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MÉXICO: Transactivistas toman un baño de mujeres en la universidad y amenazan con violaciones

Las estudiantes de una de las mejores universidades de América Latina dicen que los transactivistas tomaron un baño de mujeres en el campus, y debido a sus amenazas, algunas lesbianas y mujeres críticas de género ahora temen por sus vidas.

El 24 de agosto, activistas trans increparon a estudiantes feministas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) cuando pintaban un símbolo del orgullo lésbico en una pared cerca de la Biblioteca Samuel Ramos. En declaraciones a Reduxx, una testigo que prefiere permanecer en el anonimato dijo que los activistas comenzaron a insultar a las mujeres que estaban pintando el labrys lésbico.

“Las llamaron TERF, fascistas coloniales y transodiantes”, dice la fuente, y añade que poco después otros activistas de los grupos queer del campus se unieron para acosar a las estudiantes. Las mujeres trataron desesperadamente de apaciguar a la multitud hablando con aquellos que estaban indignados.

“Las mujeres intentaron entablar un diálogo, pero se encontraron con que los activistas trans querían que pintaran un símbolo de lesbianismo con el que estuvieran de acuerdo”.

Poco después, como resultado de la pintada del símbolo lésbico, los estudiantes trans declararon que “no se sentían seguros” en el campus y acudieron a los administradores para exigir un baño de género neutro en ese área.

Si bien los administradores acordaron crear uno, los estudiantes no esperaron a que fuera designado. Menos de 24 horas después, los activistas habían tomado el baño de mujeres más grande del segundo piso de la Facultad de Filosofía.

Como parte de la toma simbólica, los activistas vandalizaron las paredes de fuera del baño con grafitis antifeministas y pro comercio sexual.

“Menos abolos, más putería” y “menos TERF, más bellakeo” fueron algunos de los mensajes pintados en las paredes exteriores del baño. El letrero de baño de “damas” también se borró y se reemplazó con baño “neutro”.

La fuente dentro de la universidad dice que el baño que fue incautado era antes considerado uno de los más seguros para las mujeres en el campus. Las agresiones sexuales en la UNAM son tan comunes que la Universidad recientemente tuvo que instalar botones de emergencia dentro de los cubículos de los baños de mujeres.

Como resultado de la falta de alternativas seguras, así como de la resistencia a ceder a las demandas de los activistas trans, las estudiantes han seguido usando el baño, pero ahora denuncian largas colas y prolongadas esperas, ya que los estudiantes varones también han comenzado a usar la instalación “neutra” debido a su tamaño y conveniencia.

En respuesta a la toma del baño, algunas estudiantes feministas en el campus intentaron marcarlo con su propio graffiti.

Las fotos del interior del baño tomadas la semana pasada muestran que se habían escrito algunas consignas feministas en los espejos y las paredes. Una dice: “Si quieren un baño mixto, quítenselo a los hombres. No violenten los espacios de mujeres”, y otro pide a los activistas que prioricen a las mujeres.

Pero otras fotos tomadas en el interior muestran que ahora han aparecido amenazas violentas dirigidas a las mujeres. Una pintada, escrita amenazadoramente cerca de un botón de emergencia, dice: “violación y muerte a las TERFs”.

Según se informa, las estudiantes feministas denunciaron a la Universidad el graffiti amenazador y documentaron su ubicación para que los administradores lo limpiaran, pero la Universidad dijo que “no había podido encontrar” los mensajes violentos a pesar de haber sido bien señalados por las mujeres.

La fuente dentro de la UNAM informó a Reduxx que la administración ha ordenado la eliminación de los grafitis feministas, pero permite que los realizados por activistas trans continúen en las paredes, incluidos aquellos que amenazan de muerte y violación.

En una declaración emitida el 26 de agosto, la Universidad parece expresar su apoyo a los activistas trans que se habían apoderado del baño femenino, mientras que condena al mismo tiempo a quienes expresaban “discriminación” hacia ellos.

“El consejo técnico … acordó condenar categóricamente cualquier expresión de odio, violencia o discriminación hacia las diversidades sexo-genéricas”, se puede leer en el comunicado. “No caben discursos que socaven los derechos humanos de las personas que componen nuestra comunidad”.

Aparentemente envalentonados por la falta de acción de la Universidad, los activistas trans han estado acosando a estudiantes lesbianas y feministas con la finalidad de intimidarlas. Las mujeres críticas de género en el campus que han tratado de organizar protestas formales contra la toma del baño han sufrido acoso.

“Han comenzado una caza de brujas contra feministas lesbianas que pertenecen a organizaciones estudiantiles”, dijo la fuente de la Universidad a Reduxx. “Las estudiantes que se oponen al activismo trans están siendo particularmente acosadas.”

“Nos siguen a los baños, esperando encontrarnos in flagrante haciendo pintadas”, dice la fuente anónima. “Nos quieren silenciar, es una quema de brujas”.

La representante de Women’s Declaration International México, Laura Lecuona, expresó su indignación por lo que ha sucedido en el campus de la UNAM.

“La UNAM, y en particular la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, lleva años siendo caldo de cultivo de las políticas transgeneristas”, dice Lecuona a Reduxx. “En los últimos meses la violencia de diferentes grupos antimujeres ha aumentado. Tienen impunidad, con la activa y pasiva complicidad de las autoridades [universitarias]”.

Lecuona dice que la Universidad ha estado imponiendo activamente la ideología de género a los estudiantes, y que ha habido múltiples ejemplos de activistas trans en el campus forzando la mano de la administración bajo amenaza de disturbios. Lecuona explica que a principios de este año, activistas trans en el campus exigieron que se eliminara de los sistemas de la Universidad un video que explicaba la diferencia entre sexo y género.

“Parece que las autoridades están aterradas”, dice Lecuona. “Dejan muy claro a quién quieren proteger. Una y otra vez, [la UNAM] ha demostrado que sus campus y facultades no son espacios seguros para las mujeres”.

Lecuona alude al comunicado emitido por la Universidad, y afirma que mientras la administración se pliega a las demandas de los activistas trans, feministas y lesbianas en el campus de la UNAM han venido mostrando una tremenda determinación ante la condena institucional.

“Ante la mirada pasiva de quiénes tendrían que garantizar nuestras libertades, se atacan nuestros cuerpos y se atacan nuestras palabras. Si las autoridades tienen miedo, las feministas no lo tendremos”.

El activismo trans está estrechamente relacionado con el activismo a favor del comercio sexual en México. En julio, un político transgénero interrumpió agresivamente (aquí en español) una conferencia del gobierno destinada a abordar la trata de personas, al sentirse ofendido por las implicaciones que las políticas abolicionistas tendrían sobre los “trabajadores sexuales” trans.

