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Miembro de la junta directiva de una organización para la “infancia trans” dimite tras dar una charla pro pederastia

El Dr. Jacob Breslow se convirtió en miembro de la junta directiva de la problemática organización benéfica trans Mermaids en julio de 2022. Breslow es profesor adjunto de Género y Sexualidad en el Departamento de Estudios de Género de la London School of Economics.

El 3 de octubre, Breslow dimitió después de que se hiciera público su inquietante historial claramente pro-pedofilia, que incluía haber hablado en un simposio celebrado por B4U-Act, una organización benéfica fundada en 2003 por el pederasta convicto Michael Melsheimer.

La presentación de Breslow se titulaba Sexual Alignment: Critiquing Sexual Orientation, The Pedophile, and the DSM V. En la conferencia, Breslow promueve el concepto de tratar la pedofilia como una orientación sexual, un objetivo defendido durante mucho tiempo por B4U-Act.

Una copia del resumen de la conferencia de Breslow en el simposio B4U-Act.

A B4U-Act se le atribuye haber popularizado el término “persona atraída por menores” para describir a los pedófilos.

En su declaración de objetivos, afirman que su propósito es “promover públicamente servicios y recursos profesionales para personas autoidentificadas (adultos y adolescentes) que se sienten atraídas sexualmente por los niños y desean dicha asistencia”.

Pero mientras que B4U-Act pretende ser un grupo de apoyo respetable, gran parte de lo que defiende es la desestigmatización de la pedofilia. Aunque la organización argumenta que la desestigmatización empoderaría a aquellos que se sienten atraídos sexualmente por los niños para buscar apoyo y terapia, su pederasta fundador declaró explícitamente que tenía objetivos mucho más siniestros.

En 2009, el fundador Michael Melsheimer informó a sus compañeros pedófilos que el nuevo enfoque se centraría en obtener la simpatía del público al afirmar falsamente que su intención era prevenir el abuso sexual infantil al humanizar a los pedófilos. Se tomaron capturas de pantalla del intercambio donde Melsheimer estaba interactuando con “boylovers” (“amantes de niños”) en el foro de pedofilia Boy Chat.

A algunos pedófilos en Boy Chat les preocupaba que B4U-Act intentara de una manera encubierta evitar que tuvieran relaciones sexuales con niños. A esos miembros, Melsheimer les dijo: “Tened la seguridad de que no encontraréis ninguna referencia actual a la prevención del acto. Que no os quepa la menor duda”.

Se descubrió durante las conversaciones que Melsheimer había buscado la aprobación de los fundadores del tristemente célebre grupo activista pederasta, la Asociación Norteamericana de Amor Hombre/Niño (NAMBLA).

Melsheimer informando a sus compañeros pedófilos de las intenciones de B4U-Act.

Hoy en día, B4U-Act continúa promoviendo la pedofilia como una orientación o identidad sexual legítima, y admite directamente que no busca reducir o eliminar la atracción sexual hacia los niños ni alentar a los pedófilos a ir a terapia. La organización también ha hecho campaña para cambiar y, en última instancia, eliminar la entrada del Manual de Diagnóstico y Estadística (DSM) sobre la pedofilia.

En el simposio de la organización de 2011, Breslow leyó un artículo en el que comparó el abuso sexual de un niño con masturbarse en un zapato.

Pero el inquietante historial pro-pedófilo de Breslow no acaba ahí.

En 2016, Breslow presentó su tesis doctoral, en la que argumentaba que algunos niños son “queer“. Esto dio lugar a un artículo posterior que publicó en 2020 titulado “Coqueteo con el Estado Islámico: Infancia Queer con un Toque de Política Sexual Contemporánea”.

El artículo dice: “al desempaquetar el toque sexual de los discursos radicalizados del llamado grooming, se abren nuevas formas de entender la relación entre la sexualidad infantil, el abuso sexual y la política sexual contemporánea”.

Más recientemente aún: el año pasado Breslow publicó un libro titulado “Infancias Ambivalentes: Futuros Especulativos y la Vida Psíquica del Niño“.

Breslow describió el libro como una exploración de “la vida queer de los deseos de los niños”. Un capítulo, titulado “Deseando al niño”, comienza con una descripción de un niño de 12 años bailando e imitando actos sexuales enfrente de una multitud de adultos.

“A medida que sus movimientos pasaban de imitar a los bailarines de break-dance a imitar los actos sexuales, repitiendo las gesticulaciones fácilmente reconocibles de los empujes pélvicos … Me encuentro atrapado en emocionantes olas de memoria, identificación y deseo… un deseo por él mismo”, escribe Breslow.

Durante una presentación en línea del libro, Breslow se preguntó: “¿Qué hacemos cuando lo queer está alineado con proyectos que no son tan fáciles de apoyar, que son menos respetables? … ¿Es realmente el problema que niños o jóvenes tengan relaciones sexuales? ¿O el problema son las condiciones bajo las cuales ocurren esas relaciones sexuales?” Breslow también criticó el “estado penitenciario” por el tratamiento que le da a los delincuentes sexuales, y se hizo eco de un trabajo anterior suyo que rechazaba la necesidad de un registro de delincuentes sexuales.

Breslow dijo que su obra estaba inspirada en el libro de Judith Levine de 2002 Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex (“Perjudicial para los Menores: Los Peligros de Proteger a los Niños del Sexo”) en el que escribió que “el sexo no es en sí mismo dañino para los menores” y argumentó a favor de la reducción de la edad de consentimiento a los 12 años. Una de sus principales fuentes para su libro, Lawrence Allen Stanley, fue un abogado que había defendido previamente a la organización pro-pedofilia North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), y que fue arrestado en 2002 por administrar una página web que presentaba y vendía materiales de abuso sexual infantil.

En su libro, Breslow explica que conceptualizar a los niños como “transgénero” sirve para normalizar la noción de una identidad de género. “El uso de la inocencia infantil para cosificar la identidad de género establece un fuerte reivindicación de la individualidad de género”, afirma Breslow.

Un colega académico que elogió el trabajo de Breslow durante la presentación del libro de 2021, el hombre transidentificado Julian Gill-Peterson, ha escrito extensamente sobre este tema.

Gill-Peterson, profesor adjunto de la Universidad John Hopkins, publicó Histories of the Transgender Child (“Historias del Niño Transgénero”) en 2018 gracias a una beca de la Asociación John Money del Instituto Kinsey de la Universidad de Indiana. El libro de Gill-Peterson no menciona las recomendaciones del sexólogo John Money de que se muestre pornografía a los niños para establecer su “identidad de género”, ni el artículo de Money publicado por la revista pro-pedofilia Paidika. Gill-Peterson argumenta a favor de “eliminar instrumentos infantilizantes como la edad médica de consentimiento” para permitir que los niños tomen “decisiones autodeterminadas”.

En particular, Breslow ha criticado duramente a aquellos que no están de acuerdo con sus puntos de vista.

A principios de año, Breslow dio una charla en la Universidad de Cambridge titulada “‘Sex is Real’, and other Gender Critical Non Sequiturs: A TERF Grammar Book” (“”El Sexo es Real”, y otras Incongruencias Críticas de Género: Una Gramática TERF”) en la que denunciaba a las feministas que destacan la importancia del sexo biológico en los debates en torno a los derechos de las mujeres.

