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UK: “Queer Joy” Speaker Called For Murder of “Transphobes” At Arts Council Funded Event

A disturbing video is making the rounds on social media showing a speaker at a publicly-funded “Queer Joy” event calling for the murder of “transphobes.”

On May 31, Twitter user Alexander Bramham uploaded a clip taken from a video originally posted on the LGBT Foundation Youtube channel on May 25. In it, Jova Bagioli Reyes, who identifies as a “Queer neuro-diverse Latinx,” is heard calling on trans people to “kill their murderers.”

The speech was made during the “Queer Joy and Radical Acts: Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Arts and Culture Network Conference 2022,” which originally took place in February. This ongoing project and conference was supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

On the LGBT Foundation site, a 2019 call for artists reveals Reyes would have likely been paid just over £2,250 (approx. $2,800 USD) for his performance at the event.

In the full version of Reyes’ speech, he first gives a “trigger warning” before discussing the idea behind a song he had conceptualized centered around a fictional “Latinx trans woman” named Rosa who is killed before coming back as a ghost to kill the murderers.

“Because that’s what we’re about,” Reyes then exclaims, “Kill transphobes 2022!” With his comment being met with some applause and cheering from the live audience.

In his thread on the clip, Bramham stated that this wasn’t the first time he had personally witnessed calls for violence at publicly funded LGBTQ events. 

“This is not isolated. Lobbyists given public money are inciting hatred against persons with [gender-critical] views protected under the UK Equality Act. At a @mcrartgallery conference I attended recently, organizer @jezdolan wore an ‘Exterminate TERFs’ badge, comparing feminists to a virus,” Bramham wrote.

In the replies to Bramham’s posts, many other users expressed concerns at the video, with some tagging the Metropolitan police to ask why Reyes had been allowed to call for violence.

Others noted that the overwhelming majority of trans individuals murdered were killed by male sexual partners, yet Reyes’ call for violence would disproportionately target women who are labeled “transphobic” for desiring single-sex spaces.

“Funny how the murderers of those handful of trans in the sex industry are actually men, yet the main ‘transphobes’ they’re inciting to murder are mainly women,” user Sashenka wrote in the replies, with another user echoing her sentiment in saying: “And the majority of that hatred is aimed at TERFs, aka women. So, calling for male violence against women, while carrying an over-run rainbow banner. Nothing changes except the pageantry.”

In the United Kingdom where the event was held, no trans-identified people were the victim of murder in 2021, as confirmed by Essex Police shortly after they raised a flag to “commemorate members of the transgender community who died as a result of anti-transgender hatred and violence.”

There were also no reported murders of transgender people in the United Kingdom in 2020, and the total number of recorded murders since 2008 sits at less than a dozen. In 2018, Channel 4 released a FactCheck showing that trans-identified people were less likely to be murdered in the United Kingdom than the general population.

In 2021, popular Twitter commentator @ripx4nutmeg noted that more women had been murdered by their trans-identifying male sons than trans people had been murdered in the entire country.

LGBT Foundation is a Manchester-based registered charity initially established in 1975. Their website states that they “exists to support the needs of the diverse range of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans.”

In January, the organization announced that they were severing all ties with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) after the EHRC called for “more detailed consideration” on the proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland.

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EXCLUSIVA: Reconocido activista transgénero rechaza ley de autoidentificación carcelaria y se disculpa con las mujeres.

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy. Original Photo: Leah Millis/The Chronicle.

Un recluso transgénero conocido por su exitosa lucha para conseguir que las cirugías de “afirmación de género” fueran ofrecidas sin costo alguno en las cárceles del estado de California ahora arremete contra las leyes de autoidentificación de la prisión, calificándolas como “una vergüenza”.

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, un hombre biológico que se identifica como transgénero, conversó exclusivamente con Reduxx sobre los múltiples problemas con la SB-132, la legislación de California que permite que los reclusos masculinos sean transferidos a prisiones de mujeres únicamente sobre la base de la “identidad de género” autodeclarada.

Norsworthy fue enviado a prisión en el año 1987 por el asesinato bajo efectos del alcohol de un hombre durante una pelea de bar. Su sentencia era de unos 17 años a cadena perpetua, y fue alojado en una prisión para hombres. Pero en el 2009, después de ser la víctima de una violación grupal y contraer hepatitis C como consecuencia, su salud mental comenzó a resquebrajarse. Más tarde, un psicólogo penitenciario recomendaría que a Norsworthy se le proporcionara tratamientos de tipo quirúrgico para la disforia de género con el fin de aliviar su malestar psicológico.

Pero frente a la continua negativa por parte de la administración de suministrarle dichos tratamientos mientras cumplía su condena , Norsworthy tomó acciones legales en contra del estado de California durante el 2014. El fallo del caso Norsworthy, que fue emitido al año siguiente, sentó un precedente al establecer que los reclusos transgénero tenían derecho a sus tratamientos especiales. Como resultado, Norsworthy ha sido catalogado por legisladores y activistas trans como un “pionero” de los derechos de reclusos trans en el estado de California.

Pero ahora, el ex recluso expresa su indignación por el impacto negativo de las políticas de autoidentificación de la SB-132 con respecto a la seguridad de las mujeres encarceladas.

“No quise que esto sucediera. Mi caso en el 2015 abrió una puerta y estoy esperando que los estados se disculpen con las mujeres. No quise que esto sucediera. Las mujeres son las personas más tenues del planeta, en todas partes”.

Norsworthy sostiene que la SB-132 está “mal redactada” y que es falso que se diseño para abordar las necesidades de reclusos transgénero en riesgo de agresión sexual como se afirma, sino para complacer a reclusos específicos por capricho de poderosas organizaciones de activísmo trans.

“La SB-132 es el bebé del Proyecto de Justicia Intersexual Transgénero y el Centro de Derecho Transgénero”, “impulsaron una agenda basada en mentiras” asegura Norsworthy.

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy.

Hablando para Reduxx sobre el estado actual de las instalaciones correccionales de mujeres, Norsworthy criticó a los activistas trans detrás de esta ley y afirmó que desde que se  comenzó a implementar la SB-132 ninguno de los hombres transferidos a instituciones femeninas había sufrido maltratos en retenes masculinos consistentes con la Ley para la Eliminación de Violaciones en Prisiones (PREA).

“La ley se vendió bajo la premisa de que tenía la intención de proteger a personas como yo de la agresión sexual…

Pero yo conocía a cada uno de los reclusos que  fueron transferidos a la prisión de mujeres y ni uno solo de ellos tenía algo en su expediente que dijera que había sido víctima de agresión sexual”.