María Clemente, un político transidentificado y miembro de la Cámara de Diputados de México desde el año pasado, calificó la sugerencia de que se aboliera el comercio sexual para la protección de mujeres y niños como “discurso de odio”. Clemente dijo a sus detractores: “¡Soy una mujer y soy una puta! ¡Es mi trabajo y cómo come mi familia! ¡Me encanta!”

La violencia sexual contra las mujeres en México se considera una de las más altas del mundo, y la tasa de feminicidios del país continúa aumentando aunque la tasa general de homicidios disminuye. El 85% de las víctimas de la trata de personas en el país son mujeres, y las mujeres y las niñas están sobrerrepresentadas en todas las formas del delito, incluido el tráfico de órganos, la prostitución forzada y la explotación laboral.

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NZ: Trans Murderer Denied Appeal On Life Conviction For Killing, Torturing Teen Girl

A trans-identified convict who was handed a life sentence for the senseless torture and murder of a teen girl in New Zealand has been denied leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. Toko Shane Rei Winter, who goes by Ashley, was found guilty in September 2019 of the abduction and murder of 17-year-old Dimetrius Pairama.

In July of 2018, Winter and his accomplice Kerry Te Amo kidnapped Pairama, taking her to an abandoned social assistance house in Middlemore. Two other teens were present during the five-hour ordeal, and one girl, who was 14 years old at the time, was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for a full account of the events.

According to the girl’s testimony, Pairama was tied to a chair and stripped naked. Winter then shaved her head before one of the teenagers used a make-shift flamethrower, fashioned out of a lighter and a chemical spray, to burn her body.

Dimetrius Pairama.

“They made her sit on the chair, tied her up and shaved her hair,” she said. “Tape was on her legs, and then rope on the arms,” said the witness. At one point the detective asked if Pairama fought back, but the teen said no. “She doesn’t know how to fight… she just went with it.”

The teen explained that Winter then told Te Amo that it was his turn to beat Pairama, and that she believed she heard the girl’s bones breaking as he hit her.

The witness told the court that she had pleaded with Te Amo and Winter to stop tormenting Pairama, at which point Winter began to burn her.

“[Winter] went looking in the cupboard, there was heaps of chemicals in there. [He] found a spray, and I think it was a spray paint. [He] lit the lighter up, and then sprayed it towards the lighter and burnt her body parts,” the witness said, using feminine pronouns to refer to Winter.

Pairama was then allegedly covered in a sheet before Winter dumped chemicals on her. As the teen was laid on the ground, Winter then asked her how she would like to be killed.

“[Winter] then goes, ‘how do you wanna die, you only got till three o’clock. If you don’t tell me I’m gonna stab your throat,'” the witness said.

The two teens were then left alone together. The 14 year-old girl told the court that she offered to help Pairama escape.

“I asked her if she was alright, she said no. She goes she wants to see her nana, and that’s when I got her clothes and I gave it to her … I said get out the window and just go as far as you can, but she said she was too scared. She told me to tell [Winter] that she wants to hang herself.”

The duo fashioned a noose out of bedsheets and attempted to hang Pairama. Their first attempt failed; however, the second attempt resulted in the teen’s death. Afterwards, they dumped her body in a steel drum, where it was discovered behind the house in Māngere in July 2018.

During a three-week investigation, Winter repeatedly changed his story, with both Te Amo and Winter blaming each other for the killing. Winter initially claimed he had helplessly watched while his “best sister” was hanged by Te Amo.

Kerry Te Amo [L] and Toko Shane Rei Winter [R]. Photo Credit: Doug Sherring & Sam Hurley/NZ Herald.

In a recorded interview with authorities, Winter described Pairama as his “best friend” despite not even knowing her full name.

“I don’t know her name, probably known her for years. I just know her as ‘Sis,'” Winter claimed.

But the statement was directly contradicted by the teen witness. She told the court that Winter had been the “ringleader,” and that he had only met Pairama the day before the murder. Winter had also made repeated claims of being involved in a local gang called the Mongrel Mob.

Later on during the investigation, Winter admitted to beating Pairama because he believed the teenager was spreading rumors about him.

Disturbingly, during Pairama’s torture, a group of police officers visited the abandoned house Pairama was being kept in, seeking a former tenant who lived at the residence. Pairama was sent to answer the door, and the officers could see she was distressed and had been crying.

Winter interjected in the interaction, and told the officers she had just broken up with a boyfriend and dismissed them. During the trial, one officer told the court that he had felt Winter was “the boss” in the situation.

Crown Solicitor Natalie Walker, who prosecuted Winter and Te Amo, said that Winter was at a high risk of re-offending. “This was sadistic violence in which [he] was the ringleader,” Walker said. “[He] doesn’t accept responsibility.”

Representing Winter, attorney Matthew Goodwin made a point of telling the jury not to discriminate against Winter for identifying as transgender. He mentioned Winter’s “struggles” with “gender transition” as a mitigating factor.

“In the darkest moments of this case, one wonders whether the defendants were taking out their frustrations in their lives and that contributed to a loss of self-control,” Goodwin told the court.

However, one of Te Amo’s lawyers, Shane Tait, told the court that Winter’s biological sex was an important factor in the murder.

“In a trial involving assaults and violence it’s important we appreciate that [he’s] not in there slapping and hitting like a dainty fish; [he’s] in there with big fists and the strength of a male.”

Justice Timothy Brewer said Winter was clearly the “dominant” offender and was generally “in-charge” during the brutal slaying. He believed Winter executed the teen “because [he] found the situation exciting.”

The pair were sentenced in 2019 at the High Court in Auckland, and the verdict was unanimous.

Media coverage of the case has consistently referred to Winter as a woman and, in many instances, failed to mention his transgender status.

Winter was sentenced to a minimum of 19 years and four months in jail while Te Amo was ordered to spend at least 19 years behind bars. Both have since sought to have their convictions overturned and their sentences reduced, but their applications were dismissed by the Court of Appeal earlier this year.

On September 6, the Supreme Court also released a judgement dismissing Winter’s leave to appeal application, based on similar grounds stated previously by the Court of Appeal.

It is not clear where Winter is being detained to serve his life sentence, though a citizen of New Zealand, Sarah Fort, requested this information from the Department of Corrections (DOC) in September 2020.

In response, DOC representative Robert Jones told Fort that “the placement of transgender and intersex people in a men’s or women’s prison, including the process for a review of initial determination of placement, is managed in accordance with Prison Operations Manual.”

The New Zealand DOC website advises prison officials to “consider the support the trans person needs and wants while in prison.” Corrections staff are required to discuss a support plan with trans-identifying inmates within three days of their reception. Men who claim a female identity may be provided with prosthetic breasts, brassieres, and feminine undergarments, and they may choose to request to be searched by female officers.