A pesar de su historial, Breslow se convirtió en miembro de la directiva de la organización benéfica transactivista infantil Mermaids a fines de julio de 2022, y ha estado en su puesto hasta hoy, cuando renunció tras la revelación pública de su pasado apoyo a narrativas claramente a favor de la pedofilia.

Mermaids es una organización benéfica registrada en el Reino Unido que afirma apoyar a “niños y jóvenes transgénero, no binarios y de género diverso, y a sus familias”.

Establecida en 1995, Mermaids aboga por un único enfoque, el de la afirmación, para la disforia de género en los jóvenes, y promueve el uso de bloqueadores de la pubertad, hormonas sexuales cruzadas y cirugías para menores.

En las últimas semanas, Mermaids fue criticada duramente después de que una investigación encubierta descubriera que estaban enviando binders, o compresores de pecho a adolescentes sin el conocimiento de los padres. Debido a una serie de quejas tras el informe, la Comisión Benéfica del Reino Unido anunció que iba a abrir una investigación sobre la categoría de la organización.

El anuncio de la investigación se produce inmediatamente después de que Mermaids lanzara una campaña legal para que se revocara el estatus de organización benéfica a otra organización benéfica del Reino Unido. Mermaids se ha opuesto vehementemente a que LGB Alliance, una organización que ha expresado su inquietud sobre la transición médica de los niños, fuera reconocida como una organización benéfica. La demanda llegó a los tribunales en septiembre y el caso se reanudará a finales de este año.

La actual CEO de Mermaids es Susie Green, acusada por muchos de haber facilitado una transición poco ética de su propio hijo cuando éste era menor.

Green ha admitido anteriormente que el que es ahora su ex esposo había castigado a su hijo por jugar con juguetes femeninos cuando era pequeño, y que el niño había comenzado a identificarse como una “niña” cuando le quitaron esos juguetes.

Green llevó a su hijo a Estados Unidos para que lo pusieran a tratamiento de hormonas sexuales cruzadas cuando tenía 13 años, saltándose los obstáculos legales en el Reino Unido. El Dr. Norman Spack del Boston Children’s Hospital puso al hijo de Green en un tratamiento de estrógeno para detener su crecimiento. Poco después, Green llevó a su hijo a Tailandia para una cirugía de “afirmación de género”.

Según el Times, Mermaids ha declarado que ignoraban la aparición de Breslow en la conferencia B4U-Act hasta que se enteró por los medios de comunicación, pero no está claro si estaban al tanto de su extenso historial académico sobre el tema de la sexualización infantil.

Después de dimitir de la junta directiva de Mermaids, Breslow ha borrado sus cuentas de las redes sociales.

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Trustee of Trans Youth Charity Resigns Over Speech at Pro-Pedophile Event

A trustee who sat on the board of a trans activist children’s charity has resigned following revelations he spoke at a conference held by an organization founded by a convicted child rapist.

Dr. Jacob Breslow became a trustee for trouble-plagued trans charity Mermaids in July of 2022. Breslow is an Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality at the London School of Economics’ Department of Gender Studies.

On October 3, Breslow resigned after it began to circulate that he had a disturbing history of ostensibly pro-pedophile sentiment, including having spoken at a symposium held by B4U-Act — a charity founded in 2003 by convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer.

Breslow’s presentation was titled Sexual Alignment: Critiquing Sexual Orientation, The Pedophile, and the DSM V. In the lecture, Breslow promotes the concept of treating pedophilia as a sexual orientation, a goal long-advocated by B4U-Act.

A copy of the abstract of Breslow’s lecture at the B4U-Act symposium.

B4U-Act is widely credited with having popularized the term “minor attracted person” to describe pedophiles.

In their mission statement, they claim their purpose is to “publicly promote professional services and resources for self-identified individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children and desire such assistance.”

But while B4U-Act postures itself as a respectable advocacy group, much of what it advocates for is the destigmatization of pedophilia. Though the organization argues that destigmatization would empower those who are sexually attracted to children to seek support and therapy, its pedophile founder explicitly stated it had far more nefarious goals.

In 2009, founder Michael Melsheimer advised his fellow pedophiles that the new approach would be focused around garnering public sympathy by falsely claiming the intention was to prevent child sexual abuse by humanizing pedophiles. Screenshots of the exchange were taken where Melsheimer was interacting with “boylovers” on the pedophile forum Boy Chat.

Some pedophiles on Boy Chat were concerned B4U-Act would covertly attempt to prevent them from engaging in sexual relations with children. To those members, Melsheimer asserted: “Be assured you will find no current reference to the prevention of offending. You can take that to the bank.”

During the discussions, it was revealed that Melsheimer had sought approval for his endeavor from the founders of the infamous pederast activist group, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Melsheimer advising his fellow pedophiles of B4U-Act’s intentions.

Today, B4U-Act continues to promote pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation or identity, and directly affirms that it does not seek to reduce or eliminate sexual attraction towards children or even encourage pedophiles to go to therapy. The organization also has campaigned to change and ultimately eliminate the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM) entry on pedophilia.

At the organization’s 2011 symposium, Breslow read from a paper in which he compared molesting a child to masturbating on a shoe.

But Breslow’s disturbing history with pro-pedophile sentiment does not stop there.

In 2016, Breslow submitted his PhD thesis, in which he argued some kids are “queer.” This led to a later paper he published in 2020 titled “Flirting with the Islamic State: Queer Childhood with a Touch of Contemporary Sexual Politics.”

The article describes itself as “unpacking the sexual touch of the radicalized discourses of so-called grooming, it opens up new ways of understanding the relationship between childhood sexuality, sexual abuse, and contemporary sexual politics.”

Most recently, last year Breslow published a book titled “Ambivalent Childhoods: Speculative Futures and the Psychic Life of the Child.”

Breslow described the book as exploring “the queer life of children’s desires.” One chapter, titled “Desiring the Child,” opens with a description of a 12-year-old child dancing and mimicking sex acts to a crowd of adults.

“As his movements transition from those that mimic break-dancers to those that mimic sex acts, repeating the easily citational gesticulations of pelvic thrusts … I find myself caught up in exhilarating waves of memory, identification, and desire … a desire for him himself,” Breslow writes.

During an online launch of the book, Breslow stated: “What do we do when queerness is aligned with projects that are less easy to sit with that are less sort of respectable? … Is it really that children or young people having sex is the problem? Or is it [the problem] the conditions under which that sex happens?” Breslow also condemned the “carceral state” for its treatment of sex offenders, and echoed previous work he has done rejecting the need for the sex offender registry.

Breslow also cited as an inspiration for his own writing Judith Levine’s 2002 book Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex in which she wrote that “sex is not in itself harmful to minors” and argued for the lowering of the age of consent to twelve. One of her main sources for her book, Lawrence Allen Stanley, was a lawyer who had previously defended pro-pedophile organization the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), and was arrested in 2002 for operating a website that featured and sold child sexual abuse materials.

In his book, Breslow explains that conceptualizing children as ‘transgender’ serves to normalize the notion of a gender identity. “The use of childhood innocence to reify gender identity establishes a strong claim to gendered selfhood,” Breslow states.

An academic colleague who praised Breslow’s work during the 2021 book launch, trans-identified male Julian Gill-Peterson, has written extensively about this topic.