Norsworthy reveló a Reduxx que los primeros 10 reclusos varones que fueron transferidos a la Central de Mujeres de California fueron colocados en confinamiento solitario por intentar tener relaciones sexuales con reclusas. Al tener una amplia red de contactos dentro de las instalaciones femeninas, Norsworthy dijo que las mujeres informaron que los hombres transferidos  a menudo interrumpen o rechazan los ” tratamientos de afirmación de género” una vez que se trasladan a las prisiones para mujeres.

“Estas personas ingresaron a las cárceles de mujeres alegando ser mujeres. Pero entonces, en el momento en que ingresaron dejaron de tomar hormonas o ya no querían operarse… ¿Por qué? Porque querían que sus penes funcionasen”.

Los contactos femeninos de Norsworthy también han revelado que los informes al personal penitenciario sobre reclusos varones identificados como trans que las victimizan han sido ignorados o descartados por completo.

“El estado simplemente tomó a estos gigantes y los arrojó a celdas con mujeres y dijo ‘arréglenselas’. Y ahora, cada vez que una mujer sale, está siendo acosada, simplemente las abandonaron … los reclusos trans transferidas bajo la SB-132 gozan de mayor poder en las cárceles femeninas que las propias mujeres”.

Norsworthy también señaló que, a pesar de que la SB-132 está en vigor, no se ha enviado a ningún varón transgénero  mujer a hombre a una prisión masculina, y dice que la renuencia oficial para el trasladado de mujeres biológicas que se identifican como hombres a centros penitenciarios de su género  especifico expone el verdadero propósito de la ley.

“Nunca van a permitir que una mujer camine en el patio de los varones porque saben que el lado de los hombres es diferente”,  Norsworthy asegura, “Esas [mujeres a hombres] van a tener que empezar a decir que ‘ volvieron a ser mujeres para permanecer en una cárcel femenina, o, si son reconocidas como hombres, ¡tienen que sacarlas de allí! Porque si no lo hacen, los reclusos varones se darán cuenta de eso”.

Norsworthy advirtió que no habrá base legal para mantener a ningún recluso masculino fuera de las instalaciones femeninas si se permite que las mujeres identificadas como trans sean legalmente reconocidas como hombres pero eviten la transferencia a una centro masculino.

“Ahí  está el problema. El problema radica en las contradicciones. Y es un juego muy obvio que están jugando estos grupos de defensa que le susurran en los oídos a los legisladores de California y les vendieron una cuento”.

Norsworthy reveló a Reduxx que se está trabajando en planes para lanzar un desafío legal contra el estado y exigir una revisión completa y una nueva redacción de la SB-132, así como tratar de incluir a las reclusas y los grupos de derechos de las mujeres en la discusión.

“Queremos igualdad de derechos. Ninguna persona tiene más derechos que otra… ¡porque eso es por lo que luché! Lo que vemos es que las personas trans están desarrollando una fuente de poder que pisotea los derechos de las mujeres”, aseveró Norsworthy.

“A las reclusas y las organizaciones de mujeres no se les permitió hablar. Tenían derecho a participar en el proceso legislativo”, dijo Norsworthy, y agregó: “Estoy harta y cansada de tener más poder y más derecho a ser mujer que una mujer que nació hembra”.

Norsworthy también expresó su apoyo a la demanda iniciada por el Frente de Liberación de la Mujer (WoLF) contra el estado de California en nombre de cuatro reclusas hechas víctimas a manos de hombres identificados como trans que fueron transferidos a su cárcel. Norsworthy será una de las numerosas partes interesadas que brindarán información al equipo legal de la organización que asiste a las demandantes.

Al comentar sobre las declaraciones de Norsworthy para Reduxx, la directora legal de WoLF, Lauren Adams, dice que había escuchado un sentimiento similar una y otra vez.

“Al trabajar en este caso, he hablado con más de 60 reclusos en California. Me sorprende lo uniforme que es la oposición a la SB-132, incluso por parte de personas transidentificadas de ambos sexos”.

Adams señala que Norsworthy tiene una postura ideológica de género en oposición a la de WoLF, pero dice que en su intento de derogar la actual ley de autoidentificación de las prisiones de California, comparten un fin común, el de intentar ayudar a las mujeres más afectadas.

“WoLF está aquí para proteger la seguridad y la dignidad de las mujeres tras las rejas”, dice Adams, y agrega que las demandantes bajo su representación fueron las que acercaron a Norsworthy a WoLF. “Estoy muy agradecida por este grupo diverso de partes interesadas que realmente se han mostrado a favor de estas mujeres”.

Adams señala que las leyes que rodean este tema son complejas y no favorecen a las mujeres. Ella dice que la Corte Suprema incluso ha dictaminado que en ciertas circunstancias los hombres encarcelados pueden tener un derecho constitucional a viviendas para personas del sexo opuesto.

“En la demanda de WoLF, el éxito es la reducción de daños”, explica Adams para Reduxx, y agrega: “Hay docenas de hombres (asesinos, violadores, pandilleros) en las prisiones para mujeres de California, en este mismo momento maltratan, explotan y aterrorizan a mujeres cautivas. Cientos de hombres adicionales han solicitado la transferencia”.

WoLF inició una demanda contra el estado de California en noviembre del 2021, pero a principios de este mes, la Unión Estadounidense de Libertades Civiles (ACLU) presentó una moción para intervenir en la demanda. La ACLU busca proteger a la SB-132 y mantener  el derecho de los hombres identificados como trans de ser trasladados a prisiones de mujeres. En un informe del 16 de mayo, la ACLU llegó al extremo de afirmar que ni siquiera a los delincuentes sexuales se les debe negar la transferencia.

“Ganar esta demanda no borrará el camino que nos llevó a este lugar inquietante, pero cambiaría drásticamente el mundo para miles de reclusas que, en este mismo momento, soportan estas condiciones insondables”.

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EXCLUSIVE: Female Inmate Reports Rape Occurred in California Women’s Prison

A female inmate at the Central California Facility for Women has come forward with a sworn declaration of having been eyewitness to the aftermath of an alleged sexual assault that took place within the institution.

Incarcerated woman Mimi Le has provided a sworn declaration to lawyers at the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) to be included in WoLF’s case against the State of California. The evidence was given exclusively to Reduxx for review in advance of WoLF’s latest filing.

According to Le’s statement, she was one of many eyewitness to the events surrounding what was described as a “sexual assault” committed by a trans-identified male against a female inmate.

Le explains that on May 19, a female inmate was taken to a medical-administrative building in the facility by staff after other female inmates reported that she had been raped. Le describes personally witnessing the woman as being “barely conscious,” and that less than one hour later, she was taken out of her cell on a stretcher under a Code 3 medical alert – one that signifies an inmate is unresponsive and unable to be revived using immediate methods.