In April this year, another concerned citizen requested information regarding the number of trans-identifying prisoners currently being housed in women’s prisons. Dianne Landy filed a request asking for the figures, as well as the amount of individuals who have a medium to high risk security rating.

The DOC again replied in an evasive manner, without providing the information and instead delayed their response indefinitely.

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Reino Unido: mandan a la cárcel de mujeres a un pederasta en serie condenado por 30 delitos de abuso sexual infantil

Photo Source: Eddie Mitchell/THE DAILY MAIL

Un pederasta en serie transgénero va a ingresar en una prisión de mujeres en el Reino Unido tras recibir una condena por 30 delitos relacionados con el abuso sexual de 7 niños.

John Robert Dixon, de 58 años, llevó a cabo abusos contra cinco niñas y dos niños de 1989 a 1996, cuando la víctima más joven tenía 7 años. En 2004, Dixon comenzó a identificarse como una mujer llamada Sally Anne.

En julio, un jurado declaró a Dixon culpable de 30 delitos de abusos deshonestos e indecencia pública contra un menor en lo que se describió como una campaña de abuso sexual contra las siete víctimas. Según el Daily Mail, el fiscal del caso, Ryan Richter. calificó a Dixon como un “depredador sexual atrevido y despiadado” que explotaba a hombres jóvenes y que “cultivaba una relación tóxica” con las víctimas femeninas.

El pederasta se aprovechaba de los niños que llegaba a conocer a través de conexiones familiares y les hacía grooming para que confiaran en él. Dixon llegó a abusar de algunos de los menores durante meses en su garaje o en su caravana.

Dixon estuvo en la cárcel seis meses en 1997 por el abuso sexual de un adolescente, pero no fue hasta 2019, cuando otra víctima denunció más abusos, que la policía de Sussex inició una investigación a gran escala.

Hoy, un juez del Tribunal de la Corona de Lewes declaró que Dixon estaba condenado a cumplir un mínimo de 12 años en la cárcel  antes de poder solicitar la libertad condicional. Pero, para indignación de algunos, Dixon cumplirá su condena en una prisión femenina, a pesar del hecho de que Dixon no tiene un Certificado de Reconocimiento de Género (GRC), un documento que indica que una persona ha cambiado legalmente de género.

Si bien los GRC no son caros ni difíciles de obtener, requieren que una persona cumpla ciertas condiciones para que se admita a trámite, y una de ellas es que tenga un diagnóstico de disforia de género.

Debido a la falta de un GRC, la Dra. Kate Coleman dijo que la noticia del internamiento de Dixon en HMC Bronzefield en Ashford “fue un shock”.

Coleman es la directora de Keep Prisons Single Sex, un grupo de campaña centrado en abogar por mantener las prisiones separadas por sexo, no por identidad de género auto declarada. Dice que, según los últimos datos, menos del 1% de los reclusos varones identificados trans sin GRC están internos en prisiones de mujeres, mientras que más del 90% de los que tienen un GRC sí lo están.

“Esto parecía indicar un cambio real en la distribución, es decir que era muy poco probable que alguien sin un GRC fuera recluido en una prisión de mujeres”, dijo Coleman a Reduxx, y señala que el estándar parecía indicar que los convictos con un historial de delitos violentos o sexuales no iban a ser enviados a una institución femenina a menos que tuvieran un GRC. Y agregó: “Esto parecía una razón para ser optimistas”.

Como resultado, Coleman expresó confusión por la decisión de enviar a Dixon a una prisión de mujeres.

“Esta persona tiene un prolífico historial de delitos sexuales graves contra niños y ha recibido una larga sentencia de cárcel. A pesar de sus condenas, ha sido enviado a una prisión de mujeres donde cumplirá su sentencia junto a mujeres, muchas de las cuales han sido víctimas de abuso sexual infantil”.

Coleman señaló que HMP Bronzefield también alberga a delincuentes juveniles que tienen vulnerabilidades particulares.

Según Keep Prisons Single Sex, el 72% de las mujeres encarceladas son delincuentes no violentas. El 23% de las mujeres están en la cárcel por su primera ofensa y la mitad de las mujeres encarceladas denuncian haber sido víctimas de abuso físico o sexual cuando eran niñas.

“Estoy horrorizada de que el servicio penitenciario haya optado por no incluir a Dixon entre el 99% de hombres transidentificados sin GRC que cumplen su sentencia en cárceles masculinas”.

Desde noviembre de 2021, solo hay un hombre trans identificado sin un GRC en una cárcel de mujeres.

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Nueva Zelanda: se le rechaza la apelación de cadena perpetua a asesino trans por torturar y matar a adolescente

A un preso transidentificado se le ha negado el derecho a recurrir ante la Corte Suprema su sentencia a cadena perpetua por la tortura y el asesinato de una adolescente en Nueva Zelanda. Toko Shane Rei Winter, que se hace llamar Ashley, fue declarado culpable en septiembre de 2019 del secuestro y asesinato de Dimetrius Pairama, de 17 años.

En julio de 2018, Winter y su cómplice Kerry Te Amo secuestraron a Pairama y la llevaron a una casa abandonada en Middlemore. Otros dos adolescentes estuvieron presentes durante el suplicio de cinco horas, y una niña, que tenía 14 años en aquel momento, recibió inmunidad a cambio de un relato completo de los hechos.

Según el testimonio de la niña, ataron a Pairama a una silla y la desnudaron. Winter luego le afeitó la cabeza y uno de los adolescentes usó un lanzallamas improvisado, hecho de un encendedor y un aerosol químico, para quemarle el cuerpo.

“La hicieron sentarse en la silla, la ataron y le afeitaron la cabeza”, dijo. “La ataron las piernas con cinta y luego los brazos con cuerdas”, dijo la testigo. En un momento dado, el detective preguntó si Pairama se había intentado defender, pero la adolescente dijo que no. “Ella no sabía pelear … simplemente se fue con él”.

La adolescente explicó que Winter luego le dijo a Te Amo que le tocaba a él golpear a Pairama, y que creía haber oído como se rompían los huesos de la niña cuando la golpeó.

La testigo le dijo al tribunal que le había suplicado a Te Amo y Winter que dejaran de atormentar a Pairama, pero Winter comenzó a quemarla.

“[Winter] fue a buscar al armario, había montones de productos químicos allí. [Él] encontró un aerosol, y creo que era una pintura de aerosol. [Él] encendió el mechero, y luego dirigió el espray hacia ella y le quemó partes del cuerpo”, dijo la testigo, que usa pronombres femeninos para referirse a Winter.