Gill-Peterson, an Associate Professor at John Hopkins University, published Histories of the Transgender Child in 2018 with funding provided by the John Money Fellowship from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. Gill-Peterson’s book makes no mention of sexologist John Money’s recommendations that pornography be shown to children to establish their ‘gender identity,’ nor Money’s article published by pro-pedophile journal Paidika. Gill-Peterson argues in favor of “removing infantilizing instruments like the medical age of consent” in order to allow children to make “self-determined decisions”.

Notably, Breslow has levied harsh criticism against those who disagree with his views.

At the beginning of the year, Breslow gave a talk at the University of Cambridge titled “‘Sex is Real,’ and other Gender Critical Non Sequiturs: A TERF Grammar Book” wherein he denounced feminists who highlight the significance of biological sex in debates surrounding women’s rights.

Despite his history, Breslow became trustee for the children’s trans activist charity Mermaids at the end of July 2022, and had been acting in that role until today, when he resigned following public revelation of his past support for ostensibly pro-pedophilia narratives.

Mermaids is a UK registered charity which claims to support “transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families.”

Established in 1995, Mermaids advocates for an affirmation-only approach to gender dysphoria in young people, and promotes the use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgeries for minors.

In recent weeks, Mermaids came under fire after an undercover investigation found they were sending breast binders to teenage girls without parental knowledge. Due to a series of complaints following the report, the UK Charity Commission announced the were opening an investigation into the group’s status.

The investigation announcement comes on the heels of Mermaids launching a legal campaign to have the charity status of another UK charity revoked. Mermaids has been vehemently opposed to the charity status of LGB Alliance, an organization which has voiced its concerns about the medical transitioning of children. The case was first heard at tribunal in September and will resume later this year.

The current CEO of Mermaids is Susie Green, who many have accused of facilitating the unethical childhood transition of her own son.

Green has previously confessed that her now ex-husband had disciplined her son for playing with feminine toys as a child, and that the boy began identifying as a ‘girl’ after those toys were taken away from him.

Green took her son to America for cross-sex hormones when he was 13, facing legal obstacles in the United Kingdom. Dr. Norman Spack of the Boston Children’s Hospital placed Green’s son on an estrogen regimen to stop his growth. Shortly after, Green flew her son to Thailand for ‘gender affirming’ surgery.

According to the Times, Mermaids has stated they were ignorant of Breslow’s appearance at the B4U-Act conference prior to being approached by media, but it is unclear as to whether they were aware of his extensive academic history on the subject of child sexualization.

Since resigning from the Mermaids board, Breslow has deleted his social media accounts.

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Simpatizante de la pedofilia en la junta que patrocina un proyecto de guarderías LGBT en Berlín

Una organización de derechos de los homosexuales en Berlín, Alemania, lanzará un nuevo programa piloto la próxima primavera con la apertura de dos guarderías con un enfoque especial en proporcionar a los niños educación sobre temas LGBT. Pero es alarmante que sea un académico con una larga historia de normalización de la pedofilia una de las tres personas en la junta que supervisa la organización.

A principios de este año, los Servicios de Asesoramiento Gay de Berlín (Berliner Schwulenberatung), un grupo de derechos LGBT que ha estado sirviendo a la comunidad gay durante 40 años, anunciaron que lanzarían un espacio de vida “diversa” en el área de Südkreuz de Berlín en 2023.

Traducido aproximadamente como el “Lugar de Vida Diversa”, el complejo albergará 69 apartamentos, una instalación geriátrica especializada, un restaurante y mucho más, todo lo cual tendrá como objetivo proporcionar “viviendas multigeneracionales para personas homosexuales, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales (LGBTI *)”. El objetivo declarado de la iniciativa es crear un espacio donde los residentes puedan vivir “sin temor a la exclusión debido a su identidad sexual o de género”.

Además de viviendas y áreas comunes, el lugar también tendrá dos guarderías que acogerán a aproximadamente 90 niños en total. Las guarderías tendrán un enfoque especializado en la educación LGBT.

“Muchas escuelas y guarderías encuentra muy difícil educar cuando se trata de homosexualidad, transexualidad e intersexualidad con respeto a los niños”, dice la página de información de la guardería, “Queremos cambiar eso ya”.

Continúa: “El tema de LGBTI* no es un tema que sea solo para adultos. Cada uno es responsable de su propia identidad, sus propios deseos e ideas sobre la vida, el amor, la amistad y la pareja, incluso los más pequeños entre nosotros”.

El concepto del programa piloto de la guardería se coordinó con el Departamento de Juventud, Educación y Familia del Senado de Berlín.

Pero es alarmante que uno de los miembros de la junta que supervisa y patrocina los Servicios de Consejería Gay y su proyecto sea Rüdiger Lautmann, un sociólogo alemán y defensor de los derechos de los homosexuales que tiene un largo historial de normalización de la pedofilia.

Lautmann fue profesor en la Universidad de Bremen, donde dio clases de 1971 a 2001. En particular, Lautmann escribió un libro titulado The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles (“Lujuria por los niños: Un Retrato de Pederastas”). El libro se basa en las entrevistas que hizo a 60 hombres que admitieron haber abusado sexualmente de niños pequeños, mayoritariamente varones.

Rüdiger Lautmann hablando en la conferencia SPDQueer Berlin, 2015.

“Realmente aman a los niños, anticipan todos sus deseos, organizan viajes, compran juguetes y solo se sienten cómodos con los niños”, dice Lautmann sobre los 60 pedófilos que entrevistó.

Publicado en 1994, el libro se hizo popular entre los pedófilos por el retrato positivo que hacía de la atracción adulta hacia los niños, que Lautmann describía como una orientación sexual, y sus repetidas afirmaciones de que los niños son capaces de autonomía sexual.

“Para mí, está muy claro que existen relaciones que no requieren ninguna intervención”, escribió Lautmann, “Los niños se aferran a sus amantes y pueden dejarlos en cualquier momento si así lo desean”.

En su libro, Lautmann busca categorizar qué tipos de niños atraen a los pedófilos, y realizó encuestas en profundidad a los pedófilos sobre las características, los tipos de cuerpo y los rasgos de personalidad que más deseaban.

Aparecen docenas de citas directas de los pedófilos que entrevistó, donde describen gráficamente los actos sexuales que realizaron con los niños de los que abusaron, algunos de tan solo 4 años de edad.

“Algo puede suceder hasta con un niño de 4 años”, escribe Lautmann, “El pedófilo, por supuesto, quiere que su pene sea estimulado manual u oralmente. Solo en raras ocasiones los niños acatan eso”.

Lautmann describe las señales para el “consentimiento infantil” y sugiere que los pedófilos no usan la fuerza para asegurarse el acatamiento de los niños, sino que les permiten dirigir la actividad sexual.

“La gran mayoría de los encuentros descritos parecen estar basados en el consentimiento”, escribe Lautmann, en el prólogo de las descripciones de abuso sexual infantil por parte de sus entrevistados. También rechaza la “línea predominante”, que describe como un argumento “insatisfactorio” de que los niños son incapaces de dar su consentimiento, afirmando que está “basado en deducciones de fundamentos normativos”. Lautmann también acusa a las “campañas contra el abuso infantil” de “beneficiarse” de la “rigurosidad y simplicidad” de las leyes actuales.