The next day, Le says she was told by multiple inmates that the woman had been sexually assaulted by Jonathan Roberston, also known as Siyaah Skylit. Robertson was previously the subject of widespread trans activist campaigns attempting to relocate him from a male facility to the women’s institution he is now in. In 2021, Pink News boosted a petition demanding to have Roberston freed from prison.

In her testimony, Le goes on to state that as a representative of the Inmates Advisory Council, she attempted to establish contact with correctional staff in an attempt to clarify details about the alleged assault. While walking to the administrative program building, she witnessed Robertston being taken in handcuffs, and learned quickly that it was because he had launched into a violent tirade against the women.

Robertson is said to have spit at some female inmates, and multiple inmates have confirmed he shouted: “F*ck all you b*tches. I’ll rape you. I’ll rape your mama. I’ll f*ck all you b*tches up… There is nothing you b*tches can do.”

Le describes the fear and upset that quickly spread through the women after the man’s threat, and how she attempted to calm the other inmates down.

“This was very triggering and saddening for everybody. To be threatened by a man with doing a thing that he can do, that he is capable of doing, that he may already have done to other women, is terrifying,” Le writes in her declaration, “They were concerned and discussed how to protect themselves; I convinced them to just go to their rooms while I asked for an update from the Captain to figure out how to proceed.”

Le says that she approached correctional staff to understand what would be done about Robertson’s threats and behavior towards the women.

“By that time [he] had already been released back onto the yard… [but] once the Captain learned of the rape threats, he decided along with the Sergeant to move [him] to administrative segregation. [But] before they could do that, the Warden overruled them, saying that an inmate-to-inmate threat is not an offense sufficient.”

Two days later, Le says she and a number of other female inmates were told they had been placed on what is known as a ‘confidential’ — a list of inmates whose immediate safety was threatened as a result of the incident.

“Men … get to transfer to women’s prison because the prison fails to keep them safe from rape by other men in men’s prison … But now the prison is protecting [them] by getting [them] out of the men’s prison only to let [them] terrorize women with rape and violence threats,” Le wrote in her statement.

Disturbingly, just after the rape threats were issued, Robertson was quickly and quietly moved to the California Institution for Women — a lower security women’s correctional facility in the state.

Source: California Department of Corrections Inmate Database

Speaking to Reduxx on Le’s testimony, WoLF Executive Director Mahri Irvine expressed disappointment at the lack of protections incarcerated women are being afforded since SB-132 came into effect.

“We are deeply saddened and disturbed by the reported rape at CCWF and by the reported actions of prison administrators, who have obviously failed in their duties to protect female inmates.”

Irvine’s team at WoLF launched a lawsuit against the state of California in 2021, representing four female inmates who all stated they had been victimized by trans-identified male transfers. The named plaintiffs in the case are Janine Chandler, Krystal Gonzales, Tomiekia Johnson, and Nadia Romero. Romero and Chandler are both opposing the law on the premise of religious objection, one of the women being a devout Muslim.

Johnson, a survivor of domestic violence who was imprisoned after murdering her abuser, says she had been placed in a cell with a “vicious, dangerous biological male inmate.” But perhaps most shockingly, plaintiff Gonzales describes that she had been sexually assaulted by a male inmate who had been transferred to her facility after SB-132 was introduced.

Irvine says WoLF has been sounding the alarm about how vulnerable incarcerated women are, continuing: “As the months pass by, more and more sexual assaults are being reported in prisons across the country — predatory male inmates are targeting vulnerable women, and women’s fears are disregarded by prison officials.”

According to Irvine, prison administrators in California are routinely failing to prevent sexual violence in prison, and also failing to implement trauma-informed responses to sexual assault reports.

“How many more rapes must these women endure before prison administrators and state legislators will be held accountable for their abject failure to protect female inmates from predatory men?”

While trans activists often claim that trans-identified males are particularly vulnerable in the prison system, records consistently show they are disproportionately represented amongst those convicted of sexual crimes.

According to the Bureau of Prisons, almost 50% of trans-identified male inmates have been convicted of a sexual offense. This is compared to just 11% of the non-trans-identified male inmate population.

In California’s prisons, 33.8% of trans-identified male inmates are registered sex offenders, with the Bureau of Prisons confirming that the incarcerated sex offender population is responsible for up to 50% of rapes that occur within the prison system.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Sex-Ed Book For Lesbian Youth Taught Them How to Have Sex With Males

A sex education book aimed at “baby dykes” and young “queer'” women is being criticized online after encouraging lesbian youth to engage in heterosexual sexual activities.

On May 28, snapshots from a “Queer” sex-ed book made it onto popular subreddit r/TumbrInAction. Some recent leaks from the book had been the subject of a widespread discussion on social media, and a subreddit user who owned the guide decided to show the community even more of its contents.

Girl Sex 101, initially published in 2015 by ‎Lunatic Ink, received stellar endorsements at the time of its release by ‘Queer’ and trans activist outlets DIVA Magazine and Autostraddle. But Reddit users didn’t share the positive sentiment in the slightest, with many pointing out that it appeared to be yet another example of lesbian erasure.

The author marketed the work as a “sex-ed book like no other, offering helpful info for ladies and lady-lovers,” but offered graphic details on how to perform sex acts on males. In sections such as “Hand Techniques for Girl-Dick” and “Girl-Dick Bean Lick!” the young lesbian readers are provided instructions on how to handle male genitalia in ‘affirming’ ways, and refers to the penis as a clitoris.

Credit: TumblrinAction/levitatingloser

The book also teaches the young lesbian readers that the male prostate is an “internal clitoral structure,” and that fellatio can be a form of cunnilingus.

Shockingly, the book not only teaches lesbians how to perform sex acts on males but actively encourages them to learn how, in the event they are ever in a position of having sexual relations with a man, noting that “lots of girls” have penises.

“… cunnilingus in the form of what looks like a blowjob is actually nice,” The author writes, continuing: “For some girls, too much glans stimulation can feel annoying. This can be especially true if she gets erections.”

“It can be useful to understand how both [genitals] work,” the author says, going on to compare it to learning how to drive different kinds of cars: “It’s helpful to at least have an understanding of how to drive both an automatic and manual transmissions, even if you have a strong preference for one of the two.”

Credit: TumblrinAction/levitatingloser.

Users on Reddit were quick to express disgust at what they’d been shown.

“Makes me sick to the stomach. It’s supposed to be about lesbian sex [and] female sexuality, and you make everything about sucking dick??? Thank you very much for telling everyone that lesbians do actually like dick when we have been trying to tell creepy men that we don’t since forever!” The most up-voted comment wrote, with another user saying: “Conversion therapy but make it sparkly.”

