which aims to “sound the alarm” on WPATH’s “latest, deeply flawed Standards of Care,” and urged those who are concerned about their medical recommendations to take action by signing the letter.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Nueva Zelanda: Hombre transidentificado enviado a una cárcel de mujeres tras apuñalar a varias personas

Un hombre transidentificado de Nueva Zelanda ha sido condenado a 9 años de prisión por una serie de apuñalamientos en un restaurante indio a principios de este año que dejó a tres personas, incluida su ex novia, gravemente heridas.

Matthew Richard Nelson, un hombre que se autoidentifica como una mujer llamada Pandora Electra, compareció hoy para su sentencia en el Tribunal de Distrito de Hamilton. Se había declarado culpable de tres cargos de lesiones con la intención de causar daños corporales graves, así como cargos de incumplimiento de una orden de protección, daño intencional y resistencia a la policía.

Nelson, de 31 años, había sido acusado de apuñalar a tres víctimas en el restaurante Sahara India en Cambridge el 4 de mayo de este año. Una de las víctimas, una mujer, era la ex pareja de Nelson. Un informe policial del incidente presentado a la corte durante una audiencia a principios de este año decía que Nelson había actuado de una “manera rápida y agresiva”.

Según la policía, Nelson había entrado por la puerta trasera del restaurante y apuñalado a un miembro del personal que estaba trabajando en la cocina en el hombro.

Restaurante Sahara India. CRÉDITO DE LA FOTO: Restaurant Guru/Sahara India.

Nelson atacó seguidamente a otro miembro del personal, esta vez una mujer, que se descubriría más tarde que era la ex novia de Nelson. Le rajó la cara y la apuñaló en la parte superior de la espalda, causándole una perforación pulmonar. A pesar de sus horribles heridas, la mujer logró salir corriendo del establecimiento y huir en busca de ayuda a una gasolinera cercana.

Un cliente que intentó intervenir también fue atacado y perdió más de un litro de sangre tras ser apuñalado en el abdomen.

Nelson usó una silla para romper las ventanas delanteras del restaurante y poder huir.

Ya bajo custodia policial, Nelson supuestamente le comentó al médico forense que le tomaba muestras: “me parece un poco excesivo solo por apuñalar a tres personas”.

Hoy, Nelson fue sentenciado a 9 años y tres meses de prisión, y debe cumplir al menos el 60% de la sentencia antes de poder solicitar la libertad condicional. Según Stuff.nz, el juez respetó la identidad de Nelson como “Pandora Electra”, un nuevo nombre que ha añadido, ya que anteriormente se identificaba como “Emma”.

Nunca se determinó claramente el motivo de los ataques de Nelson, y el tribunal selló durante el juicio asuntos relacionados con su situación que pudieron haber aclarado las razones del ataque.

Nelson se encuentra actualmente en la prisión de mujeres de Auckland. Un informe previo a la sentencia que fue presentado al tribunal había dictaminado que Nelson tenía un alto riesgo de causar daños violento a otros.

En diciembre de 2021, el Parlamento de Nueva Zelanda aprobó por unanimidad un proyecto de ley que permite la autoidentificación total de género en los documentos legales. El Proyecto de Ley de Registro de Nacimientos, Defunciones, Matrimonios y Relaciones eliminó la necesidad de requisitos médicos o judiciales para solicitar un cambio legal de género.

La adjudicación de prisión se basa en gran medida en el sexo legal, y las ubicaciones iniciales siempre coinciden con el sexo en el certificado de nacimiento del delincuente. Si una persona no tiene un cambio legal de género, pero se autodeclara una identidad transgénero, aún puede ser candidato para una transferencia. La única restricción conocida es que los delincuentes condenados por delitos sexuales “graves” no pueden ser transferidos a una prisión que albergue a reclusos del sexo escogido por el delincuente.

El sitio web del DOC (Departamento de Prisiones) de Nueva Zelanda aconseja a los funcionarios de prisiones que “consideren el apoyo que la persona trans necesita y desea mientras está en prisión”. El personal penitenciario debe discutir un plan de apoyo con los reclusos que se identifican como trans dentro de los tres días posteriores a su llegada. A los hombres que se atribuyen una identidad femenina se les pueden proporcionar prótesis de pechos, sostenes y ropa interior femenina, y pueden optar por solicitar que los registros y cacheos los hagan funcionarias de prisiones de sexo femenino.

En abril de este año, un ciudadana preocupada solicitó información sobre el número de presos transidentificados que se encuentran actualmente en cárceles de mujeres. Dianne Landy presentó una solicitud pidiendo las cifras, así como la cantidad de personas que tienen una calificación de seguridad de riesgo medio a alto.

El DOC respondió de manera evasiva, sin proporcionar la información y postpuso su respuesta indefinidamente.

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Convicted Child Rapist, Murderer Profiled in Article on Trans Rights in Prison

Content Warning: This article contains graphic details of crimes committed against two children and a person with a disability. Reader discretion is appreciated.

One of the top criminal justice organizations in the United States has featured a rapist and murderer in a Transgender Day of Remembrance article denouncing the treatment of transgender inmates.

On September 17, The Vera Institute of Justice released an article titled “Violence, Torture, and Isolation: What It’s Like to be Trans in Prison.” The Vera Institute is one of the largest criminal justice reform think tanks in the United States, and recently received a $171 million contract from the federal government to provide legal services to unaccompanied migrant children.