Pairama fue supuestamente cubierta con una sábana antes de que Winter le tirara productos químicos. Cuando la adolescente estaba tendida en el suelo, Winter le preguntó cómo le gustaría que la mataran.

“[Winter] le pregunta: ‘cómo quieres morir, solo tienes hasta las tres en punto. Si no me lo dices,  te voy a apuñalar el cuello'”, dijo el testigo.

Las dos adolescentes se quedaron solas. La niña de 14 años dijo al tribunal que se ofreció a ayudar a Pairama a escapar.

“Le pregunté si estaba bien, me dijo que no. Va y dice que quiere ver a su abuela, y fue entonces cuando fui a coger su ropa y se la di… Le dije que saliera por la ventana y que se fuera lo más lejos que pudiera, pero dijo que estaba demasiado asustada. Me dijo que le dijera [a Winter] que quiere ahorcarse”.

El duo hizo una soga con sábanas e intentó colgar a Pairama. Su primer intento fracasó; sin embargo, el segundo intento resultó en la muerte de la adolescente. Después, arrojaron su cuerpo en un bidón de acero, donde fue descubierto detrás de la casa en Māngere en julio de 2018.

Durante la investigación, que duró tres semanas, Winter cambió repetidamente su historia, y Te Amo y Winter se echaron la culpa mutuamente del asesinato. Winter inicialmente afirmó que había observado impotente a Te Amo ahorcar a su “mejor hermana“.

En una entrevista con las autoridades, que fue grabada, Winter describió a Pairama como su “mejor amiga” a pesar de ni siquiera saber su nombre completo.

“No sé su nombre, puede que la conozca desde hace años. Solo la conozco como ‘Sis'” (diminutivo de “hermana”), afirmó Winter.

Pero la declaración fue contradicha directamente por la testigo adolescente, que dijo al tribunal que Winter había sido el “cabecilla” y que había conocido a Pairama el día antes del asesinato. Winter también había presumido de formar parte de una pandilla local llamada Mongrel Mob.

Más tarde, durante la investigación, Winter admitió haber golpeado a Pairama porque creía que la adolescente estaba haciendo correr rumores sobre él.

Resulta alarmante que durante la tortura de Pairama, un grupo de agentes de policía visitara la casa abandonada en la que Pairama estaba siendo retenida, buscando a un antiguo inquilino que vivía en la residencia. Pairama fue enviada a abrir la puerta, y los policías podían ver que estaba angustiada y que había estado llorando.

Winter intervino en la conversación y les dijo a los policías que acababa de romper con un novio y los despidió. Durante el juicio, un policía le dijo al tribunal que tenía la sensación de que Winter era “el jefe” en aquella situación.

La fiscal de la Corona, Natalie Walker, quien procesó a Winter y Te Amo, dijo que Winter tenía un alto riesgo de reincidencia. “Esta fue una agresión sádica y él era el cabecilla”, dijo Walker. “[Él] no acepta la responsabilidad”.

El abogado Matthew Goodwin, que representa a Winter, se aseguró de pedirle al jurado que no discrimine a Winter por identificarse como transgénero. Mencionó las “luchas” de Winter con la “transición de género” como un factor atenuante.

“En los momentos más oscuros de este caso, uno se pregunta si los acusados estaban descargando las frustraciones que sienten en sus vidas y eso contribuyó a una pérdida de autocontrol”, dijo Goodwin a la corte.

Sin embargo, uno de los abogados de Te Amo, Shane Tait, dijo a la corte que el sexo biológico de Winter fue un factor importante en el asesinato.

“En un juicio relacionado con asaltos y violencia, es importante que apreciemos que [él] no está allí abofeteando y golpeando como un gatito delicado; [él] está ahí con sus puños enormes y la fuerza de un macho”.

El juez Timothy Brewer dijo que Winter era claramente el delincuente “dominante” y que en general estaba “al mando” durante el brutal asesinato. Creía que Winter ejecutó a la adolescente “porque [él] encontraba la situación excitante”.

El duo fue sentenciado en 2019 en el Tribunal Superior de Auckland, y el veredicto fue unánime.

La cobertura mediática del caso se ha referido constantemente a Winter como una mujer y, en muchos casos, ni siquiera mencionó su condición de transgénero.

Winter fue sentenciado a un mínimo de 19 años y cuatro meses de cárcel, mientras que Te Amo recibió una condena de 19 años. Desde entonces, ambos han solicitado que se revoquen sus condenas y se reduzcan sus sentencias, pero sus solicitudes fueron desestimadas por el Tribunal de Apelación a principios de este año.

El 6 de septiembre, el Tribunal Supremo también emitió una sentencia que desestimaba la solicitud de autorización de Apelación de Winter, basada en motivos similares expuestos anteriormente por el Tribunal de Apelación.

No está claro dónde Winter está cumpliendo su sentencia de cadena perpetua, aunque una ciudadana de Nueva Zelanda, Sarah Fort, solicitó esta información al Departamento de Correcciones (DOC) en septiembre de 2020.

En respuesta, el representante del DOC, Robert Jones, le dijo a Fort que “la ubicación de personas transgénero e intersexuales en una prisión de hombres o mujeres, incluido el proceso para una revisión de la determinación inicial de la ubicación, se gestiona de acuerdo con el Manual de Operaciones Penitenciarias”.

El sitio web del DOC de Nueva Zelanda aconseja a los funcionarios de prisiones que “consideren el apoyo que una persona trans necesita y quiere mientras está en prisión”. Se requiere que el personal penitenciario discuta un plan de apoyo con los reclusos que se identifican como trans en los tres días posteriores a su recepción. Los hombres que reclaman una identidad femenina pueden recibir prótesis de senos, sujetadores y ropa interior femenina, y pueden optar por solicitar que los registren oficiales de prisiones de sexo femenino.

En abril de este año, otra ciudadana preocupada solicitó información sobre el número de presos que se identifican como trans y que actualmente se encuentran en prisiones de mujeres. Dianne Landy presentó una solicitud de las cifras, así como la cantidad de personas que tienen una calificación de seguridad de riesgo medio a alto.

El DOC volvió a responder de manera evasiva, sin proporcionar la información y retrasó su respuesta indefinidamente.

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UK: Serial Pedophile Sent to Women’s Prison Following Conviction on 30 Counts Related to Child Sexual Abuse

Photo Source: Eddie Mitchell/THE DAILY MAIL

A transgender serial pedophile is being sent to a women’s prison in the United Kingdom following a conviction on 30 charges related to the sexual abuse of 7 children.

John Robert Dixon, 58, carried out abuse against five girls and two boys from 1989 to 1996, the youngest victim being 7 years old at the time. In 2004, Dixon began identifying as a woman named Sally Anne.