On Amazon, a number of the negative reviews were from lesbians concerned about the messages the book was sending. One reviewer uploaded pictures showing that the book advising that trauma from sexual abuse was not a valid to want to exclude groups of people from your dating pool, stating that it was “not fair.”

Another picture uploaded by the reviewer told young readers that they should be willing to examine their sexuality, and even states that expressing a “preference for vulvas” can be “shady.”

Similar reactions can be found in other reviews, with another Amazon user calling it “disgusting, homophobic” propaganda and akin to conversion therapy.

“This book supposedly on lesbian sex, devotes pages to why lesbian women and girls should consider penises in their sex lives, and why being exclusively same sex attracted is bigotry that you need to work really hard to get over. It is disgusting homophobia and conversion therapy. Everyone involved in this book should be ashamed,” the reviewer stated.

“Unfortunately this book seems to be a grooming guide to gaslight young lesbians. Suggesting that you should try penis so you know about female genitals is misogynistic and homophobic,” another reviewer commented.

Girl Sex 101 was written by sex educator Allison Moon, who is known for creating workshops on “sexual pleasure and technique, polyamory and LGBTQ+ issues.” While Moon has published multiple books in which she refers to herself a ‘dyke,’ she is currently married to Reid Mihalko, a male actor-turned-gender educator who has been the subject of multiple sexual misconduct allegations.

Despite the continually negative reception since its release, the Rainbow Awards Winning guide is still widely available at major booksellers.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Reclusa rompe el silencio sobre traslado de hombres transidentificados a prisión de mujeres.

Una reclusa del Centro Correccional para Mujeres Edna Mahan de Nueva Jersey (EMCFW, por sus siglas en inglés) se pronunció en contra de la transferencia de convictos auto-identificados como transgénero a dicha instalación.

Declarando para Reduxx, la privada de libertad Miseka Diggs explicó que las reclusas del EMCFW están “muertas del miedo” por causa de estos hombres. Bajo la política actual, ellos no necesitan someterse a ninguna cirugía, mientras que Diggs asegura que la mayoría ni siquiera recibe tratamiento de reemplazo hormonal. También afirmó que la mayoría de las mujeres encarceladas en el EMCFW  padecen de traumas previos , muchas siendo víctimas de violencia masculina, por lo que la presencia de varones en las instalaciones les genera una gran angustia.

Según un informe hecho en 2016 por el Instituto Vera de Justicia, el 86 % de las mujeres encarceladas tienen antecedentes de abuso y el 77 % tiene antecedentes de violencia conyugal. Los defensores de los derechos de la mujer han descrito esta situación como un “canal directo de abuso sexual hacia la prisión”.

“Es como si estuvieras viviendo una situación abusiva. Siento una ansiedad de la que nunca había padecido antes”, dijo Diggs. Explicó que ella había estado visitando a los servicios de salud mental para abordar las formas en que la presencia de hombres violentos en el centro de mujeres estaba sacando a relucir sus propios sentimientos ligados a su pasado.

Según Diggs, las mujeres que se quejan por sentirse inseguras son puestas bajo custodia protectora.

“No podemos expresar nuestros sentimientos por temor a que nos pongan bajo custodia protectora, [que] es como encarcelar. Si usas la palabra equivocada, serás desarraigada y expulsada de tu alojamiento. Tantas mujeres que caminan con temor”, dijo Diggs.

“Sentimos que somos parte de un chiste enfermo. Esta es una pesadilla de la que no podemos despertar”, agregó. “Las mujeres aquí están traumatizadas una y otra vez y parece que a nadie le importa nuestras necesidades. Nos sentimos como ciudadanas de segunda clase y sin derechos”.

Diggs describió la ansiedad que sintió por tener que compartir una ducha con uno de los hombres transferidos, a quien identificó como Nikita Selket. Selket, anteriormente conocido como Neil LaBranche, es un hombre de 6 pies y 7 pulgadas que cumple una condena de treinta años por el asesinato de su compañero de cuarto en 1995. El Departamento Correccional de Nueva Jersey ha registrado a LaBranche como “mujer”. Es uno de los 27 hombres que han sido transferidos a las instalaciones para mujeres desde el año pasado. La decisión fue el resultado de un acuerdo legal entre funcionarios estatales y la ACLU de Nueva Jersey.

“Cuando [LaBranche] entró y se metió en la ducha al lado mío, ¡me sentí violada de todas las maneras posibles! No podía creer que me estaba bañando con una persona con partes genéticas masculinas”, dijo Diggs. Supuestamente, LaBranche también observa a las mujeres mientras estas se duchan, “sonríe, como si  le gusta lo que está sucediendo”.

El primer recluso masculino transferido a EMCFW fue Perry Cerf, quien ahora usa el nombre de “Michelle Hel-loki Angelina”. Como informó anteriormente Reduxx, Cerf cumple una condena de 50 años por el asesinato de la inmigrante ecuatoriana Flor Andrade. Aceptó una sentencia más larga para eliminar su condena por violación de su registro.

“Ir a prisión por un cargo sexual sería un riesgo de seguridad para mí”, dijo Cerf en ese momento. Se jactó de haber bebido la sangre de la mujer después de matarla. Más tarde se encontró a Cerf vistiendo su ropa, manejando su automóvil y con su propia fotografía  remplazando la identificación de la víctima.

Diggs le dijo a Reduxx que  el día en que Cerf  fue trasladado a las instalaciones, vio cómo lo escoltaban aproximadamente 15 guardias. Mientras era guiado por los pasillos, intentó derribar las puertas de las celdas de mujeres. Durante su encarcelamiento en las instalaciones masculinas de la Prisión Estatal de Nueva Jersey, Cerf agredió a otros reclusos y en una ocasión fue puesto en confinamiento solitario durante 23 horas al día.

“Cuando Cerf llegó a el EMCFW fue un día muy sombrío. Nadie sabía qué pensar. El complejo estaba cerrado y vimos a 15 oficiales con equipo swat caminando con este individuo. Los oficiales también estaban en alerta máxima, porque este sujeto venia con mala reputación de la cárcel de hombres”.

Diggs continuó diciendo que durante los altercados con mujeres, varios de los transferidos trans les han recordado que son hombres para amenazarlas.

“Este es un comportamiento y [declaración hecha] por la mayoría de las personas transgénero. ‘Soy un hombre y te voy a noquear'”, dijo.