“Emocionadas y vestidas de manera atractiva, estas personitas, por no mencionar todas sus otras cualidades, encarnan algo del lado sensual de nuestro mundo; al menos así es como se ponen en escena a los niños hoy en día”, escribe Lautmann. “La pedofilia saca a relucir algo que nadie quería, pero que objetivamente se deriva del deseo de embellecer la infancia”.

Después de la publicación del libro, Lautmann habló en un evento organizado por la organización de defensa pro-pedofilia, el Grupo de Especialistas y Apoyo para la Pedofilia (Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie).

En 1995, Lautmann repitió la tesis de su libro en un artículo para Pro Familia, una ONG líder que proporciona recursos sobre salud sexual. En la revista oficial de Pro Familia, el artículo de Lautmann dice: “Nuestro estudio define el término pedófilo, lo distingue del incesto, el abuso y el sadismo. Demostramos que tales hombres existen. La tesis es, por lo tanto: Desear a un niño es una forma sexual independiente y diferenciada. La pedofilia es, por lo tanto, una orientación sexual como cualquier otra y ya no una perversión”.

Finalmente, Lautmann se vio obligado a distanciarse de su trabajo después de enfrentarse a una oleada de críticas. Pero continuó trabajando estrechamente con otras figuras prominentes en el impulso para normalizar la pedofilia como una orientación sexual oprimida.

Lautmann mantuvo a lo largo de su carrera una estrecha relación con el notorio sexólogo pederasta Helmut Kentler.

Desde 1969, el proyecto de Kentler puso a niños huérfanos en hogares de pedófilos (aquí traducido al español) en un intento de probar su teoría de que los pedófilos podían ser buenos padres de acogida. Kentler había teorizado que la atracción del pedófilo por los niños resultaría en un fuerte impulso para cuidarlos.

“Estas personas fueron capaces de aguantar a estos niños [mentalmente] retrasados solo porque estaban enamorados de ellos, encaprichados con ellos, locos por ellos”, explicó Kentler en 1970.

También sospechaba que los niños desarrollarían relaciones significativas y amorosas con sus padres de acogida pedófilos, y no experimentarían ninguna consecuencia negativa si resultaban ser abusados sexualmente por ellos.

El proyecto de Kentler fue aprobado por el Senado de Berlín, y los padres de acogida pedófilos recibieron un sueldo mensual del gobierno para cuidar a los niños huérfanos.

Lautmann también participó en una moción de 1979 que pedía la eliminación de la Sección 176 del código legal alemán, que eliminaría efectivamente la edad de consentimiento, un objetivo político que fue apoyado por Kentler.

En 2008, Lautmann escribió el obituario de Kentler para la Unión Humanista (HU), de cuya junta directiva formaba parte en aquel momento. La Unión se describe a sí misma como una “organización independiente de derechos civiles”, pero mantenía una extrecha relación y coordinación con un grupo de trabajo sobre sexualidad humana que abogaba explícitamente por la legalización del sexo entre adultos y niños.

Además de servir en una posición de liderazgo para el HU, Lautmann fue miembro de la organización de cabildeo pedófilo Humane Sexuality Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität, AHS), un proyecto de investigación que impulsaba la narrativa de que los “contactos pedosexuales” podían ser “consensuados”, a pesar de la diferencia de edad y poder entre un niño y un adulto. Lautmann publicó para la revista, abogando por una separación legal entre los delincuentes sexuales y los pedófilos. El HU solo se distanció oficialmente del AHS en 2004 por preocupaciones por su imagen.

Lautmann ha avisado a menudo sobre el “pánico moral”, un término que a menudo se usa en los círculos pedófilos para describir como irrazonables a aquellos que se preocupan por la protección infantil.

La noticia del puesto de Lautmann en la junta que encabeza las guarderías LGBT apareció prominentemente en el sitio web de un grupo activo de cabildeo pro-pedófilo, Krumme-13 (K13Online), en una publicación que afirma que los líderes dentro de la organización “dan la bienvenida a los objetivos” de las guarderías infantiles.

Krumme-13 aboga por reducir la edad de consentimiento a 12 años, y afirma: “Los niños a partir de los 12 años pueden decidir por sí mismos si quieren entrar en una relación pedosexual o no. El derecho de los niños a la autodeterminación sexual debe estar protegido por la Ley Fundamental”.

La entrada del blog hace referencia a una publicación de 1996 que Lautmann coordinó para la AHS titulada “Los Niños Y La Sexualidad” (Kind und Sexualität) que presenta escritos de varios prominentes activistas pro-pedófilos. Además del folleto “Los niños y la sexualidad”, la AHS imprimió en privado un folleto sobre el tema “Sexualidad entre niños y adultos” en 1988, que abogaba por la despenalización de las actividades pedófilas.

Krumme-13 está encabezado por el cabildero pedófilo Dieter Gieseking, quien ha presentado un total de tres peticiones ante el Bundestag, o parlamento, pidiendo a los miembros de los partidos políticos SPD (Demócratas Socialistas), FDP (Partido Democrático Libre) y los Verdes que acepten una enmienda al Artículo 3 que protegería la pedofilia como una “identidad sexual”.’

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon

Pedophile Sympathizer On Board Sponsoring New LGBT Daycare Project in Berlin

A gay rights organization in Berlin, Germany, is set launch a new pilot program next spring by opening two daycare centers with a special focus on providing the children education on LGBT issues. But disturbingly, an academic with a lengthy history of normalizing pedophilia is one of three people on the board overseeing the organization.

Earlier this year, Berlin’s Gay Counseling Services (Berliner Schwulenberatung), an LGBT rights group which has been serving the gay community for 40 years, announced it would be launching a “diverse” living space in Berlin’s Südkreuz area in 2023.

Roughly translated to the “Diverse Living Place,” the complex will host 69 apartments, a dedicated geriatric facility, a restaurant, and more — all of which will aim to provide “multigenerational housing for homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGBTI*)” people. The stated goal of the initiative is to create a space where residents can live “without fear of exclusion due to sexual or gender identity.”

In addition to living quarters and common areas, the Place will also have two daycare centers to accommodate approximately 90 children in total. The daycare facilities will have a specialized focus on LGBT education.

“Many schools and daycare centers still struggle to educate when it comes to homosexuality, transsexuality, and intersex with respect with children,” the daycare’s about page reads, “We want to change that now.”

It continues: “The topic of LGBTI* is not a subject that is only for adults. Everyone is responsible for one’s own identity, own wishes and ideas about life, love, friendship and partnership, even the smallest among us.”

The concept for the daycare pilot program was coordinated with Berlin’s Senate Department for Youth, Education and Family.

Disturbingly, one of the members of the board overseeing and sponsoring the Gay Counseling Services and their project is Rüdiger Lautmann, a German sociologist and gay rights advocate who has a lengthy history of normalizing pedophilia.

Lautmann is a former professor at the University of Bremen, where he taught from 1971 to 2001. Most notably, Lautmann authored a book titled The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles. The book is based on his interviews with 60 men who admitted to sexually abusing young children, primarily boys.

Rüdiger Lautmann speaking at the SPDQueer Berlin conference, 2015.

“They really love the children, read their every wish, organize trips, buy toys and are only comfortable around children,” Lautmann says of the 60 pedophiles he interviewed.