In July, a jury found Dixon guilty on 30 counts of indecent assault and indecency with a child for what was described as a campaign of sexual abuse against the seven victims. According to the Daily Mail, case prosecutor Ryan Richter labelled Dixon a “brazen and callous sexual predator” who exploited young males and “cultivated a toxic relationship” with the female victims.

The pedophile preyed upon children he had come to know through family connections, grooming them into trusting him. Some of the children were abused for months at a time, with Dixon victimizing them in his lock-up garage or caravan.

In 1997, Dixon was jailed for six months for the sexual abuse of one teenage boy, but it wasn’t until 2019 that Sussex Police launched a full-scale investigation into additional abuses after yet another victim came forward.

Today, a Judge at Lewes Crown Court declared that Dixon would be sentenced to serve a minimum of 12 years in custody before he could be eligible for parole. But, to the outrage of some, Dixon will be serving his time in a female prison. This is despite the fact Dixon does not have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) — a document indicating a person has legally changed gender.

While GRCs are not expensive nor difficult to get, they do require an individual meet certain qualifications before being eligible, including that they have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

As a result of his lack of a GRC, Dr. Kate Coleman said the news of Dixon’s placement at HMC Bronzefield in Ashford “came as a shock.”

Coleman is the director of Keep Prisons Single Sex, a campaign group focused on advocating for prisons to be segregated by sex, not self-declared gender identity. She says that, as of the latest data, less than 1% of trans-identified male inmates without GRCs are housed in women’s prisons, while over 90% of those who have a GRC are.

“This seemed to signal a real shift in allocation, meaning that it was now very unlikely that someone without a GRC would be held in a women’s prison,” Coleman told Reduxx, noting that the standard appeared to indicate that male convicts with a history of violent or sexual crimes would not be sent to a female institution unless they had a GRC. She added: “This seemed to be some cause for optimism.”

As a result, Coleman expressed confusion by the decision to send Dixon to a women’s prison.

“This person has a prolific history of serious sexual offences against children and has received a lengthy prison sentence. Despite his convictions, he has been sent to a women’s prison where he will serve his sentence alongside women, many of whom have themselves been the victims of child sexual abuse.”

Coleman pointed out that HMP Bronzefield also houses young offenders who have particular vulnerabilities.

According to Keep Prisons Single Sex, 72% of incarcerated women are non-violent offenders. 23% of women are also first-time offenders, and half of incarcerated women report having been the victim of physical or sexual abuse as a child.

“I am horrified that the prison service has chosen not to include Dixon amongst the 99% of [trans-identified males] with no GRC who are held in the male estate.”

As of November 2021, there was only one trans-identified male without a GRC held in the female estate.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Trans-Identified Male Facing 72 Child Sexual Abuse Charges Released on Bail, Spared Men’s Jail

A man facing 72 charges related to child sexual assault has been released from custody on bail pending trial. The court reportedly refused to allow the man to be sent to a male detention center due to his transgender identity.

The 27-year-old man from Sydney, whose name has not yet been released to the media, has been charged with incest, assault, choking, sexual assault and acts of indecency allegedly committed against his two little sisters.

On Wednesday, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Children’s Court in Canberra heard that the two young girls, aged between 5 and 12, were assaulted over seven years – from 2006 until 2013. The abuse was only stopped after the defendant was confronted by their father and left the home.

As reported by ABC News, the prosecution told the court that the defendant choked the girls, and even held one child’s head under water in order to intimidate her into silence about the sexual abuse. The court also heard that the man threatened to harm the family pets.

Prosecutors said the defendant should not be granted bail due to a risk that he may try to frighten the victims and interfere with case evidence. However, the man’s lawyer argued that he should be released while awaiting trial on the basis that he had not recently approached the family.

Presiding Magistrate Jane Campbell agreed to release the man, despite acknowledging that he had been known to use violence to silence the girls in the past.

“[He] has been on notice since the allegation was made in 2013,” Magistrate Campbell said in justification for the release, continuing: “[He] has had no contact with the family since that time.” Throughout the hearing, the accused was referred to with feminine pronouns.

The court then weighed how best to care for the defendant’s health, expressing concern that he would be held at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC), a facility in Canberra for male detainees.

Magistrate Campbell asserted that housing him in a jail for men would be unsuitable.

“To my grand astonishment, I am told [he] would be held in the male section of the AMC and that would clearly not be in the interests of a person who identifies as a woman,” Magistrate Campbell said.

The next hearing in the case is set for November.

If convicted, the man will likely be incarcerated in a women’s correctional facility, in accordance with gender identity policies being implemented across the country.

Legislation enacted by the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) explicitly states that “self-identification as a member of a sex other than a person’s gender of birth is the only criterion for recognition as transgender,” and that the “placement of transgender prisoners will be based on the gender the prisoner identifies with.”

Last month, female inmates at Australia’s largest women’s correctional facility in Victoria launched a petition to have a trans-identified male sex offender removed out of fears for their own safety.

Women at the Dame Phyllis Frost Correctional Centre told the Herald Sun that a trans-identifying male offender convicted of sexual offenses against women and children was moved to the facility on July 5.

While the name of the transferred inmate was not released, Reduxx determined that the details from the criminal’s background mirror that of Lisa Jones, a trans-identified male who had been sentenced to 3 years and 3 months in prison for sexually assaulting a woman last year. During his trial, it was revealed that Jones also had a prior record for sexually abusing a 6-year-old girl in Germany.

Since at least 2018, Corrections Victoria has been allowing convicted male offenders that identify as transgender to be housed in women’s prisons, according to the petition.

The petition asserted that “the mental well-being of many of the women was severely compromised” after they learned that male convicts would be transferred into the correctional facility. “We feel threatened, unsafe, distressed and traumatised with this current situation.”

Research highlighted by Women’s Forum Australia illustrates how female prisoners are particularly vulnerable members of society. They are more likely to have a history of physical and sexual abuse than male prisoners, and are more likely to have mental health problems. According to research provided by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, nearly 1 in 3 female inmates report a history of self-harm.

Reduxx is your independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

British Musician “Taking a Step Back” From His Own Company After Tweeting in Support of J.K. Rowling

A British composer and instrument company co-founder appears to have been pushed out of his own company following a tweet in support of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and Father Ted writer Graham Linehan.

On September 5, Spitfire Audio co-founder Christian Henson tweeted: “As a parent I can no longer keep my mouth shut about this. I’m in full support of glinner & @jk_rowling. Please look into this. If you have young children it’s in the post if you have autistic children it’s probably already on your doormat.”