Además, algunos hombres se auto-identificaron para poder ser enviados a esta prisión, solo para auto-identificarse nuevamente y conseguir su salida. “Sé de dos traslados que regresaron a la prisión de hombres por su cuenta. Se identificaron como trans, vinieron aquí por cualquier motivo y luego decidieron que querían volver a las instalaciones para hombres. Fueron enviados de regreso. Justo ahí es donde radica el problema: van y vienen a su antojo”.

En el 2021, un recluso transgénero que luchó con éxito para ser transferido a Edna Mahan exigió que lo enviaran de regreso a una institución para hombres, citando el abuso que sufrieron las reclusas a manos del personal penitenciario. Rae Rollins afirmó que la violencia sistémica en Edna Mahan lo hizo sentir “inseguro”.

Hablando sobre el acuerdo entre los funcionarios estatales y la ACLU, Diggs comentó que creía que los derechos de las mujeres estaban siendo “echados por la ventana” para asegurar votos y carreras políticas.

“Mientras me siento y repito todo dentro mi miente, las conversaciones que he tenido con el comisionado, la administración, los abogados y los reporteros, llegué a la conclusión de que, al fin y al cabo, todo se trata de política. Las mujeres aquí están atrapadas en el juego de la política y eso es triste”.

“Las mujeres que fueron sentenciadas a la única prisión para mujeres en el estado de Nueva Jersey no fueron condenadas a vivir con personas que las manipularan y se aprovecharan de ellas, y [sirvieran como] detonantes del trauma que las puso aquí”.

El mes pasado, el Departamento Correccional de Nueva Jersey confirmó que dos reclusas habían quedado embarazadas en los inmuebles de mujeres luego de encuentros sexuales con al menos uno de los reclusos varones transidentificados que estaban alojados allí.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

EXCLUSIVE: “Trailblazing” Trans Inmate Slams Prison Self-ID, Wants Prisons to Apologize to Women

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy. Original Photo: Leah Millis/The Chronicle.

A pioneering transgender inmate who waged the first successful legal challenge to force the state of California to pay for ‘gender affirming’ surgeries for inmates is lashing out against prison self-identification laws, calling them “an embarrassment.”

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, a biological male who identifies as transgender, spoke exclusively to Reduxx about the extensive problems with SB-132, California’s legislation which allows male inmates to be transferred into women’s prisons on the basis of self-declared ‘gender identity’ alone.

Norsworthy was sent to prison in 1987 for murdering a man during a heated, alcohol-fueled exchange at a bar. Sentenced to 17-to-life, Norsworthy was housed in a male prison. But after experiencing an hours-long gang-rape in 2009 which resulted in a contraction of Hepatitis C, Norsworthy’s mental health began to suffer. A prison psychologist would later recommend that Norsworthy be provided surgical treatments for gender dysphoria in order to alleviate the psychological distress.

But faced with a continual denial of access to those treatments while incarcerated, Norsworthy sued the state of California in 2014. The ruling on Norsworthy’s case, issued the next year, created a precedent in holding that transgender inmates had a right to specified treatments. As a result, Norsworthy has been heralded by lawmakers and trans activists as a ‘trailblazer‘ and pioneer of transgender inmate rights in the state of California.

But now, the former inmate is expressing outrage at the impact of SB-132’s self-identification policies on incarcerated women’s safety.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen. My case in 2015 opened up a doorway [and] I am waiting for the states to apologize to women. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Women are the most subdued people on the planet, all over.”

Norsworthy says SB-132 is “poorly written,” and that it wasn’t created to address the needs of transgender inmates at risk of sexual assault as was claimed, but rather to cater to specific inmates at the whim of powerful trans activist organizations.

“SB-132 is a play-thing of the Transgender Intersex Justice Project and the Transgender Law Center,” Norsworthy says, “They pushed an agenda based on lies.”

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy during a 2015 parole hearing. Photo Credit/AP.

Speaking to Reduxx on the current state of women’s correctional facilities, Norsworthy slammed the trans activists behind the law, and asserted that none of the males transferred to women’s institutions since SB-132 was implemented had faced any hardships in the male estate consistent with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).

“The law was sold on the premise that it was intended to protect people like myself from sexual assault… But they [transferred] a lot of inmates, and I knew every single one of them when they got [to the women’s prison] and not one of them has anything in their file that says they’d been a victim of sexual assault.”

Norsworthy told Reduxx that the first 10 male inmates who were transferred to the California Central Women’s Facility were placed in solitary confinement for trying to initiate sexual relationships with female inmates. Having an extended network of contacts inside women’s facilities, Norsworthy says the women have reported that male transfers often stop or decline ‘gender affirming care’ once being moved to women’s prisons.

“These people got into the women’s prisons by claiming to be women. But then, the moment they arrived they stopped their hormones or didn’t want the surgery anymore … Why? Because they wanted their penises to work.”

Norsworthy’s female contacts have also revealed that reports to prison staff about trans-identified male inmates victimizing them have gone neglected or entirely dismissed.

“[The state] just took these behemoths and threw them into the cells with the women and said ‘deal with it.’ And now, every time a woman does come out she is being stalked, harassed or gawked-at, they are just ignored … the [trans inmates] transferred under SB-132 have more power in women’s prisons than the women themselves.”

Norsworthy also noted that despite SB-132 being in effect, no transgender female-to-males have been sent to a men’s prison, and says that the official reluctance to move biological females who identify as men to the gender-specific institution exposes the ultimate intention of the law.

“They’re never going to allow a [female] to walk on a man’s yard because they know the men’s side is different,” Norsworthy says, “Those [female-to-males] are either going to have to start saying they’re women again in order to stay [in a women’s prison], or, if they are recognized as men — you gotta’ get them out of there! Because if you don’t, the male inmates are going to figure that out.”

Norsworthy warned that there will be no legal basis to keep any male inmate out of women’s facilities if trans-identified females are allowed to be legally recognized as men but avoid transfer to a male estate.

“That’s where the problem lies. The problem lies in the contradictions. And it is a very obvious game being played by these advocacy groups who got into California lawmaker’s ears and sold them a story.”

Norsworthy told Reduxx plans are in the works to launch a challenge agains the state and demand a full review and re-write of SB-132, as well as seek to include female inmates and women’s rights groups in the discussion.

“We want equal rights. Not one person has more rights than the other… because that’s what I fought for! What we’ve got is that trans people are developing a power source that stomps on women’s rights,” Norsworthy says.

“The female inmates and women’s groups weren’t allowed to speak. They had a right to be involved in the legislative process,” Norsworthy says, continuing: “I am sick and tired of having more power and right to be a woman than a woman who was born a woman.”

Norsworthy also expressed support for the lawsuit launched by Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) against the state of California on behalf of four female inmates victimized by trans-identified male transfers, and will soon be one of many stakeholders providing information to the organization’s legal team in order to assist them.