Released in 1994, the book became popular with pedophiles for its sympathetic portrayal of adult attraction to children, which Lautmann described as a sexual orientation, and its repeated assertions that children are capable of sexual autonomy.

“For me, it is is very clear that there do exist relationships that do not require any intervention,” Lautmann wrote, “The children cling to their lovers, and can leave them any moment if they choose.”

In his book, Lautmann seeks to categorize what types of children pedophiles are attracted to, and conducted in-depth surveys of pedophiles on the characteristics, body types, and personality traits they most desired.

He features dozens of direct quotes from the pedophiles he interviewed graphically describing the sex acts they performed with the children they abused, some as young as 4 years-old.

“Even with a four-year-old something can happen,” Lautmann writes, “The pedophile, of course, wants his penis to be stimulated manually or orally. Only rarely will the children comply with this.”

Lautmann describes cues for “childish consent,” and suggests that pedophiles do not use force to secure compliance from children, but instead allows them to lead sexual activity.

“The vast majority of the encounters described appear to be based on consent,” Lautmann writes, prefacing descriptions of child sexual abuse by his interviewees. He also rejects the “prevailing line,” which he describes as an “unsatisfactory” argument that children are incapable of giving consent, stating that it is “based on deductions from normative foundations.” Lautmann also accuses “campaigns against child abuse” of “profiting” from the “strictness and simplicity” of current laws.

“Excited and attractively dressed, these little people – not to mention all their other qualities – embody something of the sensual side of our world; at least that’s how children are staged today,” writes Lautmann. “Pedophilia brings out something that no one wanted, but which objectively follows from the desire to beautify childhood.”

Following the book’s release, Lautmann spoke at an event hosted by pro-pedophile advocacy organization, the Specialist and Support Group for Pedophilia (Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie).

In 1995, Lautmann repeated the thesis of his book in an article for Pro Familia, a leading NGO which provides resources on sexual health. In Pro Familia’s official magazine, Lautmann’s article states: “Our study defines the term pedophile, distinguishes it from incest, abuse and sadism. We prove that such men exist. The thesis is therefore: The desire for a child is an independent and differentiated sexual form. Pedophilia is therefore a sexual orientation like any other and no longer a perversion.”

Eventually, Lautmann was forced to distance himself from his work after facing tremendous backlash. But he continued working closely with other prominent figures in the push to normalize pedophilia as an oppressed sexual orientation.

Throughout his career, Lautmann maintained a close relationship with notorious pedophile sexologist Helmut Kentler.

Beginning in 1969, Kentler’s project had placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles in an attempt to test his theory that pedophiles could make good foster fathers. Kentler had theorized that the pedophile’s attraction to children would result in a strong drive to take care of them.

“These people were able to put up with these [mentally] retarded boys only because they were in love with them, infatuated with them, crazy about them,” Kentler explained in 1970.

He also suspected the children would develop meaningful, loving relationships with their pedophile foster fathers, and would not experience any negative consequences if sexually abused by them.

Kentler’s project was approved by the Berlin Senate, and the pedophile foster fathers received monthly allowances from the government to care for the orphaned children.

Lautmann was also involved in a 1979 motion calling for the deletion of Section 176 of the German legal code, which would effectively eliminate the age of consent — a political goal that was supported by Kentler.

In 2008, Lautmann wrote Kentler’s obituary for the Humanist Union (HU), the board of which he sat on at the time. The Union describes itself as an “independent civil rights organization,” but had maintained coordination with a working group on human sexuality which explicitly advocated for the legalization of adult-child sex.

In addition to serving in a leadership position for the HU, Lautmann was a member of the pedophile lobbying organization Humane Sexuality Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität, AHS), a research project which pushed the narrative that “pedosexual contacts” could be “consensual” despite the age and power difference between a child and an adult. Lautmann published for the magazine, advocating for a legal separation between sex offenders and pedophiles. The HU only officially distanced itself from the AHS in 2004 following concerns over optics.

Lautmann has often warned against “moral panic” – a term often used in pedophile circles to portray those with child safeguarding concerns as unreasonable.

News of Lautmann’s position on the board spearheading the LGBT daycare centers featured prominently on the website of an active pro-pedophile lobbying group, Krumme-13 (K13Online), in a post which asserts that leaders within the organization “welcome the objectives” of the childcare facilities.

Krumme-13 advocates for lowering the age of consent to 12, and states: “Children from the age of 12 can decide for themselves whether they want to enter into a pedosexual relationship or not. Children’s right to sexual self-determination must be protected by the Basic Law.”

The blog post references a 1996 publication Lautmann coordinated for the AHS titled “Children and Sexuality” (Kind und Sexualität) which features writings from several prominent pro-pedophile activists. In addition to the “Children and Sexuality” pamphlet, the AHS privately printed a brochure on the topic of “Sexuality Between Children and Adults” in 1988, which argued for the decriminalization of pedophilic activities.

Krumme-13 is spearheaded by pedophile lobbyist Dieter Gieseking, who has filed a total of three petitions with the Bundestag, or parliament, calling on members of the political parties SPD (Socialist Democrats), FDP (Free Democratic Party) and the Greens to agree to an amendment to Article 3 which would protect pedophilia as a “sexual identity.”

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UK: Transgender Pedophile Targeted Vulnerable Inmate in Women’s Prison

Photo Source: Eddie Mitchell/THE DAILY MAIL

A serial pedophile currently incarcerated in a women’s prison in the UK has been made to move wings after it was discovered he had targeted a vulnerable female inmate for a “relationship,” as well as sexually harassed women in the prison.

John Stephen Dixon, 58, sexually abused five girls and two boys between 1989 and 1996. The youngest of the victims was just 7 years old at the time. In 2004, Dixon began identifying as a woman named “Sally Anne.”

Among the sordid details of Dixon’s crimes include having forced children to watch pornography as a grooming tactic, and plying the young victims with beverages spiked with alcohol. Dixon was finally arrested after a formal investigation into his assaults was launched in 2019.

Earlier this year, Dixon was convicted on 30 counts related to child sexual abuse for his campaign of horrific offenses against the seven children. Case prosecutor Ryan Richter labelled Dixon a “brazen and callous sexual predator” who exploited young boys and “cultivated a toxic relationship” with the young female victims.

In September, it was learned Dixon would be sent to a women’s prison in accommodation of his self-declared gender identity. The placement was made despite the fact that Dixon did not have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) — a document that legally alters a person’s sex marker on government-issued identification.

GRCs are typically required for biological male inmates who wish to be housed in women’s prisons. Less than 1% of trans-identified male prisoners without a GRC are currently accommodated in the female estate.

The decision to house Dixon in a women’s prison despite his lack of a GRC was a surprise to Dr. Kate Coleman of Keep Prisons Single Sex, a campaign group focused on incarcerated women’s rights, who told Reduxx it “came as a shock” to her.

“This person has a prolific history of serious sexual offences against children and has received a lengthy prison sentence. Despite his convictions, he has been sent to a women’s prison where he will serve his sentence alongside women, many of whom have themselves been the victims of child sexual abuse,” Dr. Coleman told Reduxx at the time.

But, in a disturbing new development reported in The Daily Mail, Dixon has had to be transferred to a different wing at HMP Bronzefield after starting a relationship with a woman who suffered from learning disabilities and mental health issues.

An anonymous source cited by the outlet stated: “The prisoner was vulnerable so we managed to get Dixon moved.”