Henson worked as a composer on films such as Chasing Liberty, Chalet Girl and It’s a Boy Girl Thing. His scores also appeared on television shows Scream Team and Fresh Meat. But in 2007, he co-founded Spitfire Audio, a company specializing in audio and instrument gear.

In his tweet, Henson was referencing the recent spike in children undergoing medical transition in accordance with a declared “gender identity”, a phenomenon that has become particularly widespread among children with autism. One 2019 study involving 292,572 children found that those with an autism spectrum disorder were over four times as likely to be diagnosed with a condition indicating “gender dysphoria”.

Additionally, according to child safeguarding organization Transgender Trend, 48% of patients referred to the Tavistock & Portman Gender Identity Service (GIDS) have a diagnosis or show traits of being on the autism spectrum. According to the organization, referrals to the Tavistock GIDS clinic increased by 3,263% over the ten years from 2009 to 2019, the largest demographic being young girls self-identifying as boys.

Henson’s tweet also included support for prolific author J.K. Rowling and Father Ted writer Graham Linehan, both of whom have received ample backlash for speaking up about the impact of gender ideology on women and children.

Henson’s post quickly circulated amongst the gender critical community on Twitter, where he was met with an outpouring of support. But it wasn’t long after the tweet went viral that Henson’s Twitter account was deactivated.

Today, Spitfire Audio’s CEO, Will Evans, released a statement on Twitter on behalf of the company asserting that Henson’s views had “caused hurt amongst our community” and that he would would be taking a “step back” from Spitfire Audio.

But the statement was not well-received by many, with the gender critical community coming out in support of Christian Henson and his right to voice his views.

Following the statement’s posting, #IStandWithChristianHenson began trending on Twitter as users rallied around the composer.

Author Milli Hill tweeted, “Raising concerns about the protection and welfare of children is ‘hurtful’ and requires time out on the naughty step. This won’t age well. Yet another dissenter publicly shamed for wrongthink. #IStandWithChristianHenson.”

J.K. Rowling herself even made a tweet calling out Spitfire, noting that any professional consequences lodged against Henson as a result of his views would be illegal under U.K. law, as per the Allison Bailey and Maya Forstater judgements.

In the United Kingdom, “gender critical” beliefs are protected under the Equality Act 2010. The decision was cemented as a direct result of an employment tribunal claim forwarded by feminist Maya Forstater. The tribunal found that Forstater was directly discriminated against and victimized by the Center for Global Development (CGD) after they refused to renew her employment contract due to her beliefs on the differences between sex and gender.

Several weeks later, another employment tribunal was won by barrister Alison Bailey against her employer, Garden Court Chambers. The tribunal similarly found the Chambers guilty of discriminating against Bailey on the basis of her “gender critical beliefs.”

Following the backlash, Spitfire Audio doubled down on their initial stance, releasing another thread of tweets reiterating their statement.

“We feel it is important to reiterate that we stand resolutely and absolutely behind advocating for inclusivity and diversity in music – this extends to the LGBTQ+ community, and in the world in general.”

Though the replies to the thread were turned off, many were quick to quote tweet the company to disagree with their position.

Though Henson is being shamed for his views by his own company, his sentiments on the impact of gender ideology on children are shared by a growing number of experts.

It was recently announced that the Tavistock Gender Identity Service, the United Kingdom’s only pediatric gender clinic, would be closing in 2023. The announcement followed an independent review which found the clinic to be failing children.

Dr. Hilary Cass, who carried out the review, suspected that there was not enough evidence to support the use of “puberty blockers” as a treatment for gender dysphoria in children. She even suggested that there was research to suggest that puberty blockers may negatively affect brain development.

“Brain maturation may be temporarily or permanently disrupted by puberty blockers, which could have significant impact on the ability to make complex risk-laden decisions, as well as possible longer-term neuropsychological consequences,” Dr. Hilary Cass stated in her report.

But the Tavistock’s closure isn’t the only indication gender ideology’s impact on children is being recognized.

The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned “puberty blockers” could cause swelling of the brain, headache, blurred or loss of vision, tinnitus, dizziness, and nausea. And multiple American states, and European nations, have now warned their health professionals to exercise extreme caution when treating “gender dysphoric” youth.

In February, the National Academy of Medicine in France issued a notice to the members of France’s medical community stating that a “sharp increase in demand” had been observed across the world with children and adolescents seeking gender transition services.

On the dangers of hasty medical intervention, the Academy referenced the May 2021 decision of the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden to halt the issuance of puberty blockers to minors under the age of 16, citing a lack of scientific support and research into their potential health implications.

Speaking to Reduxx, Graham Linehan says that there has been a concerted effort in the U.K. to largely ignore critical information emerging about the practice of transitioning children.

“The entire media class in the United Kingdom is involved in a soft conspiracy to pretend that things like the Tavistock scandal and cancel culture don’t exist,” Linehan says. “The truth is, everyone knows it exists.”

Linehan was permanently suspended from Twitter in 2020 after repeatedly expressing concerns about the medical transitioning of children, as well as criticizing gender ideology and its impacts on women and children. Earlier this year, a musical rendition of Linehan’s popular television classic, Father Ted, was cancelled by producers following pressure from trans activists.

Linehan has since been branded as “dangerous” by his opponents, and some have even suggested his “rhetoric” could result in the murder of transgender people.

“J.K. Rowling and I are the victims of village gossip on a global scale,” Linehan says, “Everything that has been said about us is a misrepresentation by bad-faith actors. No one can ever produce any evidence of our supposed ‘crimes.’ Now, Christian Henson has fallen afoul of the same forces determined to cover up one of the biggest child safeguarding and medical scandals of all time.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Hombre transidentificado acusado de 72 cargos de abuso sexual infantil, en libertad bajo fianza a la espera del juicio

Un hombre acusado de 72 cargos relacionados con agresión sexual infantil ha sido puesto en libertad bajo fianza a la espera del juicio. Según los informes, el tribunal se negó a mandar al hombre a una cárcel masculina debido a su identidad transgénero.

El hombre de 27 años de Sydney, cuyo nombre aún no ha sido revelado a los medios, ha sido acusado de incesto, agresión, intento de asfixia, agresión sexual y abusos deshonestos presuntamente cometidos contra sus dos hermanas pequeñas.

El miércoles, el Tribunal de Menores del Australian Capital Territory (ACT) en Canberra escuchó que el acusado abusó de las dos niñas, de entre 5 y 12 años, durante siete años, desde 2006 hasta 2013, y no paró hasta que el padre se enfrentó a él y se fue de casa.

Según ha informado ABC News, la fiscalía dijo al tribunal que el acusado agarró a las niñas por el cuello hasta casi asfixiarlas e incluso metió la cabeza de una de ellas bajo el agua para intimidarla para que no hablara del abuso sexual. El tribunal también escuchó que el hombre amenazó con hacer daño a las mascotas de la familia.