Commenting on Norsworthy’s statements for Reduxx, WoLF’s Legal Director Lauren Adams says she’d heard similar sentiment time and time again.

“In working on this case, I have spoken to over 60 inmates in California. I am struck by how uniform the opposition to SB-132 is, including from trans-identified people of both sexes.”

Adams notes that Norsworthy has an ideological stance on gender that is in opposition to WoLF’s own, but says that when trying to take down California’s current prison self-identification law, they share a common motivation of attempting to help the women most impacted.

“WoLF is here to protect the safety and dignity of women behind bars,” Adams says, adding that Norsworthy was introduced to WoLF by the plaintiffs they are representing in their lawsuit. “I am so grateful for the diverse group of stakeholders who have really shown up for these women.”

Adams points out that the laws surrounding this issue are complex and not favorable to women. She says that the Supreme Court has even ruled that incarcerated men may have a constitutional right to cross-sex housing in certain circumstances.

“In WoLF’s lawsuit, success is harm reduction,” Adams tells Reduxx, continuing: “There are dozens of men – murderers, rapists, gang members – in California women’s prisons right now who are abusing, exploiting, and terrorizing captive women. Hundreds of additional men have applied to transfer.”

WoLF launched a lawsuit against the state of California in November of 2021, but earlier this month, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a motion to intervene in the suit. The ACLU is seeking to protect SB-132, and maintain the ability of trans-identified males to be moved to women’s prisons. In a May 16 brief, the ACLU went so far as to claim even sex offenders should not be denied transfer.

“Winning this lawsuit is not going to erase the path that brought us to this troubling place – but it would dramatically change the world for thousands of female inmates who are, at this very moment, enduring these unfathomable conditions.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“This is a nightmare”: Female Inmate Speaks Out Against Trans-Identifying Male Transfers

An inmate at New Jersey’s Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women (EMCFW) is speaking out against the transfer of trans-identifying male convicts into the facility.

Speaking with Reduxx, incarcerated woman Miseka Diggs explained that the female inmates in EMCFW are “scared to death” of the men. Under the current policy, the men do not need to undergo any surgery, and Diggs asserts that most of the men are not on hormone replacement therapy. She stated that a majority of women incarcerated at EMCFW have past trauma, with many being victims of male violence, and the presence of men in the facility is causing them severe distress.

According to a 2016 report from the Vera Institute of Justice, 86% of incarcerated women have a history of abuse and 77% have a history of experiencing intimate partner violence. Women’s rights advocates have described this situation as a “sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline.”

“It is like you are living in an abusive situation. I have anxiety that I never knew about,” said Diggs. She explained that she had been visiting the mental health services to address the ways in which the presence of violent men in the women’s facility was bringing up her own feelings related to her past.

According to Diggs, women who complain of feeling unsafe are placed in protective custody.

“We can’t express our feelings in fear of being put in protective custody, [which] is like lock-up. If you use the wrong words you will be uprooted and removed from your living quarters. So many women walk around in fear,” Diggs said.

“We feel like we are part of some sick joke. This is a nightmare that we can’t wake up from,” she added. “The women here are traumatized over and over again and it seems as if no one cares about our needs. We feel like second-class citizens with no rights.”

Nikita Selket. Photo Credit/NJDOC.

Diggs described her anxiety at having to share a shower with one of the male transfers, whom she identified as Nikita Selket. Selket, formerly Neil LaBranche, is a 6′ 7″ man serving a thirty-year sentence for the murder of his roommate in 1995. The New Jersey Department of Corrections has recorded LaBranche as “female.” He is one of 27 men who have been transferred into the women’s facility since last year. The decision was the result of a legal settlement between state officials and ACLU New Jersey.

“When [LaBranche] came in and got into the shower next to me I felt violated in every form possible! I couldn’t believe that I was showering with a person with genetic male parts,” Diggs said. LaBranche is allegedly also watching women as they shower, with a “smile, as if [he] liked what was happening.”

The first male inmate transferred to EMCFW was Perry Cerf, who uses the name “Michelle Hel-loki Angelina.” As previously reported by Reduxx, Cerf is serving a 50-year sentence for the murder of Ecuadorian immigrant Flor Andrade. He accepted a longer sentence to have his rape conviction removed from his record.

“Going to prison on a sex charge would be a safety concern for me,” Cerf said at the time. He boasted of drinking the woman’s blood after killing her. Cerf was later found wearing her clothing, driving her car, and had placed his own photograph over hers on the victim’s identification.

Diggs told Reduxx that the day Cerf was transferred into the facility, she witnessed him being escorted by approximately 15 guards. As he was being moved down the corridors, she saw him attempting to kick down doors to women’s cells. While incarcerated in the men’s facility at New Jersey State Prison, Cerf assaulted other male inmates and at one point was placed in solitary confinement for 23 hours each day.

“The day [Cerf] hit EMCFW was very somber. No one knew what to think. The compound was locked down and we saw 15 officers in swat gear walking with this individual. The officers were on high alert as well, because this individual has a reputation in the men’s facility as a problem.”

Diggs went on to say that during altercations with the women, several trans-identifying transfers have reminded them that they are men in order to threaten them.

“This is a behavior and [statement made] by most of the transgenders. ‘I am a man and I will knock you out,'” she said.

Moreover, some men have identified into the prison, only to identify out again. “I know of two transfers that went back to the male prison on their own. They identified as trans, came here for whatever reason, and then decided they wanted to go back to the men’s facility. They were sent back. That is exactly where the problem lies: they come and go as they please.”

In 2021, a transgender inmate who successfully fought to be transferred to Edna Mahan demanded to be sent back to a men’s institution — citing the abuse female inmates suffered at the hands of correctional staff. Rae Rollins claimed the systemic violence at Edna Mahan made him feel “unsafe.”

Speaking on the settlement between state officials and the ACLU, Diggs remarked that she believed women’s rights were being “tossed out the window” in order to secure votes and political careers.

“As I sit back and play everything over in my head the conversations that I’ve had with the Commissioner, administration, lawyers, and reporters, I came to the conclusion that this is all about politics at the end of the day. The women here are caught up in the game of politics and it is sad.”

“The women that were sentenced to the only female prison in the State of New Jersey didn’t get sentenced to be housed with people that prey upon them and manipulate them, and [serve as] triggers of the trauma that put them here.”

Last month, the New Jersey Department of Corrections confirmed that two female inmates had become pregnant in the women’s estate following sexual encounters with at least one of the trans-identifying male inmates housed there.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation

Dave Chappelle Attacker Was “Triggered” By ‘Anti-LGBTQ’ Jokes

The man who attacked comedian Dave Chappelle during a live stand-up performance claims he had been “triggered” by the comedian’s jokes about the LGBTQ community.