The informant also explained that Dixon had been sexually harassing female prisoners and officials.

“Dixon was very outspoken about being transgender. There were a few instances when it was reported [he] had made inappropriate comments to some of the female prisoners, and possibly staff,” the source said.

“The comments were sexual stuff, flirtatious stuff. Once Dixon was allowed to associate with everyone else, it was very hard to keep an eye on [him]. [He] was told [he] wasn’t allowed to go into people’s rooms, but once they are unlocked we don’t have the staff to follow [him] around constantly.”

The source also reported that staff have been uneasy about male transfers into HMP Bronzefield and that they lack the resources to prioritize the safety of female inmates. “Staff do not like it. The ones that come [trans prisoners] have a history of sexually abusing others, or they come with male genitalia. We just don’t have the capacity to ensure the safety of the women.”

Though he was sentenced earlier this year, Dixon’s case came to widespread attention again last week following a case update issued by Sussex Police in which he was referred to as a “woman.”

Quickly, women’s rights advocates took to social media to point out Dixon’s biological sex and condemn Sussex Police for the inaccurate record, but the force began to lash back by scolding those who were misgendering the pedophile.

Sussex Police’s comments attracted massive outrage, with Twitter users condemning them for issuing what many noted appeared to be a thinly-veiled threat that hate crime charges could be pressed against commenters who pointed out that Dixon is male.

Though Sussex Police have now deleted those comments and issued a statement of apology, many have pointed out that Dixon was only able to abuse as many children as he had due to their historical inaction.

According to the prosecution during Dixon’s trial, some of the child victims had reported Dixon to Sussex Police in the early 1990s, when the abuse was still taking place. Yet no charges were brought against him at that time, and due to this lack of action by authorities, he was free for another 22 years.

A trans-identified male currently serves as the Hate Crime Ambassador for the Sussex Police force. David Monck, who calls himself Joanne Monck, advises the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner’s Office, and the South East Crown Prosecution Service. He is also a Stonewall Schools Role Model, meaning he has given talks at schools to children aged 11 to 18.

In 2021, local media We Are the City released a video of Monck for International Women’s Day wherein he describes being “imprisoned inside David’s body,” and “flooding David with my desires” until finally “David released me from his body” and “essentially died.”

Earlier this year, Sussex Police was praised as being “among the most inclusive” forces in the United Kingdom, with figures showing that almost 10% of their officers identified as gay or lesbian.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Hombre vestido con ropa de mujer viola a una mujer a punta de pistola en Oklahoma, EEUU

Arrestan a un travesti por agredir sexualmente y repetidamente a una mujer a punta de pistola en Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Brandon Herd está actualmente detenido bajo fianza de $ 210,000 por delitos que incluyen violación en primer grado y robo por fuerza o miedo tras el brutal asalto a una mujer en un motel el 27 de septiembre.

Esa mañana temprano, Herd se acercó a la habitación del motel de la víctima, llamó a la puerta y le preguntó si sabía dónde podía comprar drogas. Después de que ella dijera que no, Herd entró por la fuerza en su habitación blandiendo una pistola y golpeó a la mujer con ella.

En declaraciones a FOX23, el capitán Richard Meulenberg del Departamento de Policía de Tulsa declaró: “Entró a la fuerza a punta de pistola, y la golpeó. La obligó a meterse en la habitación del hotel y lamentablemente la violó. No solo una sino dos veces. Fue bastante horrible, la apuntaba con la pistola todo el tiempo”.

Parece ser que una persona mayor estuvo presente en la habitación todo el tiempo, indefensa mientras Herd apuntaba el arma a la cabeza de la víctima y la agredía repetidamente. Herd estaba vestido con ropa de mujer en el momento de cometer el crimen.

Herd saqueó la suite y robó las pertenencias personales de la víctima antes de escapar en un automóvil amarillo.

El 29 de septiembre, los empleados del motel llamaron a la policía al ver a Herd por la zona. Se inició una búsqueda en helicóptero en un intento de descubrir al hombre, pero la tripulación del helicóptero pensó al principio que habían seleccionado la persona equivocada porque Herd estaba vestido de mujer y pasó de largo.

La tripulación continuó su búsqueda hasta que más tarde se dio cuenta de que la persona inicial era en realidad Herd. Pudieron localizarlo por segunda vez, y finalmente lo arrestaron. Herd llevaba una peluca negra con diadema rosa, una camiseta ombliguera de flores y una falda negra en el momento de su arresto.

La víctima pudo identificar a Herd y vio que todavía estaba en posesión de sus pertenencias personales.

Además de los delitos de violación y robo, Herd también se enfrenta a un cargo relacionado con no haberse registrado como delincuente sexual, lo que indica que tenía una condena previa por delitos sexuales.

Reduxx es una nueva plataforma en pro de los derechos de la mujer y de los menores de edad con noticias y artículos. Somos 100% independientes! Colabora con nuestro proyecto uniéndote a nuestro Patreon

Man Dressed in Women’s Clothes Rapes Woman at Gunpoint in Oklahoma

A crossdressing man has been arrested after repeatedly sexually assaulting a woman at gunpoint in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Brandon Herd is currently being held on a $210,000 bond on charges including rape in the first degree and robbery by force or fear following a brutal assault on a woman at a motel on September 27.

During the early hours of the morning, Herd approached the motel room of the victim, knocking and asking her if she knew where he could buy drugs. After she said no, Herd threatened his way into her room by brandishing a gun and striking her with it.

Speaking to FOX23, Captain Richard Meulenberg of the Tulsa Police Department stated: “He forced his way in at gunpoint – hitting her with a pistol. And forcing her further into this room at this hotel and unfortunately committed this rape. Not only once but twice. It was pretty awful, he had the gun the entire time.”

A senior citizen was reportedly present in the room the entire time, helpless as Herd held a gun to the victim’s head while assaulting her repeatedly. Herd was dressed in women’s clothes while committing the crime.

Before leaving the room, Herd ransacked the suite — stealing the victim’s personal belongings before escaping in a yellow car.

On September 29, employees at the motel called police after spotting Herd in the area. A helicopter search was launched in an effort to track the man down, but the helicopter crew initially thought they had targeted the wrong person because Herd was dressed as a woman and moved on.

The crew continued their search, only later realizing it was in fact Herd. They were able to locate him a second time, and he was ultimately arrested. Herd was wearing a black wig with pink headband, floral crop-top, and black skirt at the time of his arrest.

The victim was able to identify Herd, and noted he was in possession of her items.

In addition to the rape and robbery charges, Herd is also facing a charge related to failing to register as a sex offender — indicating he had a previous conviction for sex crimes.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

“Trans-Muslima” Profiled In German News After Accusing Domestic Violence Shelter of Transphobia

A German trans-identified male was sympathetically profiled in local news after he accused a women’s domestic violence shelter of “transphobia” for not having the space to accommodate him.

Joyce van den Brink-Böhm, a white male who identifies as a Muslim woman, was featured in Ruhr Nachrichten on September 28 after he accused a women’s crisis shelter in Dortmund of “transphobia.”

In the article, Brink-Böhm, 55, says he was using the Women’s Information Network Against Violence website to locate a shelter which had capacity. The site provides data on women’s crisis centers across Germany, and has an easy-to-use guide in which shelters can signal their capacity by marking their location with a “green light” or a “red light.”