Los fiscales dijeron que al acusado no se le debe otorgar la libertad bajo fianza debido al riesgo de que pueda tratar de intimidar a las víctimas e interferir con la evidencia del caso. Sin embargo, el abogado del hombre argumentó que debía ser puesto en libertad a la espera del juicio basándose en que no se había acercado recientemente a la familia.

La jueza Jane Campbell aceptó poner en libertad al hombre, a pesar de reconocer que sabía que había utilizado la violencia para silenciar a las niñas en el pasado.

“[Él] ha estado avisado desde que se presentó la acusación en 2013″, dijo Campbell justificando la liberación, y ” no ha tenido contacto con la familia desde ese momento”. Se utilizaron pronombres femeninos durante la audiencia para referirse al acusado.

El tribunal sopesó la mejor manera de cuidar de la salud del acusado, y expresó su preocupación de que fuera recluido en el Centro Alexander Maconochie (AMC), una instalación en Canberra para presos varones.

La jueza Campbell dijo que mandarlo a una cárcel para hombres no sería adecuado.

“Para mi gran asombro, me dicen que lo internarían en la sección masculina de AMC y eso claramente no sería conforme al interés superior de una persona que se identifica como mujer”, dijo Campbell.

La próxima audiencia en el caso está programada para noviembre.

Si es declarado culpable, es probable que el hombre sea encarcelado en un centro penitenciario para mujeres, de acuerdo con las políticas de identidad de género que se están implementando en todo el país.

La legislación promulgada por el ACT establece explícitamente que “la autoidentificación como miembro de un sexo que no sea el género de nacimiento de una persona es el único criterio para el reconocimiento como transgénero”, y que la “ubicación de prisioneros transgénero se basará en el género con el que se identifica el prisionero”.

El mes pasado, las reclusas del centro penitenciario para mujeres más grande de Australia en Victoria lanzaron una petición para que quitaran a un delincuente sexual masculino identificado como trans de su módulo por temores por su propia seguridad.

Las mujeres en el Centro Penitenciario Dame Phyllis Frost dijeron al Herald Sun que un delincuente masculino transidentificado condenado por delitos sexuales contra mujeres y niños fue trasladado a su módulo el 5 de julio.
Aunque no se reveló el nombre del recluso transferido, Reduxx averiguó que los detalles de los antecedentes del criminal reflejaban los de Lisa Jones, un hombre transidentificado que había sido sentenciado a 3 años y 3 meses de prisión por agredir sexualmente a una mujer el año pasado. Se descubrió durante el juicio que Jones también tenía antecedentes por abusar sexualmente de una niña de 6 años en Alemania.

Desde por lo menos 2018, Corrections Victoria ha permitido que los delincuentes masculinos condenados que se identifican como transgénero sean puestos en prisiones de mujeres, según la petición.

En la petición se podía leer que “el bienestar mental de muchas de las mujeres se vio gravemente comprometido” al enterarse de que presos varones iban a ser transferidos al centro penitenciario. “Nos sentimos amenazadas, inseguras, angustiadas y traumatizadas con la situación actual”.

La investigación puesta de relieve por Women’s Forum Australia ilustra cómo las reclusas son miembros particularmente vulnerables de la sociedad. Es más probable que tengan antecedentes de abuso físico y sexual que los prisioneros varones, y es más probable que tengan problemas de salud mental. Según una investigación proporcionada por el Instituto Australiano de Salud y Bienestar, casi 1 de cada 3 reclusas tiene un historial de autolesiones.

“You’re Never Too Young”: 13 year-old Trans Teen Featured in Children’s Hospital Promotion

A video of a young trans-identified teenager is sparking controversy on social media for depicting a 13-year-old dressed in provocative, sexualized clothing as part of an official promotional video for the gender clinic at Chicago’s Lurie Children’s Hospital.

The child, identified as ‘Jupiter,’ uses they/them pronouns and can be seen speaking with a clinician named Natalia, who asks how adults, and parents in particular, can be more accepting of “gender diversity” and develop an “inclusive environment” for trans children.

“I think that one thing that should be explained to a lot of people is that you’re never too young to know about this kind of stuff,” Jupiter says, referring to gender identity.

“I feel like it’s something that people should be taught especially at a young age because it’s easier to learn that way, and that way it’s something you’ve always known.”

Netizens were quick to point out that the youth featured in the interview was wearing highly sexualized attire, with many expressing concern that the outfit would not be considered suitable for a 13-year-old. During the interview, Jupiter appeared to be wearing a black micro-dress with cut-outs at the waist, fishnet stockings, and fishnet gloves.

Others noted that the adult medical professional appeared to be constantly deferring to the child’s advice and recommendations on matters related to gender identity. During the course of the brief 4-minute conversation, Natalia repeatedly allows the 13-year-old Jupiter to guide her on terminology and explanations regarding “gender diverse” people.

“You don’t turn trans, you discover that you are trans. I was mainly around cisgender and straight people when I was younger, and that did not turn me cisgender and straight. The people you’re around don’t make a difference on your own identity,” Jupiter states.

“A lot of people think, ‘[If] my kids are going to be around trans people, they’re going to want to be just like them.’ Maybe it’s a good thing for people who don’t know that they’re trans to be around trans people so that they can get that advice.”

Another video uploaded to the official Children’s Hospital of Chicago channel features a conversation on “gender fluidity” with a young woman who uses the name Bonsai and prefers “all pronouns.” Bonsai speaks with a man named Laurence, who is identified as a former student of the Chicago Public Schools system.

“With this gender fluid identity, within a day, you can easily experience three, four, or five different gender expressions … and that can end with people using different names or pronouns,” Laurence says.

Bonsai responds by claiming that “my gender changes from time to time,” and claims that her “identity had been very mixed up in high school.”

“I came out at first [and] thought I was a lesbian. Then, I went to [bisexual] … and then I started to question my identity. Who am I? I can’t explain it … and I’ve totally accepted it at this point,” Bonsai says.

Both interviews end with an acknowledgement of ‘special thanks’ to the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system. CPS was criticized earlier this year after implementing a required teacher training program that declared sex a social construct and threatened punishment if faculty didn’t use students’ preferred pronouns.

The training program included a 104-slide PowerPoint presentation titled “Supporting Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming Students,” which claimed that “everyone has multiple, overlapping identities” and that sex is a construct assigned at birth.

Another section of the presentation explicitly forbade teachers from informing parents about students who begin to claim that they are actually the opposite sex, declare a “gender identity,” or begin using different pronouns.