The article paints a bleak picture of the life of trans-identified inmates in prison, specifically “trans women” who are housed in men’s facilities, and also serves as an announcement for an upcoming report the Vera Institute is publishing on trans inmates and their experiences with the criminal justice system.

“The brutal, inhumane prison system across the United States does immeasurable harm to all who are forced to interact with it, but trans people suffer acutely as the result of unchecked physical and sexual violence and frequent denial of gender-affirming mental and physical health care,” the Vera Institute writes, going on to assert that “overuse of incarceration” is a key issue for trans-identified inmates.

As part of the piece, the Vera Institute offers comment from Patricia Trimble — a trans-identified male inmate currently serving a 50-year sentence for two heinous crimes, including the rape of two 9-year-old girls.

In the article, Trimble, who is described as a prison rights activist, recalls the suicide of a pseudonymous trans-identified inmate he was friends with, and argues that a lack of access to gender affirming care and housing was responsible for his death.

“Without access to programs and counseling, our community is doomed, thought of as nothing more than acceptable casualties,” Trimble is quoted as saying.

No where in the article does the Vera Institute mention the horrific crimes Trimble has been convicted of.

Born Patrick, Trimble was first convicted in 1978 of the brutal rape of two 9-year-old girls in the city of St. Charles, Missouri. Trimble kidnapped the children by tying rope around their wrists and dragging them to his car. The girls were then taken to a remote, wooded area where Trimble proceeded to orally and vaginally rape them.

Trimble [C] with other transgender inmates.

But while in prison awaiting the final verdict on his case, Trimble would commit another heinous crime, making what the court would later describe as a “slave” out of his developmentally disabled cellmate and subjecting him to weeks of torture, rape, and abuse before murdering him.

Jerry James Everett, who was in jail awaiting trial for non-violent vehicular theft, was Trimble’s cellmate.

According to a 1982 court document, Trimble had initially gained Everett’s compliance by representing himself as a Christian minister. The court heard that Everett was extremely religious, and spent most of his time in prison reading the Bible. Trimble would force Everett “to have both oral and anal intercourse with him, compelled him to wear a ‘bra’ around the jail for the entertainment of the other inmates, and forced him at one point to display to the other inmates a rag that had been stuffed into his anus.”

Trimble prostituted Everett to other inmates, and even offered to sell him to a member of the prison staff for a carton of cigarettes. Trimble tortured Everett, making deep gashes in his flesh using burnt shampoo bottles, and lighting matches that were placed between his toes. Trimble also forced Everett to play games he did not have the intellectual capacity to understand, and would “win” his food from him after inevitably beating Everett in the game.

A few weeks after beginning the sadistic abuse, Trimble advised other inmates he was planning on murdering Everett to prevent him from ever informing anyone outside of the prison of what had happened. He also stated that he was worried about being sent to prison if convicted solely of raping the two young girls, and wanted to “catch something much bigger” by committing a murder. 

Trimble ultimately murdered Everett, staging it to be a suicide. He forced Everett to pen a goodbye letter before strangling him to death with towels — using such force the man’s neck was fractured. After Everett was dead, Trimble used the towels to hang his corpse so as to look like he had taken his own life.

The court noted that Everett was “mentally slow, and may never have fully comprehended what was happening to him.”

1980 notice of Trimble’s death penalty in a local newspaper.

In 1980, Trimble was sentenced to death for his crimes — but, in 1985, the decision was commuted to a life sentence without the possibility of parole for 50 years. He is currently incarcerated in a men’s maximum security prison in Missouri.

According to the November 17 Vera Institute article, Trimble is now working with the Black and Pink project — an advocacy organization focused on prison abolitionism. Black and Pink is currently partnered with the Vera Institute to produce the report on trans-identified people and the criminal justice system.

Despite currently being in prison, Trimble is an active trans rights activist and semi-regularly updates his Medium blog.

In July, Trimble penned a blogpost titled “I am a Woman,” in which he outlines his realization of his transgender identity. The post begins by Trimble blaming his lack of gender affirmation throughout his life on the crimes he committed.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Trimble is a contributor to the Prison Journalism Project (PJP), a non-profit organization that claims its aim is to empower “incarcerated journalists” by providing them a platform. In July, Trimble penned at article for PJP on about preparing a presentation for a class at Missouri University after having been contacted by a Professor of Criminology there.

In 2021, Razvan Sibii, a senior lecturer in journalism at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, praised Trimble for his “advocacy for, and mentoring of, LGBTQ people in prison.” That mentoring, which includes helping other trans-identified males gain access to benefits after declaring a transgender identity, had allegedly earned Trimble the nickname “Mother.”

Trimble currently has a book for sale on Amazon titled “Finding Purpose: One Transgender Woman’s Journey.” In his Amazon author profile, Trimble is described as a “feminist, activist, and advocate for the incarcerated LGBTQ+ community,” and claims he was wrongly convicted for the crimes he is currently incarcerated for.

Since the publication of our initial article on Trimble in July, Reduxx has been contacted by a number of readers who have reported that their Amazon accounts have been limited or suspended after leaving complaints about Trimble’s book on the Amazon listing.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.