Brink-Böhm told Ruhr Nachrichten that he had been staying at a hotel with his 16-year-old daughter, fleeing an alleged situation of domestic violence. He frequently visited the Information Network to find crisis shelters with availability, and found a Dortmund-based women’s center with a “green light,” signaling capacity. He e-mailed the shelter, which responded that no space was available, but recommended he contact a counseling center or job board.

Brink-Böhm says he noticed the Information Center continued to indicate capacity at that shelter, leading him to believe he was only rejected due to transphobia. He explains that after he wrote the shelter an angry email accusing them of bigotry, the Information Center suddenly began to signal that the shelter had no more capacity.

The Dortmund shelter gave comment to Ruhr Nachrichten, and explained that there had been a delay in the update of their capacity status on the Information Network due to how busy they were, and that the rejection was not due to Brink-Böhm’s gender identity.

After the article was published to Ruhr Nachrichten‘s Twitter, some German women began condemning the platform given to Brink-Böhm, stating he had no place seeking accommodations in women’s crisis facilities.

“Men, regardless of their gender identity, do not belong in a women’s shelter. We should have special places for trans people, but such a person does not belong with traumatized women,” @NoRussianBottt replied.

“Biological men don’t belong in women’s shelters. These shelters house women and children who have survived rape and other violence. As a victim of male violence, you don’t want to sleep with a man next door, no matter how he ‘feels,'” Selena Broens responded to Ruhr Nachrichten‘s Twitter post.

The outlet rapidly began “hiding” replies which pointed out that Brink-Böhm was a male, and later published a statement on “netiquette” in which it encouraged readers to be respectful.

But one user pointed out something far more disturbing about Brink-Böhm that was omitted in the Ruhr Nachrichten profile.

“Joyce van den Brink is a fetishist who openly fetishizes women/Muslims and the veil. All things considered, it is shocking that you are helping him put pressure on women’s shelters,” user @MinaOartist wrote in response to Ruhr Nachrichten‘s Twitter post.

The user posted screenshots from a Pinterest account purportedly belonging to Brink-Böhm. It showed that the account curated images of Muslim women observing hijab, along with photos of men in lingerie, fetish gear, and males donning full niqabs. She also included a link to the account where she found the images.

Ruhr Nachrichten replied to her, claiming the link was non-functional and that it was otherwise impossible to verify that the account truly belonged to Brink-Böhm.

Reduxx found the Pinterest profile had still been caught in the Google cache, showing a clear photo of Brink-Böhm wearing a hijab and lipstick. Brink-Böhm is easily identifiable when compared to the photo used by Rur Nachrichten in their article on his experience attempting to access a domestic violence shelter.

Joyce van den Brink-Böhm

Brink-Böhm also has another Pinterest account using both his male and female names which curates similar content featuring photos of Muslim women, as well as medical drawings of genitalia.

On Twitter, Brink-Böhm has a largely-defunct account in which he appears in the same hijab as the one he is seen in on his Pinterest profile photo. In his bio, he calls himself “Trans*Muslima.” He appears to be following dozens of accounts focused on BDSM and race-play fetishism.

In one of his only tweets, Brink-Böhm posted a photo of high heels, captioning it: “my selection of clothing continues to grow.”

While some German women on Twitter continue to voice their concerns on Brink-Böhm to Ruhr Nachrichten on the sympathetic profile of an apparent fetishist, others are outraged that he is reportedly still seeking to access already-overburdened domestic violence resources.

There was a noted increase in domestic violence in Germany during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and violence against women by intimate partners is considered a widespread problem.

On average, there is one reported attempted homicide of a woman every single day in the nation, and one woman is murdered every 2.5 days by a partner or former partner.

The situation is particularly dire within the Muslim community, with statistics showing that 50% of German Muslim women have been the victims of domestic abuse.

Reduxx is a newly-launched independent source of pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding news and commentary. We’re 100% reader-funded! Support our mission by joining our Patreon, or consider making a one-time donation.

Periódico alemán publica perfil de hombre que se dice “transmusulmana” y que acusa al centro de ayuda a víctimas de violencia doméstica de transfobia

Un periódico local publica un perfil favorable de un hombre alemán trans-identificado después de que éste acusara a un refugio de violencia doméstica para mujeres de “transfobia” por no tener espacio para acogerlo.

Joyce van den Brink-Böhm, un hombre blanco que se identifica como mujer musulmana, salió en el periódico Ruhr Nachrichten el 28 de septiembre por acusar a un refugio para mujeres víctimas de violencia en Dortmund de “transfobia”.

En el artículo, Brink-Böhm, de 55 años, dice que estaba usando la página web Women’s Information Network Against Violence para localizar un refugio que tuviera sitio. La página proporciona datos sobre los centros de ayuda para mujeres en toda Alemania, y tiene una guía fácil de usar en la que los refugios indican su capacidad marcando su ubicación con una “luz verde” o una “luz roja”.

Brink-Böhm le dijo a Ruhr Nachrichten que se había estado alojando en un hotel con su hija de 16 años, huyendo de una supuesta situación de violencia doméstica. Dijo que visitaba con frecuencia la Red de Información para encontrar refugios con disponibilidad, y encontró un centro de mujeres con sede en Dortmund con sitio, señalizado con “luz verde”. Envió un correo electrónico al refugio, que respondió que no había espacio disponible, pero le recomendó que se pusiera en contacto con un centro de asesoramiento o un portal de empleo.

Brink-Böhm dice que notó que el Centro de Información continuaba indicando que había plazas en ese refugio, lo que lo llevó a creer que había sido rechazado únicamente debido a la transfobia. Explica que después de escribir al refugio un furioso correo electrónico donde los acusaba de intolerancia, el Centro de Información cambió la luz rápidamente para avisar que el refugio no tenía más capacidad.

El refugio de Dortmund explicó a Ruhr Nachrichten que había habido un retraso en la actualización de su estado de capacidad en la Red de Información debido a lo ocupados que estaban, y que la denegación de plaza no se debía a la identidad de género de Brink-Böhm.

Después de que el artículo fuese publicado en el Twitter de Ruhr Nachrichten, algunas mujeres alemanas mostraron su rechazo a la atención dada a Brink-Böhm, afirmando que estaba completamente fuera de lugar que buscase alojamiento en refugios para mujeres.

“Los hombres, independientemente de su identidad de género, no pintan nada en un refugio para mujeres. Deberíamos tener lugares especiales para las personas trans, pero esa persona no debería estar alojada con mujeres traumatizadas”, respondió @NoRussianBottt.

“Los hombres biológicos no deberían estar en los refugios para mujeres. Estos refugios albergan a mujeres y niños que han sido víctimas de violaciones y otros actos de violencia. Como víctima de violencia machista, no quieres dormir con un hombre al lado, no importa cómo ‘se sienta'”, respondió Selena Broens a la publicación de Ruhr Nachrichten en Twitter.

El periódico comenzó rápidamente a “ocultar” las respuestas que señalaban que Brink-Böhm era un hombre, y más tarde publicó una declaración sobre “netiqueta” en la que pedía a los lectores que fueran respetuosos.

Pero una tuitera mencionó algo mucho más preocupante sobre Brink-Böhm que se había omitido en el perfil de Ruhr Nachrichten.