Isaiah Lee, 23, shocked audiences around the world when he ran onto stage and tackled Chappelle during the Netflix Is A Joke comedy festival at the Hollywood Bowl on May 3. Lee was armed with a replica handgun that concealed a real knife and attacked the comedian. Chappelle’s bodyguards quickly intervened, preventing the comedian from being harmed. Lee was immediately arrested following the incident.

Lee, a rapper also known as “NoName_Trapper,” has now claimed his motivation for attacking Chappelle was because he had been “triggered” by Chappelle’s comedic material. During an interview with The New York Post on May 23, Lee stated, “I identify as bisexual … and I wanted him to know what he said was triggering. I wanted him to know that next time, he should consider first running his material by people it could affect.”

Photo Source: The Los Angeles Police Department.

Lee claims he did not intend to use the knife during the attack and he was only carrying it for his own personal safety as he is a “minor celebrity.” But on May 20, Lee was also charged with attempting to murder his roommate by stabbing just months prior to attacking Chappelle. Lee pleaded not guilty to the stabbing charge, and is scheduled to return to court in June.

After the initial incident, the footage of Lee tackling Chappelle went viral on social media and was viewed over 2.7 million times on just one Twitter account.

While many users expressed concern for Chappelle’s safety, others took to Twitter to argue that the attack was justified due to Chappelle’s “transphobic” material.

“Dave Chappelle deserved to get Will Smithed after all the “jokes” he’s been making about trans people. Because at this point they’re far from jokes.” one user stated, with another writing: “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, he also used this opportunity after getting attacked to make more transphobic remarks. If you like Dave Chappelle you aren’t necessarily transphobic but I assure you your trans friends feel less than comfortable with it.”

In coverage of Lee’s statements, Queer outlets LGBTQ Nation thinly suggested Chappelle’s set was to blame for his own attack, writing: “Chappelle made several anti-transgender and anti-gay jokes during his Netflix special The Closer, including announcing that he’s a trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF), ranting about trans women’s genitalia, and joking about beating up gay men and lesbians. He continued the theme, mocking transgender people and the homeless during the show.”

Dave Chappelle isn’t the only comedian taking flak from trans activists due to his jokes about transgenderism. Ricky Gervais has been under fire since his latest comedy special, Super Nature, aired on Netflix on May 24.

Just minutes into his set, Gervais jokes: “Oh, women! Not all women, I mean the old-fashioned ones. The old-fashioned women, the ones with wombs. Those fucking dinosaurs. I love the new women. They’re great, aren’t they? The new ones we’ve been seeing lately. The ones with beards and cocks.”

Just hours after the set finished, LGBTQ activist organization GLAAD issued a statement condemning Gervais, and calling his jokes ‘dangerous.’

“We watched the Ricky Gervais ‘comedy’ special on Netflix so you don’t have to. It’s full of graphic, dangerous, anti-trans rants masquerading as jokes … The LGBTQ community and our allies have made it very clear that so-called comedians who spew hate in place of humor, and the media companies who give them a platform, will be held accountable.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Feminista noruega se enfrenta a una posible condena de tres años por responder a un tuit

Una feminista noruega podría enfrentarse a una condena de hasta tres años de prisión por supuestos  tuits de “odio” dirigidos a un hombre que asegura ser lesbiana.

Christina Ellingsen, representante de la organización feminista Declaración Internacional de Mujeres (WDI), está siendo investigada bajo cargos de delitos de odio por los tuits que hizo entre febrero del 2021 y enero del 2022.

Los tuits en cuestión fueron en respuesta a Christine Marie Jentoft, representante del grupo activista trans Foreningen FRI. Jentoft es un hombre que se identifica como mujer lesbiana.

Los cargos de Ellingsen se centran en cuestionar por qué FRI promovía la idea de que los hombres podían ser lesbianas. Si bien la policía continua su investigación, si es declarada culpable, Ellingsen podría enfrentarse a una sentencia de prisión de por hasta tres años.

Noruega introdujo la “identidad de género” en los párrafos sobre crímenes de odio en enero del 2021. En ese momento, WDI Noruega (anteriormente WHRC Noruega) advirtió que la introducción de este concepto en dicha ley daría pie a la persecución de las mujeres por afirmar lo que son realidades biológicas.

¿Por qué el [FRI] enseña a los jóvenes que los hombres pueden ser lesbianas? ¿No es esto una terapia de conversión? Ellingsen tuiteó en octubre del 2021.

Un segundo tuit que ha sido citado como evidencia de discurso de odio dice: “Jentoft, que es un hombre y asesor del FRI, se presenta como lesbiana; así de loca es la organización que supuestamente trabaja para proteger a los intereses de las jóvenes lesbianas. ¿Cómo beneficia a las jóvenes lesbianas que los hombres también digan que son lesbianas?”.

Ellingsen fue acusada recientemente por Amnistía Internacional Noruega de acosar a Jentoft después de decirle por televisión nacional que era hombre.

“Eres un hombre. No puedes ser madre”, había dicho Ellingsen, “normalizar la idea de que los hombres pueden ser madres es una forma clara de discriminación contra las mujeres”.

 Después de hablar con su abogado a principios de esta semana, Ellingsen compartió con Reduxx que se había enterado que fue el propio Jentoft quien presentó la denuncia policial en su contra.

Jentoft previamente generó controversia después de invitar a niños a contactarlo para recibir abrazos en un tweet realizado en el 2018.

“¡Queridos niños queer de todas las edades! Sé que algunos de nosotros tenemos padres que ya no nos aman. Pero gracias a un video [de Facebook] que acabo de ver, solo quiero informarles que en realidad soy una madre certificada. Entonces, si alguna vez necesitan un verdadero abrazo maternal, ¡estaré feliz de complacerlos!”. Escribió Jentoft .

“Christine Maria” Jentoft.

Ellingsen señaló que aunque Jentoft está involucrado con un poderoso grupo lobista, la denunció a la policía como un ciudadano común. “La decisión del abogado policial de abrir esta investigación en contra de una activista por los derechos de la mujer es muy preocupante”, agregó.

Jentoft es asesor sobre diversidad de género del FRI, también conocida como la Organización Noruega para la Diversidad Sexual y de Género. Anteriormente el FRI se conocía como la Asociación Nacional para la Liberación de Lesbianas y Gays.