The videos, which are promotional resources for the Potocsnak Family Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, were created and published by the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, which operates a clinic for “gender expansive or gender non-conforming children.” According to their website, Lurie Children’s Hospital consider “children and adolescents who exhibit behavior that is not typical of their assigned birth sex” as possible “patients” in need of medical intervention.

The hospital also receives substantial funding from members of the Pritzker family.

The Pritzkers are one of the wealthiest families in the United States, with an approximate net worth of $15 billion.

Jay Robert “JB” Pritzker is the current governor of Illinois and the richest politician in the United States. Penny Prtizker served as U.S. Commerce Secretary under President Obama from 2013 to early 2017. Jennifer Pritzker, born James Pritzker, is a trans-identified male who has donated millions to advance “transgender studies.”

Feminist researcher Jennifer Bilek has written extensively about the connections between the wealthy family, heirs to the Hyatt hotel fortune, and the vast sums of money they have invested in “[normalizing] the idea that human reproductive sex exists on a spectrum.”

According to Bilek, trans-identified Jennifer Pritzker established the Tawani Foundation, which has provided significant financial donations to Howard Brown Health and Rush Memorial Medical Center in Chicago, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation Fund, and the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Health, all of which provide some version of “gender care.” In the case of the latter, “clients” include “gender creative children as well as transgender and gender non-conforming adolescents.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Three Females Attacked, One Killed by Man at German Pride Parade – Activists Blame ‘TERFs’

A 25-year-old female was murdered at a Pride Parade in Germany last week. The woman, who identified as a transgender man, was targeted after intervening in a lesbophobic attack.

On August 27, the victim, who has been identified only as “Malte C.” by the German press, witnessed a man verbally abusing two lesbian women and hurling lesbophobic slurs at them, including calling them “lesbian whores.” When Malte intervened to defend the women, the suspect punched her in the face several times, causing her to fall back. Malte was rushed to hospital and was placed in a medically-induced coma, but tragically passed away on September 2.

The suspect fled the scene and was initially described in German press “as a man between 18 and 20 years old, five foot six to five foot nine inches tall, with a slim frame. He was wearing flared jeans, a t-shirt, and a bucket hat.” On September 3, a suspect was arrested in connection with the attack.

The 20-year-old was identified as Nuradi A., a Russian citizen from Chechnya and former paperweight boxing champion. A. was in Germany on a refugee application, but the claim had been rejected and he was no longer permitted to be in the country. Notably, some have stated A. is alleged to be a homosexual himself.

On the day Malte C.’s death was announced, thousands attended a vigil. It is reported that 6,500 people took part in a rally denouncing violence towards queer people in Münster in front of the Historical Town Hall. Münster Mayor Markus Lewe (CDU) announced that he would put the flags on urban buildings on half-mast and apply the flag of mourning to the town hall. In addition, there is a book of condolence in the Bürgerhalle.

But the tragic killing was rapidly politicized as trans activists took to social media to blame C.’s death not on the man who killed her, but on “transphobia” perpetuated by feminists who assert women have a right to single-sex spaces.

Following the announcement of C.’s death, Frank Laubenburg, head of LGBT publication Die Linke.queer appeared to blame four women for the killing — biologist Marie-Luise Vollbrecht, feminist Alice Schwarzer and politicians Alice Weidel and Sahra Wagenknecht.

Marie-Luise Volbrecht is a biologist who had her public lecture on the evolution of binary sex at Berlin’s Humboldt University cancelled due to protests by trans activists, and Alice Schwarzer is a prominent feminist figure and founder of EMMA magazine.

Alice Weidel is the leader of Alternative for Germany, a right-wing political party. While Weidel is a lesbian in a civil union, her party has been known to oppose same-sex marriage. Sahra Wagenknecht is a left-wing politician who has been called a “trans exclusionary radical feminist” for questioning her parties acceptance of identity politics and liberalism in her book Die Selbstgerechten.

Laubenburg wasn’t the only journalist on Twitter blaming women for the attack. Annika Brockschmidt similarly placed the blame on “journalists and politicians” who have “peddled the anti-trans moral panic,” following-up with an unsubstantiated claim that German TERFs were “celebrating” the murder of the transgender individual. Brockschmidt ended her three-part thread by stating “transphobia” killed Malte C., and suggesting that TERFs were responsible.

Several queer activist groups have also taken the opportunity following Malte’s death to make political demands, such as calling for increased penalties for hate crimes against sexual orientation and gender identity.

The anti-feminist rhetoric culminated in a large sign being displayed at the Dresden pride parade on September 3, reading “TERFS can suck my huge trans cock.”

This follows a wave of recent hostility towards gender critical women, particularly lesbians, during pride marches and events in Germany.

In August 2022, lesbians at a Dyke March in Hamburg were met with hostility, and at least one woman was physically assaulted by trans activists after asserting that men cannot identify as lesbians.

Similarly, in July, a group of lesbians comprised of members of LGB Alliance and Women’s Declaration International’s German branch were attacked by trans activists during a pride event in Cologne for holding banners with the definition of the word lesbian on them.

Speaking with Reduxx, Rona Duwe commented on the politicization of Malte C.’s death and how women are being blamed for the murder, noting she has since been targeted by trans activists due to her vocal stance on women’s sex-based rights.

Duwe is a German women’s rights advocate and author of Muttermut Mutterwut. Duwe has won an award for her work at phoenix-frauen.de, which focuses on supporting survivors of domestic violence, and discussing violence against mothers.

“Feminists have been held responsible for the act of a man in an unprecedented way,” Duwe says of the aftermath of the pride parade attack, “No one is naming the real problem: male violence.”

Duwe explains the German media have made feminists and lesbians out to be the instigators of the crime against Malte C., and says she is “very worried that this will exacerbate hostility towards women and lesbians” in Germany.

“Of all people, women, feminists and lesbians — those who fight for the safety of girls and women from male violence and risk a lot for it — are made out to be perpetrators.”

Duwe says that since Malte C.’s death, the German commissioner for the acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, Sven Lehmann, has called for more aggressive laws to penalize hostility against “queer” people, something Duwe says will inevitably result in the criminalization of feminists in Germany.

“They are sowing outrage against feminists who speak out on self-identification laws,” Duwe says. “The tragic death of Malte was weaponized in a frightening way by the media and politicians to advance legislative proposals which have been criticized by feminists.”

As an example of what she expects, Duwe points to the case of Christina Ellingsen, a Norwegian woman currently under criminal investigation for making comments asserting that males could not be lesbians. Ellingsen faces up to 3 years in prison if charged and found guilty.

“When women like Christina Ellingsen become criminals because they name material reality and demand sex-specific protections for women, you can see how laws to criminalize ‘queer hostility’ are really just about protecting men.”

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.