“Joyce van den Brink es un fetichista que fetichiza abiertamente a las mujeres musulmanas y el velo. Pensándolo bien, lo que es increíble es que lo estéis ayudando a presionar a los refugios para mujeres”, escribió @MinaOartist en respuesta a la publicación de Ruhr Nachrichten en Twitter.

La tuitera publicó capturas de pantalla de una cuenta de Pinterest que supuestamente pertenece a Brink-Böhm. En la cuenta se podían ver imágenes de mujeres musulmanas con el hijab, junto con fotos de hombres en lencería, ropa fetiche y hombres con niqabs completos. También incluyó un enlace a la cuenta donde encontró las imágenes.

Ruhr Nachrichten le respondió alegando que el enlace no funcionaba y que así era imposible verificar que la cuenta realmente perteneciera a Brink-Böhm.

Reduxx descubrió que el perfil de Pinterest todavía estaba en el caché de Google, y se podía ver una foto que mostraba claramente a Brink-Böhm usando un hijab y lápiz de labios. Brink-Böhm es fácilmente identificable si se compara con la foto utilizada por Ruhr Nachrichten en su artículo sobre su experiencia al intentar acceder a un refugio para mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica.

Joyce van den Brink-Böhm

Brink-Böhm también tiene otra cuenta de Pinterest con sus nombre masculino y femenino que tiene un contenido similar de fotos de mujeres musulmanas y de dibujos médicos de genitales.

En Twitter, Brink-Böhm tiene una cuenta muy poco usada en la que aparece con el mismo hijab en el que se le ve en su foto de perfil de Pinterest. En su biografía, se llama a sí mismo “Trans*Musulmana”. Parece estar siguiendo a docenas de cuentas centradas en el BDSM y el fetichismo de rol de raza.

En uno de sus pocos tweets, Brink-Böhm publicó una foto de unos tacones altos, subtitulándola: “mi selección de ropa continúa creciendo”.

Mientras que algunas mujeres alemanas en Twitter continúan expresando a Ruhr Nachrichten su inquietud sobre Brink-Böhm por su perfil favorable de un aparente fetichista, otras están indignadas de que, según los informes, todavía esté tratando de acceder a unos recursos de violencia doméstica ya de por sí sobrecargados.

Hubo un aumento notable de la violencia doméstica en Alemania durante los confinamientos por COVID-19, y la violencia contra las mujeres por parte de sus parejas se considera un problema generalizado.

Como promedio, en Alemania se denuncia el intento de homicidio de una mujer todos los días, y una mujer es asesinada cada 2.5 días por una pareja o ex pareja.

La situación es particularmente grave dentro de la comunidad musulmana, con estadísticas que muestran que el 50% de las mujeres musulmanas alemanas han sido víctimas de abuso doméstico.

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Lesbian Politician Barred from Lesbian Conference For Gender Critical Views

An Austrian politician has been uninvited from a lesbian conference after organizers claimed her views on women’s sex-based rights went against their values. Member of Parliament Faika El-Nagashi was told her position did not align with the conference’s “trans inclusive” policy.

Organizers behind the EU-funded European Lesbian* Conference (EL*C) sent an email to El-Nagashi just a few hours before the event was due to start, informing her that she was no longer welcome. The email was titled “EL*C is a trans inclusive space.” 

In the email, EL*C stated the decision to bar El-Nagashi was based on her “recent public statements” which went against the organization’s “core values.” While it does not directly reference which of her statements was in violation of their policies, El-Nagashi told Reduxx that she can speculate on what it likely was.

“Before summer, I gave an extensive interview to a liberal weekly newspaper in Austria in which I … said it was a necessity to maintain the category of “woman” as based in material reality,” El-Nagashi says. “I also called for the protection of trans people from discrimination in the same interview. But afterwards, I was met with tremendous hostility. I assume this is what made it onto the board of the EL*C and led to me being excluded.”

The interview El-Nagashi is referring to was published in Der Standard in July of 2022. During the interview, she was critical of the demands of trans activists, and raised concerns about the ease with which hormone treatments were being prescribed to children. While she maintained that women’s rights should be based in the material reality of their sex, she also emphasized the need for trans people to be protected from discrimination. 

The article was met with backlash from trans activists in the European Union, who also took issue with her subsequent comments on social media. El-Nagashi says that the last-minute decision to disinvite her could have been due to pressure from donors, partners, individual activists or groups on or related to the EL*C board.

Rhonda D’Vine.

One member of the EL*C governing board who may have been the source of the initial complaints on El-Nagashi’s attendance is a trans-identified male from Austria.

On the EL*C’s website, Rhonda D’Vine is identified as “trans-feminine,” and is set to host a panel at the conference on bisexuality. He will also reportedly be leading the Dyke March.

El-Nagashi, who has been a social justice advocate all her life, is a member of parliament for the Austrian Green Party (Die Grunen) and the spokeswoman for the Party’s diversity and integration policy. She is one of the only outspoken gender critical politicians from a left-wing party in the European Union.

In a September 28 Twitter thread, El-Nagashi explained that she had a long history of collaboration with the EL*C organizers. She also says she has been heavily involved in the planning of the event in the past. 

The conference, which takes place in a different European city each year, states on its website that its definition of lesbian includes “anyone who identifies as lesbian, feminist, bi, trans or queer, and all those who feel connected to lesbian activism.”

The EL*C grew out of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), and is partially funded via grants from the European Commission. Their 2022 event is taking place in Budapest. 

The organization places an asterisk next to the word ‘lesbian’ to indicate they support the inclusion of trans-identified males in lesbian spaces.

“I was just getting ready to leave Vienna for Budapest when I read the email,” El-Nagashi told Reduxx. “I was truly shocked. The message was very impersonal.” She says the abrupt move was a major inconvenience as she had already arranged for accommodations, vacation time, and her travel.

“On a personal level, it is extremely painful to be ostracized like this,” El-Nagashi says. “On a political level, I think it is shameful and disastrous for the lesbian movement to be policing what women think, say, do and to then decide if they are allowed to be present or not.”

Just before the conference, the EL*C published a video made in collaboration with trans advocacy group Transgender Europe, in which they declare the trans and lesbian movements united in solidarity.

“Unfortunately, this seems to mean that the lesbian movement can no longer be united or in solidarity with lesbians.”

El-Nagashi explains that any project or organization which purports to be centered on lesbianism or women’s rights in the European Union is being forced to perform ideological purity tests to satisfy trans activists.

“It has to answer two questions: Are you trans inclusive? And what is your definition of woman/lesbian?” She notes that both questions must be answered within the framing of gender ideology if the organization is going to be allowed to survive financially or politically.

“There is a huge richness among lesbian and feminist activists, in terms of diversity of experience and expertise, backgrounds and biographies, positions and strategies. This is what we have to center. All the voices of lesbians. Not the wishes of some extreme activists who harm our movement and have moved it into a dead end,” El-Naghashi says.

“We have to restart and rebuild a resilient and unapologetic lesbian movement.”

Reduxx reached out to the European Commission, which provides funding to EL*C, for comment on one of their grant-holders excluding a lesbian activist for her views on sex. A request for comment was also sent to EL*C organizers. At the time of this article’s publishing, neither has responded.

EDITOR’S NOTE: At the request of Faika El-Nagashi, some direct quotes were changed in post-publishing.

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