Desde 1997, el FRI ha estado trabajando para derogar las a parafilias sexuales y los fetiches como diagnósticos de salud mental tanto en Noruega como en el extranjero. En 2010, muchos diagnósticos relacionados con la parafilia se eliminaron de la literatura médica noruega y, en el 2018, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) hizo lo mismo. Las campañas del FRI tuvieron como resultado que el sadomasoquismo, el fetichismo travesti y el fetichismo en general fueran reclasificados como variantes de la excitación sexual en la 11ª edición de la International Classification of Diseases. (Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades).

En el 2016, se introdujo una nueva ley en Noruega que le permite a las personas mayores de 6 años cambiar su sexo en sus documentos legales. Actualmente, no es posible cambiar el derecho de los padres, aunque el FRI ha estado haciendo campaña para modificar eso.

En Noruega, la madre se define legalmente dentro de las leyes que rigen a los derechos del niño como una “mujer que ha parido al niño”. En los últimos años, el FRI ha estado presionando para redefinir el concepto legal de “madre” a “padre biológico”, junto con otras alteraciones lingüísticas destinadas a hacer que las leyes sean “neutrales en cuanto a género”.

 Hace cinco años, el gobierno noruego anunció su intención de introducir un sistema de identificación neutral al género para el año 2032, eliminando así todos los datos ligados al sexo que puedan ser útiles para comprender el impacto que tienen las leyes y políticas de estado en mujeres y niños.

Christine Ellingson de la Declaración Internacional de Mujeres de Noruega. Photo/Fartein Rudjord

“Estoy bajo investigación policial por hacer campaña por los derechos de la mujer, porque para ciertos grupos, el hecho de que las mujeres adultas y las niñas sean mujeres y que los hombres no puedan ser mujeres, niñas, madres o lesbianas, se considera lenguaje de odio”, declaró Ellingsen para Reduxx.      

 “Las mujeres no están protegidas contra el discurso de odio en Noruega, pero los hombres que afirman ser lesbianas y mujeres están protegidos tanto por su identidad de género como por su orientación sexual”, dijo Ellingsen.

“El hecho de que la policía pueda investigar y perseguir legalmente a mujeres que luchan por los derechos femeninos es preocupante. Este es un escenario nuevo en Noruega, por lo que el resultado de la investigación es importante, tanto si se desestima el caso como si se lleva a juicio”.

En el 2021, un hombre noruego fue condenado a 21 días de prisión y una multa de 15 000 coronas noruegas tras ser declarado culpable de “insultar” y “confundir el género” de un hombre trans a través de Facebook.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon.

Norwegian Feminist Facing Up To Three Years In Prison Over Tweets

A Norwegian feminist could be facing up to three years in prison for allegedly “hateful” tweets directed at a male who claims to be a lesbian woman.

Christina Ellingsen, a representative of feminist organization Women’s Declaration International (WDI) is being investigated under hate crime charges for tweets she made between February 2021 and January 2022.

The tweets in question were replies directed at Christine Marie Jentoft, a representative of trans activist group Foreningen FRI. Jentoft is a male who identifies as a lesbian woman.

Ellingsen’s charges are centered around her questioning why FRI promoted the belief that men could be lesbians. While police are still investigating, if she is found guilty, Ellingsen could face a prison sentence of up to three years.

Norway introduced “gender identity” into the hate crime paragraphs in January 2021. At the time, WDI Norway (formerly WHRC Norway) warned that the introduction of the concept into law would result in persecution of women for stating biological facts.

“Why [does] FRI teach young people that males can be lesbians? Isn’t that conversion therapy?” Ellingsen tweeted in October 2021.

A second tweet that has been cited as evidence of hate speech reads, “Jentoft, who is male and an advisor in FRI, presents himself as a lesbian – that’s how bonkers the organization which supposedly works to protect young lesbians’ interests is. How does it help young lesbians when males claim to be lesbian, too?”

Ellingsen was recently accused by Amnesty International Norway of harassing Jentoft after telling him on national television that he was male.

“You are a man. You cannot be a mother,” Ellingsen had said, “To normalize the idea that men can be mothers is a defined form of discrimination against women.”

After speaking with her lawyer earlier this week, Ellingsen told Reduxx she had learned that the police report made against her was filed by Jentoft himself.

Jentoft previously sparked controversy after inviting children to contact him for hugs in a tweet made in 2018.

“Dear queer children of all ages! I know some of us have parents who don’t love us any more. But thanks to a [Facebook] video I have just seen, I just want to inform you that I am actually a certified mother. So if you ever need a real motherly hug, I will be happy to oblige!” Jentoft wrote.

“Christine Marie” Jentoft, a man who claims to be a lesbian, is a representative for Norwegian lobbying group FRI

Ellingsen pointed out that even though Jentoft is involved with a powerful lobbying group, he nevertheless reported her to the police as a civilian member of the public. “The police attorney’s decision to open this investigation against a women’s rights activist is deeply concerning,” she said.

Jentoft is an advisor on gender diversity for FRI, also known as the Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity. FRI was previously known as The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation.

Since 1997, FRI has been working towards the repeal of sexual paraphilias and fetishes as mental health diagnoses in both Norway and abroad. In 2010, many paraphilia-related diagnoses were removed from Norwegian medical literature, and in 2018 the World Health Organization (WHO) followed suit. The FRI’s campaigns successfully resulted in sadomasochism, transvestic fetishism, and general fetishism being re-classified as variants in sexual arousal in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases.

In 2016, a law was introduced in Norway allowing those aged 6+ to change their legal sex on documents. Currently, it is not possible to change parental status, though FRI has been campaigning to change that.

A mother is in Norway legally defined in the laws governing children’s rights as the “woman who has given birth to the child.” In recent years, FRI has been lobbying to redefine the legal definition of “mother” to “birth parent,” along with other linguistic alterations aimed at making laws “gender neutral.”

Five years ago, the Norwegian government announced its intention to introduce gender neutral identification markers by 2032, thus eliminating sex-based data which may be useful to understanding the impact of laws and policies on women and children.

Christina Ellingsen, a representative of Women’s Declaration International Norway. Photo Credit/Fartein Rudjord

“I am under police investigation for campaigning for women’s rights, because to certain groups, the fact that women and girls are female and that men cannot be women, girls, mothers or lesbians, is considered hateful,” Ellingsen told Reduxx.

“Women are not protected against hate speech in Norway, but men who claim to be both lesbian and a woman, are protected both on the grounds of gender identity and on the grounds of sexual orientation,” Ellingsen said.

“The fact that police are legally able to investigate and persecute women who engage in women’s rights is concerning. This is new territory in Norway, so the outcome of the investigation is important, both if the case is dismissed and if it leads to trial.”

In 2021, a Norwegian man was sentenced to 21 days in prison and a fine of 15,000NRK after being found guilty of “insulting” and “misgendering” a trans-identified male on Facebook.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation